Intelligent Reasoning

Promoting, advancing and defending Intelligent Design via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning and exposing the alleged theory of evolution as the nonsense it is. I also educate evotards about ID and the alleged theory of evolution one tard at a time and sometimes in groups

Friday, December 16, 2011

Mutation Rates Increase in Organisms Under Stress

OK, well, geez- someone was just asking for evidence for increased mutation rates after the Flood, so here it is:

Mutations induced by stress contribute significantly to spontaneous mutation

I am pretty sure the Flood event would be pretty stressful, as would the period of re-occupation.

So several HUNDRED alleles out of several BILLION attempts would seem easily achieved given known mechanisms of genetic recombination, inragenic recombination, insertions, deletions, inversions and stress-induced mutagenesis.


  • At 2:01 PM, Blogger The Reactionary Researcher said…

    Though somewhat of a heresy in biology, it seems relatively obvious to me that cells are respond to their environment not only biochemically, but in a 'genetic' manner as well. The facts are quite clear: eukaryotic cells maintain a number --the last time I was really current on this I think the number was 14 or 15--of different DNA polymerases, polymerases with different error rates that are employed under a differing circumstances. Were the cell interested solely in maintaining fidelity in the genome, these diverse polymerases with differing error rates, some of which completely lack proofreading capabilities, would never be employed.

    Combine this polymerases with the fact that they assemble onto other nucleoprotein complexes, determining which regions of DNA can be specifically targeted, then it seems that mutation is 'directed' in the sense that certain regions of DNA seem to be targeted for mutation under certain circumstances.

  • At 4:52 PM, Blogger Joe G said…

    The problem is evos insist on imposing their mechanism of random change into a Creation and/ or design scenario.


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