Thank you Taxachusetts!
Did hell freeze over?
Yesterday Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) elected a Republican to take the seat of the late Senator Ted Kennedy.
A Republican US Senator from Massachusetts, just when the President didn't want one.
A Blue-State going against the wishes of a Democratic President who, only some 14 months ago took that State by a whopping 26 points.
There may be hope for the USA after-all...
Did hell freeze over?
Yesterday Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) elected a Republican to take the seat of the late Senator Ted Kennedy.
A Republican US Senator from Massachusetts, just when the President didn't want one.
A Blue-State going against the wishes of a Democratic President who, only some 14 months ago took that State by a whopping 26 points.
There may be hope for the USA after-all...
At 2:06 PM,
Darren said…
Just goes to show that the tide is turning. Obama's lies, broken promises, exaggerations, & gaffes is starting to do him in.
At 7:00 AM,
Joe G said…
Hopefully this spills over to the mid-term elections...
At 3:49 PM,
blipey said…
Hope for what? Do you think that the American health care system is a fully functioning system with no problems and in need of no reform?
At 5:18 PM,
Joe G said…
Hope for what?
For the USA, after-all...
Do you think that the American health care system is a fully functioning system with no problems and in need of no reform?
Why just pick on health care?
Do you think everything else in America is fully functioning with no problems and in need of no reform?
At 6:24 PM,
blipey said…
Because Brown ran almost single-issue on "I'm the vote that will kill health care reform."?
So, why are you avoiding the question? Do you think that health care in this country is operating superbly and is in no need of any change?
At 6:39 PM,
Joe G said…
From what I heard Brown said that because that is what the people of Massachsetts want.
The alleged reform was hacked together in back-room and bathroom deals.
Also Brown doesn't even have a say.
The Senate already passed it.
If the House accepts the Senate's version then it goes to Obama- Brown will never be involved.
So, why are you avoiding the question?
Why do you avoid the questions I ask?
Do you think that health care in this country is operating superbly and is in no need of any change?
When I get through thinking about the real problems this country has I may get around to thinking about that insignificant issue.
If people eat right and take care of themselves then health care won't be an issue.
So perhaps the government should legislate what we eat, how many calories we can take in and that everyone has to do some physical activity for at least one hour each day.
But anyway what do you think the problem with health care is?
I say it is unhealthy lifestyles.
What do you say?
At 6:43 PM,
Joe G said…
That was my 10 second solution.
However methinks libertards are focusing on taking care of unhealthy people.
Bassackwards as usual.
Is that you clownie?
Don't fix the dam just keep switching fingers?
Fingers in the holes with one hand and a big fatty in the other-
Oh no who's going to light it!!!!!
At 10:04 PM,
blipey said…
If people eat right health care won't be a problem?
Are you serious?
A proper diet wards off all possible health issues? Have you checked with the medical community on this one, or are you relying on your 12 years of medical school and ground-breaking peroxide research?
At 10:07 PM,
blipey said…
I see you also avoided really answering the question. I assume that your ignoring of the question means that:
1. You think that the American health care system is currently operating superbly (perhaps even at optimum efficiency?)
2. There is no need of changing anything (this stance would include not cutting back on the billions of dollars the government currently spends on health care).
Somehow, I don't think that's cool with your base. But, since your response seems to indicate nothing is wrong, I guess we'll just have to take you at your silence.
At 10:17 AM,
Joe G said…
If people eat right health care won't be a problem?
That isn't all that I said assface.
I see you also avoided really answering the question.
All evidence to the contrary of course.
Again the problem with health care in the USA is the some or even most people who live here do not have healthy lifestyles.
For those with a pin-head like blipey "lifestyle" means more than diet.
But anyway what do you think the problem with health care is?
At 1:50 AM,
blipey said…
So, just to be clear (since you can't seem to actually work up the courage to answer the question):
You think that the American health care system is running at optimum efficiency and there need to be no changes made to the current system.
At 1:56 AM,
blipey said…
Also, does contracting hepatitis through a contaminated source such as food at a grocery store constitute "not taking care of yourself".
If it does, do you recommend that all human beings grow and raise all of their own food, without reliance on grocery stores, restaurants, farmers, or any other outside source of food?
At 10:19 AM,
Joe G said…
So to be clear- which is meaningless with a fucked-up clown named Erik Pratt- I answered your irrelevant question.
You know the question you asked under a false pretense.
blipey said:
Because Brown ran almost single-issue on "I'm the vote that will kill health care reform."?
Yet Brown doesn't have that option as the health-care bill has already passed the Senate.
Only if the House changes that bill will Brown get an opportunity to vote on it.
I went on to say:
If people eat right and take care of themselves then health care won't be an issue.
So perhaps the government should legislate what we eat, how many calories we can take in and that everyone has to do some physical activity for at least one hour each day.
IOW I am saying that health care in the USA is an issue because the people don't seem to be smart enough to live healthy lifestyles.
PREVENTION is the key.
And that Erik Pratt is too much of an ignorant asshole to understand that simple and basic fact, it thinks I didn't answer the question.
I would bet if we put that to the doctors and health care practitioners they would agree with me.
Healthy lifestyles leads to healthy people who do not need the care that unhealthy people with unhealthy lifestyles need.
IOW we could cut the costs of care more than half if my plan was followed.
IOW as any normal person can see I have answered clownie's nonsense.
However clownie- being a clown with a one-track mind- thinks that health care is the only problem with this country.
Too bad people who know understand that health care is low on this list of issues with the USA.
So why is clownie focusing on health care?
And why doesn't it want to tell us what it thinmks the problem with health care is?
Now to remove any doubt that it is an asshole it says:
Also, does contracting hepatitis through a contaminated source such as food at a grocery store constitute "not taking care of yourself".
It must stay up nights just thinking of ways to prove its assholiness.
How many people have contracted hepatitis through contaminated sources of food at a grocery store?
Now compare that to the number of obsese people and smokers.
I can't believe I have to say this but Erik is just too fucking stupid to think-
If someone gets sick through no fault of their own well we have doctors for that you moron.
I never said to get rid of hospitals and doctors.
Living a healthy lifestyle is not a guarantee from injury nor illness.
However living an unhealthy lifestyle guarantees injuries and illness.
Prevention is the way to go.
Only moronic imbeciles cannot understand that.
(cue blipey...)
At 10:32 AM,
blipey said…
People contract all sorts of diseases (hepatitis included) from food in grocery stores, restaurants, and the like. Call your city health department to check on the statistics in your town-most of them publish the information on the web now-a-days.
As for your plan, where to start?
I guess your plan (if it can be called that) is to make everybody eat healthier. You've posited no other action, so I'm taking you at your word. I suppose the government could legislate what we eat, but I don't think most people would be for that. So I think your plan won't even get out of the gate.
Just for the hell of it though, let's say that the people and the government did manage to put (and keep) laws on the book that regulate hat and how people can eat (we'll call it the JoeTard Plan).
This may make a few people healthier, but it ignores giant swaths of the population: those who have inherited genetic defects, those involved in crippling accidents, those who contract hepatitis through no fault of their own, and on and on.
The 2 Step JoeTard health care plan falls down on almost every count.
So, answer the question. You are pathologically predisposed to avoid questions, perhaps the JoeTard Plan could have a subsection to help you deal with this.
Do you think that the current American Health Care System is operating at optimum efficiency and in no need of any changes?
This is a yes or no question.
At 10:58 AM,
Joe G said…
Erik proves his ignorance and stupidity:
I guess your plan (if it can be called that) is to make everybody eat healthier. You've posited no other action, so I'm taking you at your word.
I have posited other action.
IOW you are still incapable of following along.
I suppose the government could legislate what we eat, but I don't think most people would be for that. So I think your plan won't even get out of the gate.
I have already been over that.
This may make a few people healthier, but it ignores giant swaths of the population: those who have inherited genetic defects, those involved in crippling accidents, those who contract hepatitis through no fault of their own, and on and on.
Where is your supporting data?
A clown's word is meaningless.
My plan would make the vast majority of people healthy.
Then there would only be a few- genetic issues can be handled epigenetically.
Also a healthy lifestyle should cut down on genetic defects because those defects are caused by unhealthy living.
Do you think that the current American Health Care System is operating at optimum efficiency and in no need of any changes?
I have already said that it is not because the people are not living healthy lifestyles.
IOW once again you prove that you area piece of shit moron.
Do you really think that helps you try to make a point?
Also why are you ignoring the fact that your pretense for starting this ignorant tangent has been exposed?
IOW why are you picking on health care when there are other more pressing issues to contend with?
At 5:43 PM,
blipey said…
So, your answer is no. See, that wasn't hard. JoeTard believes that the American Health Care system is not operating at optimum efficiency.
Easy peasy.
Now, let's see if we can find all of the actions Joe has posited in his JoeTard Plan. Blipey has claimed that the only posited action is legislation of how and what people can eat and how long they must exercise. Let's see if this is true.
Joe: comments that maybe things besides health care need reform.
Nope, no action there.
Joe's next comment: bitching about "real problems" (so the Health Care System is nt really a problem in Joe's mind--good to know), then we get this nugget--So perhaps the government should legislate what we eat, how many calories we can take in and that everyone has to do some physical activity for at least one hour each day.
Joe advocates that Congress legislate what Americans eat and how they exercise.
Joe's next comment: name calling
Joe's next comment: name calling
Joe's next comment: reiterates that Congress should legislate what Americans eat and how they exercise. more name calling
Joe's next comment: "I have posited other action."
Well, don't that beat all? Maybe you could point to place where you said any other action should be taken besides legislating what we eat and how we exercise?
At 9:14 PM,
Joe G said…
I gave that answer days ago assface.
Also I never posited a plan.
You must be very proud to be such an asshole.
All I said is that prevention is the best way to go.
And guess what? That is what the experts say also.
BTW I take it that you are ignorant of the word "lifestyle".
There are actions that need to be taken to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
IOW why do you always think that your ignorance is meaningful discourse?
And why have you avoided all questions asked of you in this thread?
Do you really think that being a piece of shit wussy helps your case?
And these aren't name-calling- you have earned everything I have said.
At 9:42 PM,
Joe G said…
blipey picks on health care as the only problem with the USA.
He says his reason is because something Brown said during his campaign.
When I point out that Brown said that because that is what the people in MA want- and that Brown doesn't get to vote on it because the Senate already passed it- blipey the pinhead ignores all that.
At 11:22 PM,
Joe G said…
Small list of malfunctions that are more important than health care- in no particular order:
1- Iraq
2- Iran
3- North Korea
4- Afghanistan
5- Infrastructure
6- Education
7- Employment
8- Poverty
9- Pollution
10- homeland security
11- Military
12- energy
13- prison system
14- agriculture- (need to have cities grow their own food in high-rise green houses)
I could go on but do I really need to?
At 12:47 PM,
blipey said…
Hmmm. I never said or implied that health care is the only problem in this country.
I'm also just taking you at your word. You said "I have posited other action."
You said this even though it is demonstrably not true.
It's not my fault you're an idiot.
So, as of your last comment, I take it that your Health Care Plan consists if the following:
1. Legislate what Americans eat.
2. Legislate how Americans exercise.
3. Legislate what lifestyles Americans can lead (whatever that means).
And you think our current crop of legislators have offered u a stpid plan....
At 2:21 PM,
Joe G said…
I never said or implied that health care is the only problem in this country.
The way you are harping on it says otherwise.
You could have picked any number of more imporatant issues yet you harp on health care.
Even when I told you that your premise for picking on health care was faulty you blathered on, undaunted by your exposed stupidity.
I'm also just taking you at your word. You said "I have posited other action."
You said this even though it is demonstrably not true.
Yet I demonstrated it is true.
IOW don't blame me because you are an imbecile.
So, as of your last comment, I take it that your Health Care Plan consists if the following:
Take it up the ass if you like.
I never posited a heath care plan.
That was never my point.
My point is the health care system is over-burdened by unhealthy people who are that way due to their own personal choices.
As I said PREVENTION is the best way to go.
And I know the bulk of the health-care professionals agree with me.
BTW buy a dictionary and look up the the word lifestyle.
What a putz...
At 3:56 PM,
blipey said…
Okay, so when we were talking about actions and you said you had suggested other actions, you were lying. That's fine. You can take this opportunity to put forward your ideas for actions to be taken regarding health care.
Or, we can leave at your last statement--that you couldn't care less about health care (which is fine) and that you lied when you said you had suggested other actions (also fine).
At 4:19 PM,
Joe G said…
OK changing lifestyles is other actions assface.
And that "last statement" you referred to- I called you a putz...
So what we have is a dumbass clown trying to badger me because that is all it knows to do.
Please Erik, tell me when you come back to New Hampshire and where and when you will be performing.
At 4:09 PM,
blipey said…
Are you threatening me with something? Heckling or bombing a show or something? Why would you be interested in knowing when and where I perform?
At 4:11 PM,
blipey said…
Changing lifestyles is an action, but not necessarily as related to our discussion, Joe. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt, I covered that in you wanting Congress to legislate American lifestyles.
So, unless you would like to point out where you proposed an action that is related to a Health Care Plan, we haven't moved on.
At 8:29 PM,
Joe G said…
Changing lifestyles is an action, but not necessarily as related to our discussion, Joe.
It would depend what that lifestyle is- it could require many changes to many aspects- diet, activity, drinking, smoking, drugs, sleep habits- IOW many actions.
The point is and always has been prevention is the best way to go.
A good example is the money flowing into Haiti could have been better spent building it right BEFORE the earthquake.
New Orleans- build in a bowl below sea-level you had damn well be sure the walls can hold back the forces on the other side BEFORE those forces are applied.
And all that said as I posted what I said would work, is endorsed by most, if not all, health-care professionals and only took me 10 seconds to put together.
The reason we spend so much on health care is that we, the people of the USA in general, lead unhealthy lifestyles that require a few actions to correct.
So perhaps we don't tell you what you can eat but we regulate what can stores can sell.
We tax fast-food joints out of existence.
We tax tobacco out of the USA.
We tax refined sugar and all products it is used in, soda- especially diet soda- out of the USA.
We clean up our polluting ways.
Companies who excercise together get tax breaks.
Tax breaks based on health.
Tax breaks to locally produced foods- the farms in high-rise idea that has been kicking around.
As for "our discussion" fuck you.
This thread is about what transpired in Massachusetts last Tuesday.
It was a historical event.
You then turned that into some agenda-driven irrelevant tangent.
And fuck me for allowing you to continually hijack threads with your ignorant-laiden spewage.
Brown won- Obama was smacked across the head in every major election since he took office and all you can do is throw a tantrum about something people can control with a little thought and responsibility.
Libertards are so pathetic...
When the people of Massachusetts give Kennedy's seat to a Republican it sends a message saying time to pull your libertard heads out of your libertard asses.
At 9:01 PM,
blipey said…
No, it would depend on how you plan to enACT this idea, Joe. If it is a part of your plan, it must be legislated.
At 9:09 PM,
blipey said…
Okay, Joe. Which legislators do you think are going to tell Big Tobacco, Big Oil, and Big McDonald's what they can do?
The GOP? Too funny. They're bought and sold by corporate America.
The Dems? Not likely. Too little resolve and too prone to pander to the whatever they believe the middle is.
That said, the closest anyone has gotten to actually changing the way America does health care is the Democrats. They ran on a platform promising change and put forward plans to change the fabric of health care. They then got into office and reneged on almost all of it.
The GOP (by nature) stands up for opposing change. Point to a plan to change health care that originated with the GOP.
You can bitch all you want about people throwing tantrums (whatever that means you name-calling, irrational bastard (see what I did there?), but that doesn't mean you get away with stating what reality is and having everyone believe you.
At 6:59 AM,
Joe G said…
But anyway, clownie, what do you think the problem with health care is?
And in your opinion is health care more important than any of the other issues I listed? If yes please explain.
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