385 Parts Per Million!
The CO2 "concentration" in our atmosphere is a paultry 385 parts per million (ppm).
During the Jurassic Period it was 1950 ppm.
Life thrived during the Jurassic.
There are people saying that man has caused the climate to change from our dumping too much CO2 into the atmosphere.
Yet they cannot offer up any numbers-for example how much CO2 will cause climate change?
They show us graphs that upon closer inspection showing the CO2 concentration lagging the temperature rise- that means the temperture rising is causing the atmospheric CO2 to increase.
When asked about that they offer nothing.
Their only tactic is to attack any and everyone who questions their dogma.
If anyone wants to discuss climate change please bring the scientific data you would like to talk about and we can go from there.
The CO2 "concentration" in our atmosphere is a paultry 385 parts per million (ppm).
During the Jurassic Period it was 1950 ppm.
Life thrived during the Jurassic.
There are people saying that man has caused the climate to change from our dumping too much CO2 into the atmosphere.
Yet they cannot offer up any numbers-for example how much CO2 will cause climate change?
They show us graphs that upon closer inspection showing the CO2 concentration lagging the temperature rise- that means the temperture rising is causing the atmospheric CO2 to increase.
When asked about that they offer nothing.
Their only tactic is to attack any and everyone who questions their dogma.
If anyone wants to discuss climate change please bring the scientific data you would like to talk about and we can go from there.
At 5:25 PM,
blipey said…
Ah yes; surprisingly JoeG ignores reality, closes a thread and still doesn't answer a question. Color me amazed.
So, anywho...how much CO2 is released into theatmosphere by "nature acting freely"?
At 7:26 PM,
Joe G said…
Actually reality says that blipey the ignorant ignored all my questions.
Color me amazed.
But anywho I have no intention of answering any of your questions until you start answering mine.
BTW reality also says that I answered your original question only to have you change it.
Go figure...
At 7:27 PM,
Joe G said…
And what reality am I ignoring?
Please be specific.
Prediction- clownie won't answer that question.
At 7:30 PM,
Joe G said…
Pull your head out of your ass for one fucking minute-
If you are not going to answer my questions- I will not answer yours.
It is that simple.
Prediction 2- Erik will ignore that also because he likes his head up his ass- He can tickle his prostate with his tongue.
Yum, yum clownie.
At 11:26 PM,
blipey said…
Let's see. Order of events:
1. blipey asks a question
2. JoeG says he won't answer the question.
3. JoeG claims that blipey must answer his question before he'll answer the very first question that was asked.
That makes sense.
Soooooooo...how much CO2 is released into the atmosphere by "nature acting freely"?
An interesting side question:
Why does JoeG think the answer to this question is dependent upon the motivations of any one person?
At 9:33 AM,
Joe G said…
The REAL order of events:
blipey asks a couple of questions:
In your opinion, what do you think the carbon we release into the atmosphere does? And how much more do we release than nature operating freely (you like that one?)?
I answer theose questions:
In your opinion, what do you think the carbon we release into the atmosphere does?
Carbon or carbon dioxide?
The CO2 floats around until it gets absorbed.
It's the CO2 that the US Supreme Court in its ignorance labeled a pollutant.
And how much more do we release than nature operating freely (you like that one?)?
Just humans vs. nature, operating freely, for EXAMPLE volcanic discharge, I would say nature wins.
We have ice records that show that before humans were allegedly around there was a high concentration of CO2- higher than today.
But if we include all agencies on this planet then it would be much, much closer.
And humans vs all other plantary agencies the agencies out produce us even given our artificial CO2 production.
But what we produce along with that CO2- the soot- is the real problem.
Ya see when that falls back to Earth some (most?) falls on the snowcaps and glaciers.
This turns white snow blacker.
And we all know that that white snow reflects but darker colors absorb.
The sunlight hits the soot, the soot absorbs the rays and gets hot.
This surface heat melts the snow/ ice below it.
That melt-off bores a hole and starts collecting.
In some cases it collects enough to start melting away at the bottom also.
It then acts as lubrication to bring the whole sheet sliding away.
All that without raising the atmospheric temperature.
But anyways I take it that you cannot present any scientific data that supports the claim that man-made CO2 is the cause of this climate change.
That is what I thought.
blipey, being a crybaby, then changes one of the questions and starts acting like a psychopath.
As for your loaded side question:
Why does JoeG think the answer to this question is dependent upon the motivations of any one person?
That is not what I think. Asa matter of fact that has nuthin' to do with it.
So blipey can't get the order of events correct and he won't answer my questions.
If you won't answer my questions why should I CONTINUE to answer yours?
But anyways thank you for fulfilling both of my predictions.
At 11:43 PM,
blipey said…
How much, Joe? That's really a simple question and you have not answered it. Merely reposting your non-answer doesn't mean that you have now answered it.
So, how much CO2 is released into the atmosphere by "nature acting freely"? Compare this to the total amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.
I was going to give you a pass on this last part, but since you did repost the actual question, I guess you'll have to answer it in full.
At 6:59 AM,
Joe G said…
How much blipey? That's really a simple question and you have not answered it.
Merely reposting your questions doesn't mean you have answered my questions.
So how much CO2 can our atmosphere hold before that CO2 causes the climate to change?
Compare that to the 385 ppm there is in the atmosphere today.
If anyone wants to discuss climate change please bring the scientific data you would like to talk about and we can go from there.
So clownie refuses to answer my questions and refuses to stay on-topic.
Go figure...
At 7:29 PM,
blipey said…
Joe. I asked first. It's that simple. Answer the question, you douche.
At 8:32 PM,
Joe G said…
Until you answer my questions I will not answer any of yours- ever.
It is that simple you freak.
And when you pull the "I asked first" kindergarten shit it proves my point that you are the shit that douches clean out.
What part of that don't you understand?
At 8:40 PM,
Joe G said…
blipey's original questions, which I answered:
In your opinion, what do you think the carbon we release into the atmosphere does? And how much more do we release than nature operating freely (you like that one?)?
Contrasted with:
So, how much CO2 is released into the atmosphere by "nature acting freely"? Compare this to the total amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.
I have answered your first two questions.
But seeing that you have to lie about that also- even though the evidence is right above for all to see- it proves that having a discussion with you is impossible.
As if I needed any more evidence...
At 10:11 PM,
blipey said…
You have not answered the question, Joe--as can be seen by reading the threads concerned.
At 6:47 AM,
Joe G said…
I have answered the following questions YOU presented:
In your opinion, what do you think the carbon we release into the atmosphere does? And how much more do we release than nature operating freely (you like that one?)?
As can be seen above and in the original thread, which I linked to above.
And I will never answer another question from you until you answer the following:
How much CO2 can our atmosphere contain before it causes the climate to change?
It is that simple asshole.
At 6:32 AM,
blipey said…
Nope. You haven't answered any of those questions, Joe.
At 6:58 AM,
Joe G said…
All evidence to the contrary of course.
IOW all blipey can do is lie.
So if lying is all you have why even bother posting?
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