Just TOOOOO Funny!!!
The anti-IDists are getting banned from pro-ID blogs because they spew nonsense and never substantiate their claims.
I recognize their nonsense and let them know it.
They don't like it so the whine like little school-girls.
Over on Uncoomon Descent PaulT whines his way into the blog with:
I call 'em as I see 'em bitch.
To stop me from using that language just stop lying and acting like clowns.
But whining to the moderator just makes you look like a wussy.
Evolve a backbone- Too funny...
The anti-IDists are getting banned from pro-ID blogs because they spew nonsense and never substantiate their claims.
I recognize their nonsense and let them know it.
They don't like it so the whine like little school-girls.
Over on Uncoomon Descent PaulT whines his way into the blog with:
You have, of course, every right to ban the likes of h.pesoj and Voice Coil, and it is helpful that you have given reasons for doing so. However I sense a certain irony when your explanation comes immediately after a comment by Joseph in which he calls his opponents clowns and liars. How long would an ID sceptic last here using that sort of approach?
I call 'em as I see 'em bitch.
To stop me from using that language just stop lying and acting like clowns.
But whining to the moderator just makes you look like a wussy.
Evolve a backbone- Too funny...
At 5:59 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
At 7:24 PM,
Joe G said…
Thanks Rich.
Thanks to your link I fond that Jeffrey Shallit is more of a dupe than I first thought.
At 12:26 AM,
Unknown said…
Sticks 'n' stones, Joe, sticks 'n' stones. The comment had the desired results - it helped put you into moderation (however temporary that may be), it pointed out, in a small way, part of the rampant hypocrisy that goes on over at UD, and it pissed you off!
At 6:58 AM,
Joe G said…
I call 'em as I see 'em wussy boy.
BTW I have been moderated there before.
It isn't any big deal.
If I was banned from there it wouldn't be any big deal.
Ya see wussy-boy I have my own blog and do not need to post on any other blog.
What I like doing on other blogs is to expose the rampant ignorance in people who oppose ID.
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