George Brooks Misrepresents/ Lies about ID, Again
Over on Peaceful Science they have many clowns and others who pretend to be interested in science. George Brooks is one of the clowns. Read what this clueless asshole sez:
George is lying when he says that we think we can study the designer.
ID is about the DESIGN, George. ID does NOT say anything about the DESIGNER, let alone try to study said DESIGNER.
And guess what, George? The DESIGN can be scientifically studied. And it still remains that any given design inference can be falsified just by demonstrating that natural, as opposed to artificial, processes can produce it.
So ID has the positive case, ie the existence of discrete combinatorial objects, and the means to falsify it.
But George is ignorant of science. Perhaps it would be a good idea if the alleged scientists over there at least tried to educate the fool. Whoops, that's right. Even they have difficulty with the concept.
Everything we know of the alleged designers of the artifacts that have been found is through studying those artifacts and all relevant evidence.
George is a clueless loser.
Over on Peaceful Science they have many clowns and others who pretend to be interested in science. George Brooks is one of the clowns. Read what this clueless asshole sez:
This differs from the I.D. community: they think God is real (check!). They think God can be studied scientificially (Nope!).Wrong on both counts, George. ID doesn't have anything to do with God, even though some or even most IDists accept that God is real. Also ID has NEVER been about the DESIGNER so clearly ID does not even try to study the DESIGNER.
George is lying when he says that we think we can study the designer.
ID is about the DESIGN, George. ID does NOT say anything about the DESIGNER, let alone try to study said DESIGNER.
And guess what, George? The DESIGN can be scientifically studied. And it still remains that any given design inference can be falsified just by demonstrating that natural, as opposed to artificial, processes can produce it.
So ID has the positive case, ie the existence of discrete combinatorial objects, and the means to falsify it.
But George is ignorant of science. Perhaps it would be a good idea if the alleged scientists over there at least tried to educate the fool. Whoops, that's right. Even they have difficulty with the concept.
Everything we know of the alleged designers of the artifacts that have been found is through studying those artifacts and all relevant evidence.
George is a clueless loser.
At 1:43 AM,
JV said…
. . . so clearly ID does not even try to study the DESIGNER.
Thanks for confirming what I've been saying for a long time: ID proponents are not interested in researching anything about the 'designer'.
At 6:13 AM,
Joe G said…
But you are an imbecile and are scientifically illiterate.
AGAIN- ID is NOT about the DESIGNER. THAT has NOTHING to do with what you said, loser.
Tell me, asshole, how do you expect us to study the designer(s)? We can't do that with archaeology.
You do realize that if we could study the designer(s) then we wouldn't need science to help us determine design exists. Oh, that's right, you don't know jack about science, anyway.
ID does NOT prevent anyone from trying to figure out who the designer was. And only a moron would think we have to know anything about the designer in order to determine design exists
At 6:47 AM,
JV said…
Tell me, asshole, how do you expect us to study the designer(s)? We can't do that with archaeology.
Actually, that is the whole point of archaeology: to study and learn about the history of human beings that is documented in physical artefacts. But since you don't really understand archaeology you wouldn't know that.
You do realize that if we could study the designer(s) then we wouldn't need science to help us determine design exists. Oh, that's right, you don't know jack about science, anyway.
Yup, that's why Christians had to create the idea of intelligent design: they couldn't demonstrate that God exists except by claiming some things were designed. And, after that, they lose interest except to attack unguided evolutionary theory.
ID does NOT prevent anyone from trying to figure out who the designer was. And only a moron would think we have to know anything about the designer in order to determine design exists
If there was no designer then the design inference is incorrect. Which is why ID proponents just keep insisting their design inference is correct, they've got nothing else. What they should do is look for more evidence of a designer. Like equipment, labs, methods of implementing design. But no one does 'cause it was God who somehow doesn't need any of those things.
ID is called a science stopper for good reason: no ID proponent is doing any research or experiments about what is claimed to be designed. IF you really want to convince people that there was a designer who implemented some master design (when was that by the way? And how exactly?) then look for some physical evidence that there was such a being around. Find some tools, find some equipment, find some living quarters, find . . . something.
Unless you agree it was God in which case I guess you don't have to do jack shit.
At 9:04 AM,
Joe G said…
Wow, what a dunce. We do NOT study the designers with respect to archaeology. What they do is study the DESIGNs and all relevant evidence.
And guess what? That is ID. But YOU are too stupid to be able to understand anything.
And your history is all fucked up, too. ID was started by the ancient Greeks.
The DESIGN is evidence enough for a DESIGNER, moron. And your side still has NOTHING to explain what we observe.
ID is a science stopper only to the willfully ignorant who don't know what science is. YOUR entire position is a science stopper, asshole.
ID has the science and the evidence. All you have is your willful ignorance and your imbecilic nature.
At 9:30 AM,
Joe G said…
We do NOT know who designed and built Stonehenge. The best archaeologists can say is "humans did it". Humans are not a who. But if that is OK then ID's "non-human" is also OK.
Have we found the living quarters of the designers and builders of Stonehenge? No one knows. Have we found any equipment for designing and building Stonehenge? Anybody's guess.
Heck with most artifacts we don't know the "how". And those are artifacts we can reproduce if we had the $$$.
So, not only is Jerad incapable of reading for comprehension, his own examples prove that he is totally clueless.
At 10:35 AM,
JV said…
Wow, what a dunce. We do NOT study the designers with respect to archaeology. What they do is study the DESIGNs and all relevant evidence.
You don't do any of those things, you're not an archaeologist. Clearly.
The modern version was clearly started in the 1980s and 1990s. That's documented. And the reasons were nicely laid out in the infamous 'wedge' document.
The DESIGN is evidence enough for a DESIGNER, moron. And your side still has NOTHING to explain what we observe.
If your design inference is wrong AND you have no other evidence for a designer, you got nothing at all. Which is just about the state of things isn't it?
ID is a science stopper only to the willfully ignorant who don't know what science is. YOUR entire position is a science stopper, asshole.
Strange no one can tell me a good ID research agenda. All you ever say is: we're still studying the design. Who is studying the design? We already have lpts of complete genomes to look at. Where is all the ID research? Like: have you found a mechanism in cells that can induce beneficial mutations? No? Are you even looking? Is anyone looking? I don't think so.
ID has the science and the evidence. All you have is your willful ignorance and your imbecilic nature.
Then there should be some recent and up-to-date ID textbooks. But, guess what? There aren't any. There's nothing to say except: we can't figure out how unguided processes created this or that so it must be designed. Nothing to say after that.
We do NOT know who designed and built Stonehenge. The best archaeologists can say is "humans did it". Humans are not a who. But if that is OK then ID's "non-human" is also OK.
What non-humans? Have you ever found material evidence of where they lived or were buried? No. But we have those things for the humans around at the time of Stonehenge. No one expects to point to a particular person.
Have we found the living quarters of the designers and builders of Stonehenge? No one knows. Have we found any equipment for designing and building Stonehenge? Anybody's guess.
We do have some of those things, yes. We have lots and lots of burials right there and in the surrounding area. I've been to some myself. AND while we will never know for sure how the stones were transported and set up experiments have shown several techinques that would have worked. Do you have anything like that for your designer? Nope.
Heck with most artifacts we don't know the "how". And those are artifacts we can reproduce if we had the $$$.
Gee, that's why some people do experiments to see if they can figure out the how. You really know nothing about archaeology.
So, not only is Jerad incapable of reading for comprehension, his own examples prove that he is totally clueless.
Let me know when you come up with an ID research agenda. Or even an up-to-date ID textbook that explains all the ID science that's being done. Or if you can show that someone, anyone, is looking for a mechanism in cells that affects mutations.
At 11:06 AM,
Joe G said…
You don't do any of those things,
Go fuck yourself, loser.
No one can demonstrate the design inference is wrong.
Strange that you think your willful ignorance is an argument.
Where is the blind watchmaker research? What advancements have been made in the name of blind watchmaker evolution?
There is plenty of evidence for non-humans. Just look at Great Britain's UFO disclosures.
YOU don't have any idea if those burials were of the builders and designers.
And we have Dr. Venter who has synthesized an entire genome.
Let me know when there is a textbook for materialism or evolutionism. Let me know what experiments they are doing.
You can't even read nor stay on topic. You are just a pathetic waste of skin, Jerad.
At 11:25 AM,
JV said…
Go fuck yourself, loser.
Typical, you can't provide an ID research agenda or a mechanism in cells that affects mutations or even an up-to-date ID textbook so you resort to abuse. Good science practice!
No one can demonstrate the design inference is wrong.
If you can't find a design then it's wrong.
Where is the blind watchmaker research? What advancements have been made in the name of blind watchmaker evolution?
Without evidence of something affecting mutations it's all unguided. Isn't it? And you can't find evidence of something that's affecting mutations.
There is plenty of evidence for non-humans. Just look at Great Britain's UFO disclosures.
Show me one. Show me some material object from an alien being. You can't. Sounds like your approach to science is to just SWAG it.
YOU don't have any idea if those burials were of the builders and designers.
They came from the same time as some of the phases of construction. You haven't even read the Wikipedia article about Stonehenge have you? You're just flapping your lips with nothing to say.
And we have Dr. Venter who has synthesized an entire genome.
Is he your designer then? AND, guess what? We have papers he's published, we know what kind of equipment he uses. His work has been peer-reviewed. He actually exists, your designer doesn't.
Let me know when there is a textbook for materialism or evolutionism. Let me know what experiments they are doing.
Unless you can find a mechanism that's affecting mutations it's all unguided evolution. Maybe you should work on that.
You can't even read nor stay on topic. You are just a pathetic waste of skin, Jerad.
You don't see me believing aliens have visited earth. You don't see me believing in some mythical designer who no one has seen or heard. You don't see me insisting that there is some mechanism in cells that affects mutations when NO ONE is even looking for such a thing. They're not looking 'cause they know it doesn't exist!!
At 11:37 AM,
Joe G said…
What a dumbass. Was there a blind watchmaker research agenda BEFORE Charles Darwin wrote his book?
There isn't any scientific theory of evolution by means of blind and mindless processes.
Without evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce living organisms, you have nothing.
Without evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce the codes that rule organisms, you have nothing.
Without evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce the components required to carry out those codes in organisms, you have nothing.
We have found a mechanism that affects mutations. Your ignorance means nothing.
The EVIDENCE for the DESIGNER is not going away just because you are a willfully ignorant ass, Jerad.
I don't believe aliens visited the earth. I accept it as fact. Your ignorance means nothing to me.
Stonehenge- just cuz people are buried there doesn't mean they had anything to do with its design and construction. It has been studied for centuries and we still know very little about it. EVERYTHING we do know came from those centuries of investigation.
Only a cowardly loser would think ID has to do more with less, especially given the scope of the issue.
At 11:57 AM,
Joe G said…
As a matter of fact, there is more evidence for ET's and bigfoot than for materialism and its bastard child, evolutionism.
At 4:33 PM,
JV said…
If you can't find a design then it's wrong.
My mistake; obviously I meant to say 'if you can't find a designer'.
What a dumbass. Was there a blind watchmaker research agenda BEFORE Charles Darwin wrote his book?
Darwin wasn't the only one trying to figure out what caused speciation. Wallace, for example, ended up heading down a similar path. But, yes, the publication of The Origin of Species started a paradigm shift which eventually took over all the biological research. But it did take some time. What you don't see is ANY ID research into the design. You claim that ID proponents are studying 'the design' but nothing is published. There are no journals, no textbooks. There's nothing.
There isn't any scientific theory of evolution by means of blind and mindless processes.
Deny, deny, deny. It doesn't matter, none of your ID buddies even take you seriously. I don't see them here defending your opinions.
Without evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce living organisms, you have nothing.
Since no one can find a guided process at work then it's all unguided. Clearly. Maybe you should do some work eh?
Without evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce the codes that rule organisms, you have nothing.
Again, show us the process of guiding. You can't.
Without evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce the components required to carry out those codes in organisms, you have nothing.
You are the ones proposing some unknown, undefined and undetected agency. And you cannot show it exists.
We have found a mechanism that affects mutations. Your ignorance means nothing.
Well lets see it then.
The EVIDENCE for the DESIGNER is not going away just because you are a willfully ignorant ass, Jerad.
There isn't any evidence. There is just wishful thinking and unsubstantiated assumptions. You say you've found a mechanism well let's see it. Show us how it works, where it is stored, how it is passed on from organism to organism. Go on.
I don't believe aliens visited the earth. I accept it as fact. Your ignorance means nothing to me.
Belief is not fact. That's not how you 'do' science. Oh, I forget, you're not really a scientist at all. You just play one on your blog.
Stonehenge- just cuz people are buried there doesn't mean they had anything to do with its design and construction. It has been studied for centuries and we still know very little about it. EVERYTHING we do know came from those centuries of investigation.
You are just talking without any knowledge or experience. I tell you what, why don't you listen to those who have actually done some work investigating the site? Except that would displace your preconceived notions. Got that.
Only a cowardly loser would think ID has to do more with less, especially given the scope of the issue.
ID hasn't done shit. Dr Behe and Dr Dembski tried desperately to justify the already accepted view: we don't know exactly how unguided processes did this so we think a better explanation is that stuff was designed. Assumption and special pleading. Go out and do some real investigations! It's all just arm-chair speculation. Dr Dembski was not trained or experienced in evolutionary matters (and he's given up on pushing ID anyway). Dr Behe has done the most work trying to justify the design inference and his work is almost universally criticised for ignoring key issues. I know you just blindly accept what Dr Behe says but that doesn't make him or you correct.
At 4:33 PM,
JV said…
As a matter of fact, there is more evidence for ET's and bigfoot than for materialism and its bastard child, evolutionism.
Show me an extraterrestrial. Or it's craft. Or something it made. Show me a bigfoot. Or some of its fur. You're not being scientific, you're being gullible. You decide what you think is true and filter everything based on that. It's called confirmation bias.
You can believe in alien visitation. You can believe in bigfoot. But until you can demonstrate that those things actually exist it's all just wishful thinking. And you cannot demonstrate their existence. No one can. So, like the design inference, they die the slow death of pseudo-sciences like perpetual motion machines, acupuncture, homeopathy, ghosts, etc. It's all just intellectual clap-trap. Find some real evidence!! Do some work!!
At 5:21 PM,
Joe G said…
Get the proper security clearance. Do you really think a weather balloon left a path of destruction in Roswell? NASA astronauts have testified to the existence of extraterrestrial craft.
Bigfoot- get off of your ass and get out into the woods of North America.
But that is all moot. You cannot demonstrate blind and mindless processes creating anything relevant. THAT is the whole point. At least ET and bigfoot have observational evidence.
You don't have anything
At 5:29 PM,
Joe G said…
OK so there wasn't any blind watchmaker research agenda BEFORE Darwin. Wallace was not looking for design without a designer.
There isn't any scientific theory of evolution by means of blind and mindless processes.
Since no one can find a guided process at work then it's all unguided. Clearly.
Nope. Unguided is not a default.
Without evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce living organisms, you have nothing.
Without evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce the codes that rule organisms, you have nothing.
Without evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce the components required to carry out those codes in organisms, you have nothing.
All fit the design criteria and as such are evidence for ID and hence the Designer.
Stonehenge- just cuz people are buried there doesn't mean they had anything to do with its design and construction. It has been studied for centuries and we still know very little about it. EVERYTHING we do know came from those centuries of investigation.
You are just talking without any knowledge or experience.
Fuck you. Are you saying we knew what we know without examining it and all relevant evidence- for centuries?
And I agree with those guys because I came to the same inference independent of their inputs.
You are the one who needs the evidence. You are the one who needs to do the work.
Blind watchmaker evolution has not advanced our knowledge at all. No one uses it for anything.
At least ID concepts are useful and being used.
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