Talk about pathetic- Lizzie Liddle is trying to shoot down Meyer's "Darwin's Doubt" but instead she proves that she is just a clueless loser.
Lizzie- Phyla does NOT refer to cladsitics- Meyer is referring to Linnean classification you ignorant ass. And in Linnean classification Meyer is correct- and BTW he is supported by evolutionists, strange that you forgot to mention any of that in your ignorant-laced post.
Also the nested hierarchy observed by Linneaus was and still is based on a common design. Linnean classification has nothing to do with common descent.
Meyer's point is quite simple, which is why it was lost on you. And it was stated by Roger Lewin in
Science (from page 41 of "Darwin's Doubt"):
Several possible patterns exist for the establishment of higher taxa, the two most obvious of which are the bottom-up and top-down approaches. In the first, evolutionary novelties emerge, bit by bit. The Cambrian explosion appears to conform to the second pattern, the top-down effect.
That means that, as Meyer said, species come first and Phlya would be the higher taxa. Each new characteristic is added as the tree is ascended, until you have major branches that have some number of shared characteristics (also the basis for Cladistics).
Lizzie proves she knows nothing:
So when a phylum, or a class, or even a kingdom first diverges from a single population into two lineages, the “morphological distance” from the other lineage will be very short.
LoL! SPECIES diverge, Lizzie- you know populations. So when that first SPECIES/ population splits, you now would have two different species and one genera that contains those two species.
One species/ population, even if its the only one, wouldn't warrant a classification any higher than species. And unless it was capable of classifying itself it wouldn't know nor care.
Then Lizzie total blows it as she accuses Meyer of not understanding the difference between "Phyla" and "Phylum" and yet his usage in the book is correct.
What is wrong with you Lizzie? Oh that's right, she is totally confused wrt biological classifucation schemes and she thinks her ignorance means something.