Richard T Hughes, Proudly Ignorant of the Alleged "Theory" of Evolution
Richard T. Highes, AKA cupcake and Captain Coward, didn't realize that the alleged "theory" of evolution posits:
So let's do a check list:
1 The alleged ToE posits universal common ancestry- check
2 Prokaryotes/ prokaryote- like organisms were the starting organisms- check
3 Accumulations of genetic accidents/ errors/ mistakes is the posited mechanism- check
EvoTARDs are so clueless they don't even undersatnd the position they are trying to defend!
Richard T. Highes, AKA cupcake and Captain Coward, didn't realize that the alleged "theory" of evolution posits:
The untestable claim that all of life's diversity owes its collective common ancestry to some unknown population of prokaryotic-like organisms via accumulations of genetic accidents/ errors/ mistakes.
So let's do a check list:
1 The alleged ToE posits universal common ancestry- check
2 Prokaryotes/ prokaryote- like organisms were the starting organisms- check
3 Accumulations of genetic accidents/ errors/ mistakes is the posited mechanism- check
EvoTARDs are so clueless they don't even undersatnd the position they are trying to defend!
At 10:09 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
No, you offered that as a definition of "evolutionism". I simply pointed out it is unique to you. At some point you stopped promoting comments,in typical creationist cowardly style. But then again, you can get all of that from reading the thread, chubs.
At 10:22 AM,
Joe G said…
LoL! The alleged "theory" of evolution is evolutionism you ignorant fuck.
And Richie, I allow ALL on-topic comments that follow the rules of my blog.
Don't blame me because YOU are too much of a coward to stay on-topic and follow the blog rules.
At 10:26 AM,
Joe G said…
And the definition is NOT unique to me. Only an ignorant ass would say such a thing and here you are...
At 11:13 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
Waaah waaah waaah chubs. Have a google for "The untestable claim that all of life's diversity owes its collective common ancestry to some unknown population of prokaryotic-like organisms via accumulations of genetic accidents/ errors/ mistakes." to see who else is using it. Let us know what you find, research scientist.
Poor chubs!
Oh, Google "Joe Gallien', what an idiot!
At 1:25 PM,
Joe G said…
Well, dumbass, evoTARDs think it is a testable claim, so they wouldn't be using that exact phrase.
However, as the OP points out, evos do say that all of life's diversity owes its collective common ancestry to some unknown population of prokaryotic-like organisms via accumulations of genetic accidents/ errors/ mistakes.
THAT is what the alleged "theory" of evolution posits, moron.
At 4:13 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
I'm sure its a mystery to you, Chubs. You're still very YEC on the age of teh earth / global flood and don't think anything historical can be tested.
At 5:16 PM,
Joe G said…
Only thing that's a mystery to me is why you have to lie and why you are so fucking ignorant.
I am not YEC wrt the age of the earth and I don't give a rat's ass about any global flood. Just because I correct people who lie about the flood doesn't mean I am I favor of it.
And I never claimed that anything historical cannot be tested.
You are just a fucking cowardly liar and obviously proud of it.
At 5:20 PM,
Joe G said…
However, as the OP points out, evos do say that all of life's diversity owes its collective common ancestry to some unknown population of prokaryotic-like organisms via accumulations of genetic accidents/ errors/ mistakes.
THAT is what the alleged "theory" of evolution posits, moron.
Obviously that is all a mystery to Richie cupcake Hughes...
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