Richard T Hughes says Jerry Coyne and other evoTARDs are Cowards
Yup Richie, aka Captain Coward, sed:
Well Richie, Jerry Coyne doesn't post my comments. Neither does Kevin McCarthy, the sensous curmudgeon and a host of other cowardly evoTARDS.
OTOH I post all on-topic comments and comments that follow my meager blog rules. So don't blame me because YOU are too cowardly to stay on-topic and follow those meager rules.
Yup Richie, aka Captain Coward, sed:
The coward is the one who doesn't promote all the comments: Joe.
Well Richie, Jerry Coyne doesn't post my comments. Neither does Kevin McCarthy, the sensous curmudgeon and a host of other cowardly evoTARDS.
OTOH I post all on-topic comments and comments that follow my meager blog rules. So don't blame me because YOU are too cowardly to stay on-topic and follow those meager rules.
At 11:23 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
No you don't.
At 11:27 AM,
Joe G said…
Yes, I do. Your lying bullshit false accusations don't mean anything to me.
At 11:28 AM,
Joe G said…
Examples- what on-topic posts have I not posted?
At 11:30 AM,
Joe G said…
Heck I even allow most of your posts even though they don't follow my rules.
At 11:37 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
"Examples- what on-topic posts have I not posted?"
Well, as i can't link to them because you didn't promote them, that's hard. But I do recall commenting on gossip on your gossip post, very recently.
At 11:41 AM,
Joe G said…
Yes and that post was just a bunch of raw spewage. Which is typical of your posts.
At 11:44 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
It highlighted your hypocrisy, and complete lack of self-awareness. Viewers can judge for themselves at the open and free After the Bar Closes "Joe G's Tardgams" thread.
At 1:10 PM,
Joe G said…
Nope, it was just pure off-topic raw spewage. And people can judge just how much of a coward Richie is- start here and keep reading
At 2:49 PM,
blipey said…
No you don't. Post this.
At 4:52 PM,
Joe G said…
Erik- YOU don't get through because you are a proven lying and ignorant fuck. I don't want to waste my time nor blog on your spewage.
At 5:07 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"Erik- YOU don't get through because you are a proven lying and ignorant fuck"
So as to not be a hypocrite, you wont be posting either JohnPaul-Jim-Parkinglot-Joe
"Random Walks in Biology" in not about Biology!
At 5:15 PM,
Joe G said…
Just because you can spew that I am a hypocrite that does not make it so.
And your quote-mine of the book wasn't about biology- assface.
At 5:21 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
No, you BEING a hypocrite is what make you one, cupcake.
So a book called "Random Walks in Biology" is not about biology?
Oh right, my "quote mine". Which bit did I quote? The title, which is generally a high level overview of its contents. The name? "Random Walks in Biology".
It's a delight to watch you paint yourself into a corner because you're stupid, fatty.
At 5:40 PM,
Joe G said…
Wow, a cowardly pathological liar calls me a hypocrite and it thinks that means something.
And please tell me how that book relates to anything I was saying.
At 9:20 PM,
Unknown said…
this space reminds of bull-ring and bull-fighting. you familiar with?
At 9:31 PM,
Joe G said…
Yes, sergio, evos are full of bull- mierda del toro de evos
At 2:22 AM,
Unknown said…
"mierda del toro de evos"
pardon correction, more as "llenos de pendejadas".
At 8:49 AM,
Joe G said…
OK, got it, thanks!
At 11:17 PM,
blipey said…
Joe says: "Erik- YOU don't get through because you are a proven lying and ignorant fuck. I don't want to waste my time nor blog on your spewage."
In the comment section of the opening post where he sad this: "OTOH I post all on-topic comments and comments that follow my meager blog rules."
Ah yes, thanks again for proving my point. You do not allow all on topic comments through. If you think the person posting the on topic comment is an asshole (even if he follows your meager rules), you don't post it. That's one counter to your opening post. Since all that is needed is one counter example to falsify it--you lose.
At 9:18 AM,
Joe G said…
YOU don't have a point, you cannot follow my meager rules and you certainly cannot stay on-topic.
IOW you don't even have one counter example.
But nice to see that you are still a liar.
At 9:22 AM,
Joe G said…
And Erik- you aren't staying on-topic in this thread...
At 10:30 AM,
Joe G said…
How soon they forget:
Note to blipey-
Erik, if you are so desperate to be heard, or be part of the discussion perhaps you should try forming a coherent argument for your position. That way you wouldn't be forced to badger people with your ignorance. IDists and Creationists can get that from any ole evotard. So banning you goes relatively unnoticed because there are any number of replacements. It's like one less pimple on the ass of progress covered with pimples.
So I will keep checking the spam folder to see if you have developed a spine*, and if you do I will post it.
At 2:56 PM,
blipey said…
Joe, all of my comments on this thread have been about a claim you made in the OP.
So, you're wrong again.
At 3:16 PM,
Joe G said…
Erik- I get it- you can't stay on-topic, HINT the topic isn't what YOU want it to be, and can only try to find away from posting on-topic comments by selectively parsing my OP and then running with that.
Also YOU have proven to be nothing but a belligerent fuck who doesn't deserve to post on my blog.
bye-bye, enough is enough already. Obviously you are still nothing but a loser clown. My bad for thinking you actually had something to say.
At 3:18 PM,
Joe G said…
And AtBC does not allow all of my comments, even though they are relevant and on-topic, so by Richie's standards AtBC is a cowards' hangout.
At 12:06 AM,
blipey said…
Again, all of my comments on this thread have been on topic. That you have apparently decided to ban all of them in perpetuity speaks volumes.
All of my comments have been about promoting comments--exactly the topic in the OP.
You are retarded. Get help.
At 10:19 AM,
Joe G said…
Again, all of my comments on this thread have been on topic.
No- YOU don't get to say what MY topic is, asshole.
That you have apparently decided to ban all of them in perpetuity speaks volumes.
LoL! You lying faggot- I posted ALL of your comments to this thread.
All of my comments have been about promoting comments--exactly the topic in the OP.
Dumbass dickface- THAT is NOT the topic of this thread.
The topic of this thread is Richiee saying Jerry Coyne, AtBC, Kevin McCarthy and many other evoTARDs are cowards.
But thanks for continuing to prove that you are nothing but a belligerent and ignorant punk.
At 1:49 AM,
blipey said…
OP: rich promoting comments, jerry promoting comments, kevin promoting comments, and a host of other evoTARDS (don't promote comments)
I (JoeG) do promote comments.
Later in thread, I said:
"All of my comments have been about promoting comments--exactly the topic in the OP."
Joe's response?
"Dumbass dickface- THAT is NOT the topic of this thread."
The dumb is awesome!
At 8:19 AM,
OgreMkV said…
Joe. I don't allow your comments on my blog because almost every comment starts with "fuck you Kevin" and contains "you're ignorant/stupid/moron".
If you would try being nice and actually discussing points, then maybe I would allow you back.
Hell son, I allowed you to post 3 entire articles on my blog... you chickened out and only posted two though. That's not my fault.
Let's put it this way, my blog, my space, I don't want you stinking it up. You want to live in shit, that's your problem... I choose not to live like you.
At 8:51 AM,
Joe G said…
You don't allow my comments because they expose you are the ignorant liar that you are, period.
YOU do NOT discuss anything- you just spew your ignorance as if it means something.
Hell son, I allowed you to post 3 entire articles on my blog... you chickened out and only posted two though.
See, you are lying about the too. You just can't help but lie because you are a coward.
At 8:53 AM,
Joe G said…
OP: rich promoting comments
Wrong again, assface. Richie doesn't even have a blog.
The topic of this thread is Richiee saying Jerry Coyne, AtBC, Kevin McCarthy and many other evoTARDs are cowards.
But thanks for continuing to prove that you are nothing but a belligerent and ignorant punk.
So yes, YOUR dumb is pathetic...
At 9:15 AM,
Joe G said…
Now I understand why Erik cannot stay on-topic-> he is too much of an imbecile to understand what the topic is.
Erik sez the topic is what HE sez it is NOT what the author says it is.
The pathetic is pathetic...
At 1:36 PM,
blipey said…
Joe, what evidence did you post that they are cowards? That they don't promote comments. What evidence did you post that you are different? That you do promote comments.
I addressed these points. Unless, of course, you'd like to point out another piece of evidence in your opening post??? Yeah, I thought not.
At 1:44 PM,
Joe G said…
The topic of this thread is Richiee saying Jerry Coyne, AtBC, Kevin McCarthy and many other evoTARDs are cowards.
What part of that are you too stupid to understand? oops apparently all of it because you ignored it eeach time I posted it.
Do you agree with Richie that Jerry Coyne, Kevin McCarthy, the sensuous curmudgeon and many other evos- especially atbc- are all cowards?
At 1:47 PM,
Joe G said…
But anyway Erik, when I blog about "how to argue like an ignorant clown" I am sure you will have quite a bit to add to that discussion.
Although I am sure you would even fuck that up
At 2:40 PM,
OgreMkV said…
BTW: Have you read the Sensuous Curmedgeon's "about" page? He specifically states that his blog is not for debate. It is for the dissemination (not insemination, Joe) of events about the religious war on science. That's it.
If you want to debate someone, then feel free. I'm always happy to debate you... at AtBC where it is unmoderated and neither of us have the ability to delete or otherwise alter posts. You don't because you continually get beat there.
Who is the coward Joe? I still have questions for you that you haven't answered. You can't answer them so you ignore them. You have never said "I don't know" or "I was wrong". It takes a real man to admit he was wrong about something.
A real coward is afraid to have his ideas put to the test. He's afraid of admitting what he is. He's afraid of stating what he really thinks about his own ideas.
Someone like you Joe. Sorry, but it's the truth. Who's the designer, Joe? Everyone knows it's God. Every other ID proponent admits it's God, unless there are reporters around, but they do. Your buddy Behe admitted it in a court of law. So why don't you? Because then you have to admit that ID has no evidence, just miracles. For whatever reason, you can't handle that.
I don't ban you because I'm afraid of you or your idiotic ideas. I ban you because you are a rude, foul-mouthed, jerk with megalomaniacal delusions. I don't want you pissing all over my nice clean floor. You clean yourself up and pretend to be nice (and answer questions asked of you instead of trying to divert attention away from what you just said) and you'll be allowed to post again.
It's your choice, but it's my blog.
Of course, you can always find me at AtBC, but you just pop in now and again, and run away whenever someone asks you questions you can't handle.
At 2:59 PM,
Joe G said…
Kevin- You are one confused coward. Who said I went to the sensuous curmudgeon for a debate?
As for a debate on atbc- fuck you you little coward- you don't have anything to debate- you are in denial, you lie and you misrepresent:
A real coward is afraid to have his ideas put to the test.
That is YOU. My ideas are all over this blog. OTOH you spoew the equiviocation of your position is "evolution"- coward.
And even if teh designer is God that does not = miracles you ignorant piece of shit. NEWTON saw science as a way of understanding God's Creation you fucking moron.
And no Kevin- you moderate me because you are a lying coward who can only equivocate. You don't understand genetics, as evidenced by your ignorant spewage wrt 47 chromosomes and human/ chimp common ancestry- you say that ID is anti-evolution and that evolution is not blind watchmaker evolution even though the ONLY way ID could be anti-evolution is if it is defined as the blind watchmaker thesis- you are an ignorant little punk.
If we ever had a formal debate in front of an audience and panel of judges I would easily eviscerate you.
So shut the fuck up...
At 3:00 PM,
Joe G said…
BTW Kevin- your "questions" just demonstrate how little you know about anything...
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