Intelligent Reasoning

Promoting, advancing and defending Intelligent Design via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning and exposing the alleged theory of evolution as the nonsense it is. I also educate evotards about ID and the alleged theory of evolution one tard at a time and sometimes in groups

Friday, April 13, 2012

Refuting Robin- The Way TO the Design Inference is THROUGH Materialism

Robin, the clueless "scientist" does not understand that the way to the design inference is through materialism. Well it doesn't seem to understand that materialism is the claim that everything is reducible to matter, energy, necessity and chance (no agency required).

That said, a simple look at the (design) explanatory filter proves that the way to the design inference is through necessity and chance!

I point that out to Robin and it choked on it.

See also Newton's Four Rules

The point being is that Robin, an alleged scientist, is ignorant as can be.


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