Trying to Parse RichTARD Hughes' Comment
RichTARD Hughes must use English as a second, third or forth language. Either that or he is just a dumbass- here read what he wrote:
2- What shameful behaviour are you talking about?
3- What about the proven shameful behaviour of David Kellogg (hermagorus), Kevn R McCarthy and all evoTARDs?
8- What YEC stuff?
So RichTARD FAIL, you obviously have mental issues along a huge failure to communicate.
But any time you feel froggy and wish to see what I can do, please stop by- that goes for any evoTARD that wants to see natural selection up close and personal.
RichTARD Hughes must use English as a second, third or forth language. Either that or he is just a dumbass- here read what he wrote:
Non of this would be an issue if it wasn't for your shameful behavior with hermagoras and Ogre Mk V. That pic just makes me LOL and want to tickle you till you go "Squeeeeeeee", you're such an innocuous cutie-pie. If that was 5 years ago I probably shouldn't as you're getting on. Is the 5% body fat only in your chins? LOL.
That whole website, along with your batshit crazy YEC stuff was a hoot. Thanks for the LOLs, Grandpa!
Non of this would be an issue1- None of what would be an issue, RichTARD?
if it wasn't for your shameful behavior with hermagoras and Ogre Mk V
2- What shameful behaviour are you talking about?
3- What about the proven shameful behaviour of David Kellogg (hermagorus), Kevn R McCarthy and all evoTARDs?
That pic just makes me LOL4- Of course my pic would make evoTARDs laugh- again I wouldn't expect anything less from you and your ilk
If that was 5 years ago5- That pic is from 8 years ago
Is the 5% body fat only in your chins?6- Only one chin in the pic, RichTARD FAIL
That whole website7- What whole webite?
along with your batshit crazy YEC stuff
8- What YEC stuff?
Grandpa9- Not a grandpa yet and still young enough to put you down
So RichTARD FAIL, you obviously have mental issues along a huge failure to communicate.
But any time you feel froggy and wish to see what I can do, please stop by- that goes for any evoTARD that wants to see natural selection up close and personal.
At 9:30 AM,
Ghostrider said…
What whole webite?
This whole website, the YEC whackjob one you were a co-author of.
But any time you feel froggy and wish to see what I can do, please stop by- that goes for any evoTARD that wants to see natural selection up close and personal.
Stop by where Captain Guano? The same empty parking lot 30 miles from your house you gave as the place to find you last time?
At 9:53 AM,
Joe G said…
Wow, just wow- I never co-authored that site. I did correspond with Luke for a while, but that is about it.
And hey, if you "know" that I live 30 miles from someplace just come to my house- that is if you want your life to end.
At 3:30 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Wow, just wow- I never co-authored that site.
Then why are you listed on the Authors page with the other authors, along with a mini-biography?
It's pretty funny too that you claimed to be an electrical engineer when you don't have an EE degree. The only "electrical engineering" you've ever done is repairing small kitchen appliances. The lie does mesh nicely with your other lies about being a war hero / pilot / GA expert / power lifter though.
At 3:47 PM,
Joe G said…
Then why are you listed on the Authors page with the other authors, along with a mini-biography?
Ask Luke. As far as I can see the write-up says exactly what my contribution was, which is exactly what I said.
It's pretty funny too that you claimed to be an electrical engineer when you don't have an EE degree.
Except that ain't what I claimed. Had I known that even existed I would have corrected it.
I am not an electrical engineer- I was an electonics engineer. What we do encompasses electrical engineering and goes beyond.
The only "electrical engineering" you've ever done is repairing small kitchen appliances.
If that were true that would be well beyond your capabilities.
The lie does mesh nicely with your other lies about being a war hero
Not my claim.
/ pilot /
I did.
GA expert
As compared to you, I am.
/ power lifter though.
Again not my claim. I am more of a gym-rat- athlete since I can remember. The power lifter was in response to RichTARDs ignorance about all people who lift weights are body-builders. I told him there are power lifters who don't care what their body looks like.
So once again we have an evoTARD ignorantly flailing away as if it means something...
At 3:55 PM,
Ghostrider said…
I am not an electrical engineer- I was an electonics engineer.
You were never any kind of engineer. You don't have an engineering degree, just like you don't have a pilot license. You were a technician. But you do like to lie about your accomplishments a lot.
At 4:04 PM,
Joe G said…
You were never any kind of engineer.
Yes, I was.
You don't have an engineering degree
Prove it.
just like you don't have a pilot license.
Prove it. And then prove that I need a license in order to pilot an airplane.
I definitely drove a car before I had a license to do so. I shot many guns before getting a license too.
You were a technician.
I did that too.
I was also a short-order cook, a carpenter, a roofer, an auto-mechanic, a plumber, an electrician, flooring-> all kinds of floors, research scientist- I could just keep going- I have done quite a bit.
I take it you are jealous because your mother won't let you cross the street by yourself...
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