Coppedge vs JPL- Trial Starts March 7th
Yup, that's in two weeks-> Coppedge vs JPL- the pre-trial conference is on February 24th. That is when it should be made public what will and won't be allowed at the trial.
That said, seeing that 2 DVDs are at the heart of the matter those have to be allowed although I bet JPL doesn't want that because viewing those DVDs will prove to teh jury that the DVDs have nothing to do with religion which means Mr Chin, et al., will be shown be ignorant atheists on an agenda. And that won't bode well for the JPL.
"Oh but Joe if ID doesn't have anyting to do wit religion then how can he claim religious discrimination?"
That has everything to do with what I just said- Mr Chin, et al., are the assholes whining about religion. THEY are the assholes saying that Coppedge is pushing religion with those two DVDs. So they will have to answer for that once it is proven that the DVDs do not discuss any religion but do discuss scientific evidence.
And that is the big issue- the false and ignorant claim that ID = religion.
So hopefully Chin will get on the stand, be thoroughly grilled and come off looking like an ignorant chump.
But OK, Friday we find out more and then onto the trial.
Stay tuned for more...
Yup, that's in two weeks-> Coppedge vs JPL- the pre-trial conference is on February 24th. That is when it should be made public what will and won't be allowed at the trial.
That said, seeing that 2 DVDs are at the heart of the matter those have to be allowed although I bet JPL doesn't want that because viewing those DVDs will prove to teh jury that the DVDs have nothing to do with religion which means Mr Chin, et al., will be shown be ignorant atheists on an agenda. And that won't bode well for the JPL.
"Oh but Joe if ID doesn't have anyting to do wit religion then how can he claim religious discrimination?"
That has everything to do with what I just said- Mr Chin, et al., are the assholes whining about religion. THEY are the assholes saying that Coppedge is pushing religion with those two DVDs. So they will have to answer for that once it is proven that the DVDs do not discuss any religion but do discuss scientific evidence.
And that is the big issue- the false and ignorant claim that ID = religion.
So hopefully Chin will get on the stand, be thoroughly grilled and come off looking like an ignorant chump.
But OK, Friday we find out more and then onto the trial.
Stay tuned for more...
At 10:15 PM,
The whole truth said…
Hey joe-baby, no matter what happens in the JPL case, ID is still just a dishonest religious/political agenda that is never going to succeed at destroying or replacing science, and you'll always be a loser.
The eventual results of that case have nothing to do with verifying ID or the ToE, and you don't have a clue as to what evidence and testimony will be presented at the trial.
I know that you think of yourself as an expert on everything but the case will be decided by a court, not you.
Maybe you should go there and tell the judge that you know everything about everything and insist on testifying? You've said many times that you want to take on "evo-tards" in a courtroom and here's your chance. Go ahead, joe, topple "Darwinism" with your self-proclaimed expertise, in a courtroom.
You might as well just take the case over. Just think, you could be the plaintiff's attorney, the judge, and the one and only expert witness all rolled into one! I'm sure that you could even get allah and some ghosts to appear and do some magic tricks and join you in some goat molesting to impress the gallery!
Maybe that fat fuck bully arrington would be willing to give you some legal advice if he's not too busy chasing ambulances and hiding donations to michele bachman's campaign fund. He would probably be anxious to participate in the courtroom goat molesting too!
At 10:57 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Should be funny!
At 8:37 AM,
Joe G said…
Yes RichTard it should be as funny as your not understanding the meaning of allele fixation.
At 8:40 AM,
Joe G said…
Hi TWiT-
Do you really think that your lies and ignorance mean something?
Paragraph 1-
Your position doesn't have anything to do with science.
paragraph 2-
paragraph 3-
I don't and I know.
paragraph 4-
I should have my chance- that is IF the ToE is still being taught when my youngest reaches high school.
At 10:53 AM,
Joe G said…
Hey Richie-
That link to TSC- can someone explain to me how watching two videos- a whopping 3 hours- would turn a two day trial into a two month trial?
My bet is someone representing JPL actually watched the videos and figured out only a moron on an agenda would call them "religious". So they have to stop the jurors from watching the DVDs, to protect their clients.
At 6:17 PM,
Joe G said…
Just a quick read of some of the defendent's whining motions tells me they don't want anything presented to the jury.
One of the motions is trying to stifle the very motives of Coppedge- yes he was a systems admin/ IT guy but that does not mean he cannot have thoughts and ideas that pertain to his company's overall objectives.
What was Einstein- a patent clerk? Thankfully he was not punished for thinking outside of his pay-grade.
We will see if this trial will be about a finding of facts or if the defendents can get the judge to not allow the facts to be heard.
At 12:07 AM,
The whole truth said…
Beside the fact that you don't understand anything about science, you also don't have the slightest clue bout law.
You and your IDiotic comrades obviously believe that job discrimination (e.g. wrongful firing) suits have something to do with verifying ID, and that IF a discrimination suit is won by a religious nutcase, or if it's settled out of court with a nuisance payment to the religious nutcase, it somehow proves that ID is valid. To say that you're delusional and ignorant is putting it mildly.
And, if a suit has anything to do with alleged religious discrimination, and you IDiots rally behind the religious zealot in the case, what does that say about your allegedly NON-religious ID agenda?
You dumbfucks really think that you're fooling people into believing that your ID agenda isn't religious, and there probably are some people who are fooled, but that's only because they're as insane and delusional as you are. NO ONE with a clue is fooled.
You keep saying that evolutionary (and related) science isn't science, even though it is well established science that is done by many scientists around the world, and will continue to be done whether you like it or not.
You have never done any science at all, you don't have any science (or related) degrees, you've never contributed anything to science, you never say anything positive about science, you've never published anything scientific, you constantly attack science, scientists, and science supporters, and you NEVER listen to or try to understand what REAL scientists tell you. But, for some reason you, a basement dwelling lunatic, think that you and a handful of other lunatics are going to overthrow science and replace it with your fairy tale religious beliefs that are some of the most asinine and impossible stories ever conjured up. Strange that. Go figure.
At 7:50 AM,
Joe G said…
All you know is how to be a belligerent fuck- that's it that is the extent of your being.
You and your IDiotic comrades obviously believe that job discrimination (e.g. wrongful firing) suits have something to do with verifying ID,
Nope- wrong again asshole.
And, if a suit has anything to do with alleged religious discrimination,
The defendents said ID = religion, the DEFENDENTS- man you are a fucking ignorant shit.
You dumbfucks really think that you're fooling people into believing that your ID agenda isn't religious
IG doesn't have anything to do with religion and you sure as hell can't make the connection.
You keep saying that evolutionary (and related) science isn't science
Hey fuck-breath, strange that not one evotard can produce a testable hypothesis nor any testable predictions pertaining to blind and undirected processes.
If you can't do tat ten you don't hav e any science, moron.
You have never done any science at all,
According to Kevin McCarthy I have conducted thousands upon thousands of successful scientific investigations.
Go figure.
And guess what? Your position still doesn't have shit for supporting scientific data.
I take it that bothers you.
At 4:54 PM,
The whole truth said…
"IG doesn't have anything to do with religion and you sure as hell can't make the connection."
Well, I don't know what "IG" is, but when it comes to ID, NO ONE with a clue is fooled.
"The defendents said ID = religion, the DEFENDENTS- man you are a fucking ignorant shit."
If they said that, they're correct.
"Hey fuck-breath, strange that not one evotard can produce a testable hypothesis nor any testable predictions pertaining to blind and undirected processes."
Every time you spew that you just continue to prove that you don't know squat about science.
"If you can't do tat ten you don't hav e any science, moron."
Well then, there goes ID down the shitter.
"According to Kevin McCarthy I have conducted thousands upon thousands of successful scientific investigations."
Really joe? Where does he say that? And maybe you'd be kind enough to post some links to your papers that describe at least some of those investigations?
At 7:04 PM,
Joe G said…
"Hey fuck-breath, strange that not one evotard can produce a testable hypothesis nor any testable predictions pertaining to blind and undirected processes."
Every time you spew that you just continue to prove that you don't know squat about science.
Please explain or admit that you are just a fucking lying asshole.
"According to Kevin McCarthy I have conducted thousands upon thousands of successful scientific investigations."
Really joe? Where does he say that?
Right here- ya see I have conducted thousands upon thousands of successful investigations that required much more than that.
And as for ID and religion, well only if one redefines the word "religion". And only fools do shit like that...
At 12:55 AM,
The whole truth said…
Scientists have (and work on) testable hypotheses that pertain to undirected processes, in various scientific fields. You'd know that if you didn't blind yourself to it.
I don't see anything about you or your alleged thousands of successful scientific investigations at the link you provided.
ID is a religious and political agenda, joe, and everyone who pays any attention to it knows that. Why don't you IDiots at least be honest?
It's you IDiots who redefined the word religion, or more specifically the word creation, to "Intelligent Design". You have heard of Phillip Johnson, haven't you?
You really need to get it into your head that a dishonest, religious and political Dominionist agenda is not going to destroy and replace science.
How long have you been ranting against science, Darwin, evolution, the ToE, etc., and what have you actually accomplished besides making a gigantic fool of yourself?
Endlessly bitching about science won't change science. Pushing a dishonest, religious/political agenda won't change science. If you want to change something in science you're going to need good testable evidence, working hypotheses, scientific theories, scientific methods, etc. In other words, you're going to have to do real science, not just attack and insult whoever you disagree with.
That's the way it is joe, for everyone, and even if you do all the right stuff, it doesn't mean that what you discover or produce will be immediately and eagerly accepted by science.
No one has the authority to change, destroy, or replace science, or any part of it, just because they want to or just because they say so. Neither you nor your imaginary god have any authority in science. Get used to it.
At 7:56 AM,
Joe G said…
Scientists have (and work on) testable hypotheses that pertain to undirected processes, in various scientific fields.
Present them then. And then explain how that relates to the theory of evolution.
I don't see anything about you or your alleged thousands of successful scientific investigations at the link you provided.
That is because you are a fucking retard.
ID is a religious and political agenda, joe
Just because an ignorant liar like you can say it that doesn't mean anything.
It's you IDiots who redefined the word religion,
How long have you been ranting against science,
I have never ranted against science. Your position has nothing to do with science.
And strange that for all of your rantings that you still cannot produce a testable hypothesis nor any predictions for your position.
that means that you are a piece of shit coward.
At 4:50 AM,
The whole truth said…
You really do need some new material, joe.
At 8:34 AM,
Joe G said…
You really do need some material, TWiT.
At 3:22 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Interesting that Coppedge doesn't want folks to know that the DI put him up to it. Another Notrovesry!
At 4:17 PM,
Joe G said…
Put him up to what?
What is interesting is that Richie continues to make very vague staements as if they mean something.
At 1:42 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
Actually, the only interesting thing is that it's obvious if you can read and understand the court documents:
Great job Joe Gallien roving reporter!
At 6:52 AM,
Joe G said…
WHAT is obvious, Richie?
Why are you so fucking stupid that you just can never make your point?
Is that because you never have one?
I mean, geez, Richtard, seeing tat you are too fuckling stupid to understand this post you are obviously too stupid to understand any court documents.
At 8:51 AM,
Joe G said…
Hey Richie- there isn't anything in that link that sez the DI put Coppedge up to anything.
Strange, that...
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