Evolutionists- Too Afraid to Answer a Few Questions
It appears the theory of evolution is devoid of content = empty. The evidence for that is found in the following avoided questions:
1- How can we test the premise that the bacterial flagellum evolved in a population that never had one via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
2- How can we test the premise that fish evolved into land animals via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
3- How can we test the premise that reptiles evolved into mammals via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
Those are a few of the thousands questions evos need a testable hypothesis for.
So why are evos so afraid of those questions? I say it is because by attempting to answer them they will expose their position as the bullshit it is.
It appears the theory of evolution is devoid of content = empty. The evidence for that is found in the following avoided questions:
1- How can we test the premise that the bacterial flagellum evolved in a population that never had one via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
2- How can we test the premise that fish evolved into land animals via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
3- How can we test the premise that reptiles evolved into mammals via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
Those are a few of the thousands questions evos need a testable hypothesis for.
So why are evos so afraid of those questions? I say it is because by attempting to answer them they will expose their position as the bullshit it is.
At 4:47 AM,
Unknown said…
exactly, and they can't prove that Mt. St. Helens wasn't a case of intelligent explosioning
At 7:37 AM,
Joe G said…
Yeah gee Giancarlo, too bad science isn't about proving and there isn't any positive evidence for intelligent explosioning.
However your distraction is duly noted.
At 7:42 AM,
CBD said…
isn't any positive evidence for intelligent explosioning.
The universe is designed, remember? Therefore design must be the default explanation until proven otherwise, right?
At 7:50 AM,
Joe G said…
The universe is designed, remember?
Yes I do.
Therefore design must be the default explanation until proven otherwise, right?
The EF mandates the opposite you pinheaded little prick.
At 8:01 AM,
CBD said…
The EF mandates the opposite you pinheaded little prick.
Perhaps you can run the Mt. St. Helens explosion through the EF and determine once and for all if it was designed or not?
At 8:05 AM,
CBD said…
The EF mandates the opposite you pinheaded little prick.,
If only you would give a worked example of your multiple usages of the EF these questions and objections would simply disappear!
At 8:12 AM,
CBD said…
Hi Joe
How can we test the premise that fish evolved into land animals
Are you saying that fish did not evolve into land animals then?
That's very YEC of you.
At 8:20 AM,
Joe G said…
Are you saying that fish did not evolve into land animals then?
I am saying there isn't any evidence that demonstrates such a transformation is even possible via an accumulation of genetic accidents.
There isn't any way to test the premise.
And your refusal to answer the questions just demonstrtes that you are an intellectual coward in love with an empty position.
At 8:20 AM,
Joe G said…
Perhaps you can run the Mt. St. Helens explosion through the EF and determine once and for all if it was designed or not?
Perhaps you can pull your head out of your ass and stop being a little cry-baby.
At 8:29 AM,
CBD said…
I am saying there isn't any evidence that demonstrates such a transformation is even possible via an accumulation of genetic accidents.
That's not answering the question I asked. Do you believe that land animals evolved from fish or not?
There isn't any way to test the premise.
That's not the question. You believe many things that can't be tested right now. Just because something is not directly testable does not mean you cannot believe it's true.
For example, do you believe that Pangaea existed? How can you test that?
And your refusal to answer the questions just demonstrtes that you are an intellectual coward in love with an empty position.
What question Joe?
At 8:30 AM,
CBD said…
Perhaps you can pull your head out of your ass and stop being a little cry-baby.
I'll take that as a "no" then. Odd how some things can be run through the EF but not others. I don't remember reading about such a limitation in any of Dembski's work.
I guess the student has surpassed the teacher then...
At 8:35 AM,
Joe G said…
I'll take that as a "no" then.
Of course you will because you are a piece of shit.
At 8:37 AM,
Joe G said…
That's not answering the question I asked. Do you believe that land animals evolved from fish or not?
BELIEVE? There isn't any evidence to support the premise.
You believe many things that can't be tested right now.
I do? Can you name them so I know what they are.
And your refusal to answer the questions just demonstrtes that you are an intellectual coward in love with an empty position.
What question Joe?
The questions in the OP.
Answer them or fuck off.
At 9:15 AM,
Joe G said…
Two evos chime in and neither one answers the questions of the OP.
Thank you for continuing to prove that your position is total bullshit.
My hope is for the same response during the next ID trial...
At 9:30 AM,
CBD said…
BELIEVE? There isn't any evidence to support the premise.
Tiktaalik roseae.
I do? Can you name them so I know what they are.
Do you believe that Pangaea existed?
The questions in the OP.
Answer them or fuck off.
1- How can we test the premise that the bacterial flagellum evolved in a population that never had one via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
2- How can we test the premise that fish evolved into land animals via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
3- How can we test the premise that reptiles evolved into mammals via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
At 9:33 AM,
CBD said…
My hope is for the same response during the next ID trial...
How are your "intelligent design awareness days" going? You realise that nobody actually believes you about that right?
Name the school.....
I am doing something about it. This is year one of "Intelligent Design Awareness day"- hosted by yours truly. One day of videos, lectures, and discussions to/ with local high school students.
Yeah, right.
At 9:35 AM,
Joe G said…
BELIEVE? There isn't any evidence to support the premise.
Tiktaalik roseae.
How does that support it?
1- How can we test the premise that the bacterial flagellum evolved in a population that never had one via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
Yet evo-devo has been a failure.
Therefor your position is a failure.
2- How can we test the premise that fish evolved into land animals via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
Yet evo-devo has been a failure.
Therefor your position is a failure.
3- How can we test the premise that reptiles evolved into mammals via an accumulation of genetic accidents?
Yet evo-devo has been a failure.
Therefor your position is a failure.
Thank you.
At 9:44 AM,
Joe G said…
How are your "intelligent design awareness days" going?
They are going very well.
You realise that nobody actually believes you about that right?
You realize that I don't care what you say.
Name the school.....
The day I heed to an anonymous asshole will the the last day of earth...
At 10:02 AM,
CBD said…
The day I heed to an anonymous asshole will the the last day of earth...
Why's that ID Guy?
At 10:26 AM,
CBD said…
If you search for "intelligent design awareness day" you only get links pointing back here or to UD or a few other creationist sites.
How do you explain this:
Funny you should mention Keene. When Joe mentioned he had been holding "Intelligent Design Awareness Day" seminars at the local schools, I sent inquiries to the school principal, school board, and local newspaper asking just what Mr Gallien's qualifications were to present such seminars. Not one ever replied.
Any chance you can explain how nobody knows about it except you?
At 11:44 AM,
Joe G said…
If you search for "intelligent design awareness day" you only get links pointing back here or to UD or a few other creationist sites.
So what?
How do you explain this:
Funny you should mention Keene. When Joe mentioned he had been holding "Intelligent Design Awareness Day" seminars at the local schools, I sent inquiries to the school principal, school board, and local newspaper asking just what Mr Gallien's qualifications were to present such seminars. Not one ever replied.
Why should they reply?
However I think it is hilarious that I can manipulate evotards so easily.
At 12:30 PM,
CBD said…
However I think it is hilarious that I can manipulate evotards so easily.
So it was all a lie? No surprise there...
At 12:40 PM,
Joe G said…
However I think it is hilarious that I can manipulate evotards so easily.
So it was all a lie?
That's evotard "logic" for ya.
No oldmanwithhisheaduphisass, the manipulation is having evotards try to check up on me.
I say something and then watch you morons run around like chickens who just lost their head!
Just as your ignorant post on atbc about my time in Iraq.
You are even more ignorant than I thought...
At 1:39 PM,
CBD said…
I say something and then watch you morons run around like chickens who just lost their head!
Meh, it's just an amusing diversion to most of us, to you it's your entire life.
And anyway, outside of ID when people say something contentious other people might quite reasonably check up on them.
Especially when what is claimed is in fact illegal and could lead to another hugely entertaining court cast. Having you humiliated on the record would just be the cherry on the cake.
I realise fact checking is new to you, but to other people it's a way of life.
At 7:14 PM,
Joe G said…
Meh, it's just an amusing diversion to most of us, to you it's your entire life.
No, obviously you are lying again. No one stoops to the low-life level you losers do just as a diversion. The amount of time you morons spend on this is evidence it is your entire life.
And anyway, outside of ID when people say something contentious other people might quite reasonably check up on them.
Your whole position is contentious.
Especially when what is claimed is in fact illegal and could lead to another hugely entertaining court cast.
How is it illegal? Please be specific.
Perhaps you should check your facts.
Geez oldmanwithhisheaduphisass are you going to go through your entire life fat, drunk and stupid?
Having you humiliated on the record would just be the cherry on the cake.
You dumbass bitch- you don't get it do you? If I am involved in a Coirt case about ID vs the ToE your experts are going to have to answer all those questions you assholes have been avoiding.
And the best part is no one will be able to pin any religious motivation on me.
For me it is just a matter of time- once my kid gets to HS I will make sure this goes to Court.
But anyway you have no idea what fact checking is. You live in a world of lies and denial.
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