When Weight Determines Size- Exposing Erik Pratt's ignorance- again
Geez Erik, then why is it when a baby is born and people ask about its size the answer is always in pounds and ounces- ie WEIGHT?
Football players- height and weight determines their size- well that goes for every person on this planet.
If a police officer asks a witness about the size of the person seen fleeing the scene that officer wants height and weight estimates.
Trucks get weighed to check the size of the load they are carrying.
Fish get weighed to check their size.
IOW it appears that weight is a very important component of size.
Perhaps blipey can find an educator who agrees with it about weight not being a component of size.
Weight does not determine size. Erik "the tard" Pratt (blipey)
Geez Erik, then why is it when a baby is born and people ask about its size the answer is always in pounds and ounces- ie WEIGHT?
Football players- height and weight determines their size- well that goes for every person on this planet.
If a police officer asks a witness about the size of the person seen fleeing the scene that officer wants height and weight estimates.
Trucks get weighed to check the size of the load they are carrying.
Fish get weighed to check their size.
IOW it appears that weight is a very important component of size.
Perhaps blipey can find an educator who agrees with it about weight not being a component of size.
At 10:38 AM,
Ghostrider said…
Christ, what a tap dancing moron you are. Only a complete dick would claim the description "size and shape of a baseball" refers to a weight.
When meteorologists talk about "golf ball sized" hail, do you think they're referring to ice the same weight as a golf ball?
If someone puts a quarter sized hole in your boat, does that mean the hole weighs as much as a quarter?
You've said some incredibly stupid things before Joe, but that's right at the top with the best.
At 11:08 AM,
Joe G said…
Only a complete dick would claim the description "size and shape of a baseball" refers to a weight.
That isn't what I claimed.
So who is the "complete dick" you are referring to?
Also I believe you said "baseball-sized". Nothing about size and shape. Loser.
But only a complete dick would say that weight has nothing to do with size.
And why are you ignoring all the valid examples I have provided that prove my point?
Do you think ignoring them makes them go away?
If you wanted to say the circumference of a baseball you should have said that.
But when you say the size of a baseball well the baseball's size includes weight.
My size includes my weight.
A baby's size includes its weight.
A hole isn't an object. It something an object may contain.
Rocks are objects.
Your rocks are hypothetical objects.
And next time you see golf-ball-sized hail- please run outside and stand in a clear area.
And when the storm passes, pick one up and measure it- including its weight. See what you get.
At 11:13 AM,
Joe G said…
And as for that hole- I bet whatever made it weighed something.
Weight, speed, material- all factors that would need to be considered to figure out what caused the hole.
But if the hole was as round as a quarter then I may initially suspect a drill was used to make the hole...
(not that I have ever used a drill to put a hole in a boat before)
At 11:15 AM,
Ghostrider said…
Also I believe you said "baseball-sized". Nothing about size and shape. Loser.
Here are my exact words you asshat:
Thornton: "Suppose I am out hiking and find a really neat rounded granite river rock the size and shape of baseball. How do I calculate the CSI in it, or tell if it has any CSI at all?"
Go on Joe. I'm sure you can get your other foot into your mouth too.
At 11:35 AM,
Joe G said…
So when you "size and shape" size doesn't refer to its weight?
And "shape" doesn't refer to its dimensions?
So "size" is dimensions and shape must mean it has two seam-like structures that form the same pattern.
Otherwise why bring up a baseball at all?
I will tell you why- because you pulled the example out of your ass.
But that was easy because that is where your head is...
At 11:38 AM,
Joe G said…
So if that is the case- we have a piece of granite 9-9.25" in diameter, with two seam-like ridges, I might be inclined to infer the original river rock was a carving that was lost or tossed out.
IOW just because one finds something while out on a hike doesn't mean "the river didit".
At 11:58 AM,
Ghostrider said…
So when you (said) "size and shape" size doesn't refer to its weight?
That's right asshat. You got it yet?
And "shape" doesn't refer to its dimensions?
No, shape refers to the object being roughly spherical you asshat.
So "size" is dimensions and shape must mean it has two seam-like structures that form the same pattern.
Wrong again asshat. Size refers to the linear measurement, in this case the diameter of the sphere. Does golf ball sized hail have 336 evenly spaced dimples like a real golf ball?
Otherwise why bring up a baseball at all?
Because you claimed you could calculate the CSI of a baseball. Now you admit you can't tell the difference between a zero-CSI naturally occurring rock and a high-CSI designed copy. So how does measuring CSI tell you anything about design?
Before you try your cowardly evasion "but it's a hypothetical rock!!" again, go outside and pick up a real rock from a stream bed. Tell me its CSI value. Tell me its origin based on that CSI value.
I would say you couldn't be a bigger idiot if you tried, but I know you always find a way.
At 12:06 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Joe still not really understanding the difference between mass and volume. Basic physics FAIL, no surprises there.
At 12:12 PM,
Joe G said…
Richtard farts in with a false accusation.
No surprise there.
At 12:22 PM,
Joe G said…
No, shape refers to the object being roughly spherical you asshat.
No you already said "really neat rounded".
Are that you that much of a koron that you repeat yourself using different words?
Does golf ball sized hail have 336 evenly spaced dimples like a real golf ball?
If it had the SHAPE of a golf-ball it would.
Otherwise why bring up a baseball at all?
Because you claimed you could calculate the CSI of a baseball.
I never made that claim.
I said I could MEASURE the minimal amount of information a baseball contains.
Now you admit you can't tell the difference between a zero-CSI naturally occurring rock and a high-CSI designed copy.
You have yet to produce such a thing.
I do admit that agency can mimic nature.
And that agency can fool regular people and scientists into thinking no agency was here.
So what?
So how does measuring CSI tell you anything about design?
It's like this- the presence of CSI means it was designed for the simple fact that every time we have observed CSI and knrew what created it it has always been by some agency.
We have never observed blind, undirected processes creating CSI.
go outside and pick up a real rock from a stream bed. Tell me its CSI value. Tell me its origin based on that CSI value.
OK- I have done that before.
No CSI required to make a rock.
You don't realize it I know but all you are doing is proving that you are an ignorant fuck- totally clueless.
And obviously you guys are too cowardly to actually present some positive evidence for your position.
Why is that?
At 3:51 PM,
Joe G said…
Richtard chimed in with the following false accusation:
"Joe still not really understanding the difference between mass and volume."
Yet just the other day I said:
I say they are not the same size just because they are the same weight.
Is a 1 lb pizza dough rolled out to a 16" pizza the same size as a 1 lb lead slug?
IOW once again Richtard proves he "argues" like little faggot.
Go play with your guitars fruit-loop...
At 6:58 PM,
Ghostrider said…
No CSI required to make a rock.
But a shitload of CSI required for a stonemason to make an exact copy.
After all this blustering you still can't explain how to tell the difference based on the CSI value.
At 7:34 PM,
blipey said…
JoeG: "And next time you see golf-ball-sized hail- please run outside and stand in a clear area."
JoeG is obviously a stupid dick asshole. Only a stupid dick asshole would describe hail as golf-ball sized.
Come on, Joe. Use language like it should be used. Fuckhead.
At 7:38 PM,
blipey said…
Hey, Joe. Since you claimed it, why don't you tell us the minimal amount of CSI that a baseball contains? We're waiting. Not holding out collective breath, but waiting.
At 7:44 PM,
blipey said…
I was 16 1/2 inches long at birth. You're right! That is in pounds and ounces!
At 7:49 PM,
blipey said…
What if the police officer asks about the size of the BAG? Is that given in pounds, too? And if it is given in pounds, does that include the contents of the BAG? And if it does, why does the cop listen to the witness because he only asked about the BAG, he certainly wasn't interested in the contents of the bag.
If the cop was interested in the contents of the BAG he would have asked the following question:
"Sir, when you saw the man carry--not drag, if he drug it we're not interested because I clearly stated 'carry'--the BAG, of what size do you think the BAG was, discounting any effects of material distorting the BAG from the inside?"
To which the only proper reply is "The bag was 1 ounce, office."
"Ah ha!!!, We're looking for a very small criminal!"
At 7:55 PM,
Joe G said…
No CSI required to make a rock.
But a shitload of CSI required for a stonemason to make an exact copy.
How do you know such a thing is even possible?
Until you do you don't have an argument.
After all this blustering you still can't explain how to tell the difference based on the CSI value.
I wouldn't even attempt to do so.
I think only an ignorant fuck-head would suggest such a thing.
At 7:58 PM,
Joe G said…
Only a stupid dick asshole would describe hail as golf-ball sized.
Why is that?
Hail could be golf-ball sized.
That is what Thorton was supposed to find out.
Also it was Thorton who described the hail as golf-ball sized.
I was responding to him.
At 7:59 PM,
Joe G said…
Since you claimed it, why don't you tell us the minimal amount of CSI that a baseball contains?
I told you why.
I am waiting for you to either get the information I requested or pay me for doing your work.
So you shouldn't hold your breath- you will never come through with either of those.
At 8:00 PM,
Joe G said…
I was 16 1/2 inches long at birth.
Wow what a little fuck.
However I bet when people asked your mom and dad they gave the weight and the length was more of an after-thought- just as I had said.
At 8:02 PM,
Joe G said…
What if the police officer asks about the size of the BAG?
I already went over that asshole.
My answer didn't change.
Do you think that just because you can increase your ignorant badgering that it actually means something?
At 8:06 PM,
Unknown said…
This video seems appropriate for this thread:
At 9:41 PM,
blipey said…
JoeG: "Hail could be golf-ball sized."
JoeG: "A piece of granite with the circumferance of a baseball would weigh much more.
And a piece of granite that weighed the same as a baseball would be smaller.
So how the fuck can a piece of granite be baseball-sized?"
So no, Joe, by your own argument hail cannot be golf ball sized. You already went over that.
A rock cannot be baseball sized because a rock and a baseball have different densities.
So, hail cannot be golf ball sized because a golf ball and water have different densities.
Do try to keep your arguments consistent.
At 8:11 AM,
Joe G said…
Joe, by your own argument hail cannot be golf ball sized.
No, not my argument.
As I said I wanted Thorton to check it out- that is to see if hail can be the same dimensions and same weight.
IOW clownie you are a pathetic asshole who can't even follow along.
A rock cannot be baseball sized because a rock and a baseball have different densities.
It all depends on the type of rock moron.
A ball of granite with the same dimensions of a baseball will weigh more.
So, hail cannot be golf ball sized because a golf ball and water have different densities.
Hail is made out of water?
Are you really that stupid?
At 9:14 AM,
Joe G said…
The diameter of the golf ball must be at least 1.680 inches or 42.67 millimeters.
On the other hand, the weight of a golf ball, according to the rules of golf, must not exceed 1.620 ounces or 45.93 grams.
I am sure a piece of ice can be within those parameters.
The weight- less than 1/4 cup of water.
Freeze that into a sphere and you have a golf-ball sized piece of ice- ie hail.
At 5:06 PM,
blipey said…
JoeTard: "Freeze that into a sphere and you have a golf-ball sized piece of ice- ie hail."
But just earlier, JoeTard claimed that hailwas not, in act, made out of ice at all:
JoeTard: "Hail is made out of water?
Are you really that stupid?"
Unless he is quibbling about the state of water. Which, of course, he is because that's all he's got.
Of course, quibbling gets one into trouble:
JoeTard: "The diameter of the golf ball must be at least 1.680 inches or 42.67 millimeters.
On the other hand, the weight of a golf ball, according to the rules of golf, must not exceed 1.620 ounces or 45.93 grams.
I am sure a piece of ice can be within those parameters.
The weight- less than 1/4 cup of water.
Freeze that into a sphere and you have a golf-ball sized piece of ice- ie hail."
But according to his own argument, ice cannot be the the size of a golf ball.
Ice: .9167 g/cm^3 at 0 degrees C. (the density of ice increases slightly with lower temperature, but s not denser than .92 g/cm^3 in any weather system on Earth.)
Golf Ball: 1.129 g/cm^3
Whoops! That's not very close. So no, Joe, you're wrong--again.
JoeG: "Freeze that into a sphere and you have a golf-ball sized piece of ice- ie hail."
At 5:14 PM,
blipey said…
Really, Joe, did it ever occur to you that ice floats and golf balls sink? How could they be the same size?
At 5:18 PM,
Joe G said…
Water is a liquid clownie.
Also have you conducted my experiment?
I have.
It works.
Ya see asshole obviously you are too stupid to understand the dimension part of a golfball.
"The diameter of the golf ball must be at least 1.680 inches or 42.67 millimeters."
That means it can be bigger- just as lng as the weight parameter is met.
So take 45.93 grams of water- put in a hollow ball, freeze it and there it is- golf-ball sized hail.
But again all that is moot because that very thing was what Thorton was supposed to be doing- seeing if there is indeed golf-ball sized hail by going out in an alleged golf-ball sized hail storm and seeing if at least one fits that description.
At 5:24 PM,
blipey said…
Ah, excellent! So now size has nothing what-so-ever to do with dimensions. Good to know.
So a Toyota-sized feather blanket must be thousands of feet long?
Or a baseball sized Nerf ball must be thousands of feet in diameter? I wonder why they're not?
Or, pillow-sized piece of gold must be a centimeter long?
This is fun!!!
At 5:28 PM,
Joe G said…
Really, Joe, did it ever occur to you that ice floats and golf balls sink?
They make golfballs that float asswipe.
At 5:30 PM,
Joe G said…
So now size has nothing what-so-ever to do with dimensions.
Where did you pull that latest bit of tard from?
Are you saying that you are so fucking stupid that you don't understand the rule for golfball dimensions?
And you think your stupidity refutes something I said?
At 5:46 PM,
Joe G said…
"The diameter of the golf ball must be at least 1.680 inches or 42.67 millimeters."
That means that is the SMALLEST diameter.
And that means the golf ball can be larger in diameter.
On the other hand, the weight of a golf ball, according to the rules of golf, must not exceed 1.620 ounces or 45.93 grams.
That means it can weigh less than 45.93 grams.
Therefor it is easy to see that hail can indeed be golf-ball sized.
That is unless you are an ignorant clown...
At 6:00 PM,
blipey said…
Please explain how size depends on dimensions again. Remember to include the dimensions of a pillow-sized neutron star...
While you're at it, you could also explain how dimensions have anything at all to do with size, since every example of "size" that you give depends entirely on weight.
At 6:04 PM,
Joe G said…
Please explain how size depends on dimensions again.
That is your position not mine, asshole.
I said dimensions are just part of size.
While you're at it, you could also explain how dimensions have anything at all to do with size, since every example of "size" that you give depends entirely on weight.
Now you are lying.
You have to lie because you just royally fucked up and exposed your stupidity.
Height AND weight determine a person's SIZE.
Dimensions and weight determine a baseball's size.
At 6:04 PM,
blipey said…
I know I said I wouldn't peek, but can you give me a hint about which educator you are sending this thread to for commentary? I want more proof of your overwhelming superiority, so the quicker you get this thread evaluated by anyone who thinks Thorton and I are stupid the better.
I eagerly await my embarrassment at the hands of Professor __________________.
At 6:07 PM,
Joe G said…
Why would I waste an educator's time with your stupidity and ignorance?
BTW is there anyone who thinks you and Thorton are not stupid?
That would be a much smaller list- if it even exists...
At 6:07 PM,
blipey said…
Right. Which part of "size" is dimension? Please include the dimensions of a pillow-sized neutron star for reference.
At 6:08 PM,
Unknown said…
At 6:08 PM,
blipey said…
Or the dimensions for a neutron star-sized pillow... That'd be cool, too. Not to mention very comfortable.
At 6:09 PM,
Joe G said…
Which part of "size" is dimension?
Height is a dimension, asshole.
Width is also a dimension.
Do you think that two objects with the same dimensions, but one weighs 1000 times more than the other, are the same size?
At 6:09 PM,
blipey said…
Can you do anything but "I know you are, but what am I?" Classes, Joe, classes. There's probably some sort of Communiversity near you.
At 6:10 PM,
Joe G said…
Hi Edward.
At 6:12 PM,
Joe G said…
Can you do anything besides being an ignorant badgering asshole?
Anything at all?
At 6:12 PM,
blipey said…
Right. What percentage of "size" is made up of dimension? Please include the dimensions of a pillow-sized neutron star for reference.
And, is all the rest of "size" made up of weight, or is there a third factor? If there is, what percentage of "size" does it represent?
At 6:14 PM,
Joe G said…
So I have provided plenty of examples in which weight does determine size.
I have also demonstrated that hail can be golf ball sized.
Both of those refute blipey's ignorance.
Not to be bothered by facts and refutations clownie continues to flail away...
At 6:14 PM,
blipey said…
Hey. I'm trying to learn how to measure "size". I thought I knew how, but I apparently don't. I'm trying to learn from you how to do it.
What is the formula for "size"? Please include the dimensions of a pillow-sized neutron star for reference.
At 6:16 PM,
Joe G said…
What percentage of "size" is made up of dimension?
What is the relevance of your question?
Please be specific.
You said weight does not determine size.
I have used plenty of examples that refute your nonsense.
And now all you can do is throw a hissy fit like a little girl.
At 6:17 PM,
Joe G said…
Hey. I'm trying to learn how to measure "size".
But you are an ignorant faggot incapable of learning.
At 6:17 PM,
blipey said…
So, can there be a 12g, 49cm golf ball?
At 6:20 PM,
Joe G said…
So, can there be a 12g, 49cm golf ball?
Is that in the defined range of weight and diameter?
If so then yes.
However I am sure such a ball would put one at an extreme disadavantage.
Have you ever played golf?
At 6:20 PM,
blipey said…
Joe, I'm trying to learn how o measure "size". I thought I knew how, but apparently I don't. You can sow me how to do it; I'd like to learn.
What is the formula for "size"?
It would help if you included the dimensions (which you said DO make up a part of "size") of a pillow-sized neutron star. That way I could get an idea of what "size" means.
At 6:21 PM,
Joe G said…
Joe, I'm trying to learn how o measure "size".
You have proven that you are incapable of learning.
At 6:27 PM,
blipey said…
What is the formula for "size"? If a 6' tall man weighs 200lbs, what "size" is he?
How much does a 6'3" man have to weigh in order to b the same "size" as the first man?
If this question does not have an answer, then it means that "size" means either "weight" or "height" and not a combination of the two.
At 6:29 PM,
blipey said…
Let's try this; you fill in the blanks:
Size = A(Height) + B(Width) + C(Depth) + D(Weight)
A = _____
B = _____
C = _____
D = _____
At 6:32 PM,
blipey said…
Man A is 6' tall and weighs 200lbs.
Man B is 5'9" tall and weighs 164 lbs.
What is the ratio of their sizes, S(a) : S(b)?
At 6:42 PM,
blipey said…
I've got it; I know an easy way for you tell help me understand "size". Which has a greater "size":
A. 1 cubic foot of granite
B. 10 cubic feet of Nerf?
At 6:48 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe, I slipped and tore a quarter-sized hole in my pants leg.
How much does a quarter-sized hole weigh?
At 7:25 PM,
Joe G said…
How much does a quarter-sized hole weigh?
Exactly the same as your brain.
At 7:28 PM,
Joe G said…
If a 6' tall man weighs 200lbs, what "size" is he?
Bigger than a 6' tall man weighing 195lbs.
But anyway you ate it on the golf ball thing.
You more than proved you are a waste of time.
So until when I have time to waste...
At 9:10 PM,
Unknown said…
I'm with Edward on this one.
Did you like the video? It was funny.
At 12:23 AM,
blipey said…
What? No ratio of Man A to Man B? If size has no units or quantifiable measurement, it's just a subjective thing, right?
If it's subjective, why would the IBF use it as a way to categorize boxers?
Are you merely saying "size" is a subjective eyeball measurement that individual humans give to each thing they view?
If that's the case, why bring it up in a discussion of scientific measurement of objects? If it is not the case, what it the objective measurement of "size"?
It would be very helpful if you could give us the dimensions of pillow-sized neutron star....
At 12:24 AM,
blipey said…
Is "size" a measurable quantity? Or, is it a subjective attribute?
If it is the first, which has a greater "size":
1. 1 cubic foot of granite
2. 10 cubic feet of Nerf?
If it is subjective, what is its use in a scientific sense?
At 7:30 AM,
Joe G said…
So I have provided plenty of examples in which weight does determine size.
I have also demonstrated that hail can be golf ball sized.
Both of those refute blipey's ignorance.
Not to be bothered by facts and refutations clownie continues to flail away...
At 4:28 PM,
blipey said…
Which has a greater "size":
A. 1 cubic foot of granite
B. 10 cubic feet of Nerf?
Or, is it possible to answer this question?
At 6:42 PM,
Joe G said…
So I have provided plenty of examples in which weight does determine size.
I have also demonstrated that hail can be golf ball sized.
Both of those refute blipey's ignorance.
Not to be bothered by facts and refutations clownie continues to flail away...
At 8:33 PM,
blipey said…
You have no idea which is of greater size, do you? Because you just made this shit up and now you're stuck. Too funny.
Greater "size"?:
A 10 cubic foot ball of granite or a 1 cubic foot ball of granite?
At 8:35 PM,
blipey said…
I say that a 10 cubic foot ball of Nerf is of a greater size than a 1 cubic foot ball of granite.
At 9:04 PM,
Joe G said…
So I have provided plenty of examples in which weight does determine size.
I have also demonstrated that hail can be golf ball sized.
Both of those refute blipey's ignorance.
Not to be bothered by facts and refutations clownie continues to flail away...
At 9:11 PM,
Joe G said…
Because you just made this shit up and now you're stuck.
Ummm you are the asshole making shit up.
I have more than proven my point.
You choked on it, as usual.
At 9:17 PM,
blipey said…
If a thirteen year old asked you which was of greater size, a 1 cubic ft ball of granite or a 10 cubic foot ball of Nerf, what would you tell him:
A. Even 9 years olds know that you fucking retard!
B. Do your own research you knee-high fuckwad!
C. Do I have tell you everything, son? Go ask your flea-ridden mother, you asshat!
D. Either the Nerf or the granite
At 9:20 PM,
blipey said…
I've been trying to find a conversion table for the quantity "size". I can't seem to find one; perhaps you could recommend a text?
At 9:25 PM,
blipey said…
I noticed the following in your log title: "Promoting, advancing and defending Intelligent Design via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning."
Perhaps now would be a good time to provide the dimensions of a pillow-sized neutron star. Just to advance and defend your view of the quantity "size".
If you provide the formula, I'll do the promotional work.
At 9:45 PM,
Joe G said…
I noticed the following in your log title: "Promoting, advancing and defending Intelligent Design via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning."
And I have defended my claim.
What part of the OP don't you understand?
You ate it on the golf-ball sized hail and now you have to throw a hissy-fit as a distraction attempt.
At 6:21 PM,
blipey said…
Which has a greater size:
A. 1 cubic foot of granite
B. a golf ball with a diameter of 83 inches and a weight of 2 grams?
C. A pillow sized neutron star
At 7:00 AM,
Joe G said…
So I have provided plenty of examples in which weight does determine size.
I have also demonstrated that hail can be golf ball sized.
Both of those refute blipey's ignorance.
Not to be bothered by facts and refutations clownie continues to flail away...
At 7:01 AM,
Joe G said…
Hey clownie-
What part of the OP don't you understand?
At 5:40 PM,
blipey said…
Is there a reason you claim both of the following things:
1. weight is a metric
2. that you cannot determine the dimensions of the pillow-sized neutron star?
If 1 is correct, then you should be able to tell us the answer to 2.
Thanks for continuing to prove your stupidity.
At 6:21 PM,
Joe G said…
Is there a reason why you don't address the points made in the OP?
Do you really think your ignorance is meaningful discourse?
And this proves your stupidity:
If 1 is correct, then you should be able to tell us the answer to 2.
Good luck explaining the "logic" behind that...
At 6:27 PM,
Joe G said…
Thanks for continuing to prove your stupidity.
Let me get this straight-
Because you are an ignorant moron who can't understand basic English, you call me stupid.
Got it.
At 11:42 PM,
blipey said…
Dude. If "size" is a measurable quantity, and "dimension" is part of the makeup of "size", then you should be able to tell us the dimensions of a pillow-sized neutron star.
Take a math class, douche.
At 12:36 AM,
Joe G said…
Dude, show me a pillow-sized neutron star and I will show you a pillow no human can stuff.
Pull you head out fag...
I own 50 pillows and they are all different sizes!!!!!!!
At 9:27 AM,
blipey said…
Well, you said that hail can be golf ball sized, and that golf balls can be all different sizes, so I don't see why you can't tell me about a pillow-sized neutron star....
At 10:34 AM,
Ghostrider said…
Holy fuck Joe, are you still arguing your stupid misunderstanding over the word "size"?
Here's s hit moron - do a Google search on "baseball sized rock". You'll get over 50,000 examples of people using the expression. "A baseball-sized rock went through the windshield" "the garden was full of baseball-sized rocks" "A baseball-sized rock found in the field turned out to be a stony meteorite", etc.
Not one of those reports used "baseball-sized" to describe an object the weight of a real baseball.
You idiocy and capacity for self-delusion is truly astounding
At 10:51 AM,
Joe G said…
Well, you said that hail can be golf ball sized, and that golf balls can be all different sizes
That is according to the rules of golf, moron- not me.
IOW according to the rules of golf, a golfball has to weigh 45.93 grams or less and it has to have a diameter no less than 42.67 mm.
At 10:58 AM,
Joe G said…
Holy fuck Joe, are you still arguing your stupid misunderstanding over the word "size"?
I have more than supported my claim asswipe:
why is it when a baby is born and people ask about its size the answer is always in pounds and ounces- ie WEIGHT?
Football players- height and weight determines their size- well that goes for every person on this planet.
If a police officer asks a witness about the size of the person seen fleeing the scene that officer wants height and weight estimates.
Trucks get weighed to check the size of the load they are carrying.
Fish get weighed to check their size.
IOW it appears that weight is a very important component of size.
What part of tgat don't you understand?
You'll get over 50,000 examples of people using the expression.
People also use what I saoid in the OP.
As a matter of fact every time you ask about a newborn's size "weight" is always mentioned.
IOW Thorton it is very telling that you cannot address the points made in the OP.
You assholes continue to think that your ignorance is meaningful discourse and that your ignorance refutes my validated claims.
At 11:06 AM,
Joe G said…
so I don't see why you can't tell me about a pillow-sized neutron star....
I have never seen a pillow that is at least six-miles across and packed so dense that it outweighs the Earth.
Have you?
If you have then produce it so we can take a look.
At 11:25 AM,
Joe G said…
If "size" is a measurable quantity, and "dimension" is part of the makeup of "size", then you should be able to tell us the dimensions of a pillow-sized neutron star.
Only if I can MEASURE it.
You do understand how that works- right?
But if you are trying to say that "size" is ambiguous, well you are doing a good job of that too.
At 6:26 PM,
blipey said…
Are you telling me you can't measure the dimensions of a pillow? Wow, you truly are incompetent.
You, JoeG, not anyone else, but YOU said the following:
1. hail can be golf ball sized, you claimed to have proven this
2. golf balls can be any number of sizes
3. a neutron star cannot be pillow sized
4. you have pillows of all sorts of sizes
5. implied that because pillows are of all different sizes, you could not describe a pillow-sized neutron star.
Now, if you put all of these things together we come to the conclusion that golf balls are magic:
JoeG can describe hail that is golf ball sized even though golf balls are of all different sizes but cannot describe anything that is pillow sized because pillows are of different sizes.
Brilliant!!! Why didn't you testify in Dover? If you had, we'd all be learning about how our ancestors domesticated dinosaurs. And then we'd all be better people.
At 6:50 PM,
Joe G said…
Are you telling me you can't measure the dimensions of a pillow?
Nope- never said nor implied such a thing.
However it is obvious that you are too stupid to address the poiints made in the OP.
You, JoeG, not anyone else, but YOU said the following:
1. hail can be golf ball sized, you claimed to have proven this
Weather forecasters say it also.
Many people have said it blipey:
golf ball sized hail
IOW you are a liar.
But everyone already knew that.
2. golf balls can be any number of sizes
I never said that.
However according to the rules a golf ball just has to be at least 42.67 mm in diameter and not weigh more than 45.93 grams.
3. a neutron star cannot be pillow sized
I never said that.
But I have never seen a pillow 6 miles in diameter.
And no one has ever observed a neutron star that is less than 1 mile in diameter.
4. you have pillows of all sorts of sizes
Yes. A not one of them is close to 1 mile in diameter.
5. implied that because pillows are of all different sizes, you could not describe a pillow-sized neutron star.
Not even close.
But that does prove just how twisted you are.
YOU wanted the dimensions of a pillow sized neutron star.
Such a thing doesn't exist.
IOW Erik, all you are doing is proving that you are a drooling imbecile.
If you had, we'd all be learning about how our ancestors domesticated dinosaurs.
That doesn't have anything to do with ID.
And your ignorance still does not refute my substantiated claims.
At 7:11 PM,
blipey said…
Joe, if you are going to ignore all the implications of the things you say and aren't going to give us the dimensions of a pillow-sized neutron star, how about this:
which has a greater "size", 1 cubic foot of granite or 10 cubic feet of Nerf?
Or, do you contend that this question cannot be answered?
At 7:40 PM,
Joe G said…
Joe, if you are going to ignore all the implications of the things you say...
Just because YOU INFER something doesn't mean I implied it.
Now either address the points I made in the OP or admit that you are too stupid to do so.
At 10:35 PM,
blipey said…
The funny thing is--you could make up any answer to that question you wanted. You could spout any equation you wanted for "size" and no one could dispute you (sure it's because you're the only person in the world who uses "size", but that doesn't matter).
Yet you won't answer the question because you're either:
1. too stupid to come up with a formula
2. babbling up such a storm that you are unsure how to proceed and can't anticipate what deficiencies in your formula will be attacked so you're afraid to give us an answer (that couldn't be challenged on any mathematical grounds anyway).
Well, I guess it could be both.
At 6:59 AM,
Joe G said…
blipey admits that it is too stupid to address the points made in the OP.
And to top it off it has to spew lies in its wake:
(sure it's because you're the only person in the world who uses "size", but that doesn't matter).
Yeah no one else in the world uses "size" except for me...
Does it really thuink that acting like a little fagot cry-baby helps it make its case?
Methinks that is the case...
At 6:26 PM,
blipey said…
Alright, "size" is an actual measurement, with actual units.
Keeping this in mind, which has a larger "size":
1. 10 cubic foot of Nerf
2. 1 cubic foot of granite?
Thanks for clearing this up.
At 9:38 PM,
Joe G said…
Alright, "size" is an actual measurement, with actual units.
What does that have to do with the OP?
If you are too stupid to understand the OP then you are too stupid to have a discussion about size.
And if you understand the OP then there isn't any need to further the discussion on size.
But I get it- you suffer from mad clowns disease...
At 1:16 PM,
blipey said…
Excellent. Now we're getting somewhere. After nearly 60 comments of discussing size with no problem what-so-ever, Joe can't figure out another way to avoid answering a simple question that he brought up. So, it's time to tell everyone that NO ONE (NOT EVEN JOE HIMSELF) has discussed anything like "size" in this whole thread!
So, which has a greater "size":
1. 1 cubic foot of granite
2. 10 cubic feet of Nerf?
What are the units of "size"?
At 2:21 PM,
Joe G said…
No, we are not getting anywhere.
Apparently you are either too stupid or too much of an intellectual coward to respond to the points I made in the OP.
You have avoided the OP because it contains information and information is not good for a clown.
At 5:20 PM,
blipey said…
Does that information include which has the greater "size":
1. 1 cubic foot of granite
2. 10 cubic feet of Nerf?
Or, is that information contained in any of the other 25-odd comments you spent talking about "size"? I might have missed it.
At 5:48 PM,
Joe G said…
Yes, obviously you missed the OP.
Go back, read it and respond to it.
Or is it that you are too stupid to understand it?
At 10:35 AM,
blipey said…
Nope. I missed it. You spent a lot of time talking about "size" and how you measure and what things ARE and ARE NOT of like size. You called people names for not being able to distinguish between "sizes" but gave absolutely no method for objectively determining "size". None.
It would be helpful if you told us which has a greater "size":
1. one cubic foot of granite
2. ten cubic feet of Nerf?
At 11:42 AM,
Joe G said…
Until you address the points made in the OP there isn't anything else I have to say to you about size.
Obviously you think your twisted dishonesty means something.
What it means to me is it is past the time to ignore you...
At 7:47 PM,
Joe G said…
The appropriate question would be-
Which is bigger?:
1) A ball with a circumference of 9" that weighs 2 pounds
2) A ball with a circumference of 9" that weighs 5 ounces
At 7:35 PM,
Tom Ames said…
My, what an illuminating discussion!
I can see now why the best and brightest minds are drawn to Intelligent Design--the issues it addresses are so vital and sweeping, and NOT AT ALL SEMANTIC QUIBBLES, repeated ad nauseum.
At 10:39 PM,
Joe G said…
My, what an illuminating discussion!
What a typically vague lead-in.
I can see now why the best and brightest minds are drawn to Intelligent Design
Umm this thread has nothing to do with ID and everything to do with correcting morons.
IOW Tom, once again you prove you don't have a clue.
the issues it addresses are so vital and sweeping,
You, being an evotard moron, have no idea what issues ID addresses.
That you would pick a thread that has nothing to do with ID to post that comment in proves you are a drooling fool.
and NOT AT ALL SEMANTIC QUIBBLES, repeated ad nauseum.
1 + 1 will always equal two and there are only so many ways to say it. So repeating is necessary when dealing with wilfully ignorant evotard drooling morons.
But thanks for stopping by...
At 11:47 PM,
Unknown said…
Allow me to attempt to understand this argument. Let's say you make an exact 1:1 copy of yourself out of plaster, and another exact 1:1 copy of yourself out of solid lead. Both copies weigh very different amounts and neither weigh the same as you. Are you arguing that because of the differences in weight, you would have to buy different sized clothing for them than for yourself?
At 9:17 AM,
Joe G said…
If that is your attempt at understanding you must be in kindergarten
At 12:35 PM,
Unknown said…
Seriously, Joe. If three things with the exact same volumetric dimensions have different weights, by your definition, they are of different sizes. So, therefore, you and your copies would require different sized clothing.
At 4:16 PM,
Joe G said…
If them on pedestals that could only hold the weight of the plaster copy, you would see the difference in size.
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