Thorton- Proud to be ignorant
Now I know why Thorton doesn't even try to support his position with scientific data.
He doesn't understand science.
Case in point:
Does Thorton think science is done by psychics?
Thorton scientists have to examine the object in order to make any scientific determination about it.
The theory of evolution was not laid out before life evolved.
It was laid out after the fact.
Scientists make observations and try to figure it out.
It is all after the fact.
Are you really that stupid?
Now I know why Thorton doesn't even try to support his position with scientific data.
He doesn't understand science.
Case in point:
So you examine something after the fact and declare it to be 'CSI' with zero understanding or accounting for how the structure got there.
Does Thorton think science is done by psychics?
Thorton scientists have to examine the object in order to make any scientific determination about it.
The theory of evolution was not laid out before life evolved.
It was laid out after the fact.
Scientists make observations and try to figure it out.
It is all after the fact.
Are you really that stupid?
At 10:23 AM,
Ghostrider said…
The problem is not with making the observation, i.e counting nucleotides. The problem is making the observation, then making the subjective and untestable assessment that whatever pattern you see must be 'specified'.
That's why ID as presented now is not science. "Looks pre-specified to me" just doesn't cut it in the real world Joe. Science observes your sad attempts to define 'CSI' into existence and just laughs.
Another reason why ID has been relegated to backwater blogs with single-digit readership like yours.
At 11:17 AM,
Joe G said…
You have a single-digit IQ- is tat what you meant to say?
The problem is making the observation, then making the subjective and untestable assessment that whatever pattern you see must be 'specified'.
Again your ignorance of ID is not a refutation- IOW that is not what IDists do assface.
Your strawman is duly noted.
Specification, the difference maker.
IOW CSI is much more than "it looks specified".
As for science observing- that is a laugh-
Mental midget laugh at CSI because they are just too stupid to understand it and they sure as hell cannot support their position.
The theory of evolution is an after-the-fact observation based on nothing but imagination.
So out of desperation assholes like Thorton have to ignorantly lash out at ID.
But anyways your scientific illiteracy has been exposed.
Go back to your circle-jerk- I am sure you are missed
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