Intelligent Design is NOT anti-evolution
Why can't evolutionists afford to have Intelligent Design presented in public school classrooms- even if it is an elective and not presented in science classes?
Because if ID is presented properly the kids would find out that ID is NOT anti-evolution.
In What is evolution?, Larry Moran, professor, biologist, evolutionist and staunch anti-IDist, all but proves that neither ID NOR Creation (baraminology) are anti-evolution.
I say that because both allow for changes in allele frequency. Both allow for populations to change via mutation, heredity and differential survival.
The only thing ID argues against is blind watchmaker-type processes (accumulating genetic accidents) having sole dominion over the changes.
IOW the debate is over mechanisms- designed to evolve (ID)- think targeted search- vs evolution via an accumulation of genetic accidents (evolutionism).
So why do people need to misrepresent ID?
That is much easier than actually having to do something. And it works as long as ignorance prevails.
And that is why they cannot afford to have it presented- their lies will be exposed.
I just started reading "Why Intelligent Design Fails", and have already encountered numerous strawman arguments.
Gary Hurd, for example, talking about the EF says that design is the default once chance and regularity have been eliminated. Yet the flowchart he copied says that isn't so.
Ya see not only do chance and regularity need to be eliminated but a specifcation has to be met.
But anyway I jumped to Gary's chapter because he is a familiar anti-IDist.
I am sure I will have one strawman from every chapter.
Stay tuned...
Why can't evolutionists afford to have Intelligent Design presented in public school classrooms- even if it is an elective and not presented in science classes?
Because if ID is presented properly the kids would find out that ID is NOT anti-evolution.
In What is evolution?, Larry Moran, professor, biologist, evolutionist and staunch anti-IDist, all but proves that neither ID NOR Creation (baraminology) are anti-evolution.
I say that because both allow for changes in allele frequency. Both allow for populations to change via mutation, heredity and differential survival.
The only thing ID argues against is blind watchmaker-type processes (accumulating genetic accidents) having sole dominion over the changes.
IOW the debate is over mechanisms- designed to evolve (ID)- think targeted search- vs evolution via an accumulation of genetic accidents (evolutionism).
So why do people need to misrepresent ID?
That is much easier than actually having to do something. And it works as long as ignorance prevails.
And that is why they cannot afford to have it presented- their lies will be exposed.
I just started reading "Why Intelligent Design Fails", and have already encountered numerous strawman arguments.
Gary Hurd, for example, talking about the EF says that design is the default once chance and regularity have been eliminated. Yet the flowchart he copied says that isn't so.
Ya see not only do chance and regularity need to be eliminated but a specifcation has to be met.
But anyway I jumped to Gary's chapter because he is a familiar anti-IDist.
I am sure I will have one strawman from every chapter.
Stay tuned...
At 1:59 PM,
Unknown said…
"Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."
Then why should anyone comment here if you're just going to censor anyone who disagrees with you?
"Intelligent Design is NOT anti-evolution"
What incredible bullshit. Everyone knows invoking intelligent design is the same as invoking the Magic God Fairy. Since evolution is a purely natural process, invoking magic has to be an anti-evolution idea.
"Why can't evolutionists afford to have Intelligent Designed presented in public school classrooms- even if it is an elective and not presented in science classes?"
Lots of problems in the above question. First of all, they are called biologists, not evolutionists. Can you say "biologists"?
Another problem - why do you call magic "intelligent design"? Do you really think magic is any less childish if you give it another name?
And why do you think supernatural magic, which is obviously a religious idea, should be taught to public school students? Have you ever heard of the Establishment Clause? Have you no respect for our constitution?
Also, why do you think students need to be taught what is obviously pure bullshit? Why do you want to dumb down education just because you yourself are an uneducated moron?
Have fun censoring my comments. I won't be wasting my time here again.
At 2:21 PM,
Unknown said…
So all "evolutionists" are lying? Really? It's a conspiracy?
Maybe the don't think ID makes any sense, so they reject it for what it is--an attempt to inject god into science.
Sorry, that simply won't happen! Science uses evidence to bolster hypotheses, not the other way around.
Why don't you use your "intelligence" for something useful?
At 2:36 PM,
Joe G said…
Then why should anyone comment here if you're just going to censor anyone who disagrees with you?
I just want to limit the nonsense.
"Intelligent Design is NOT anti-evolution"
What incredible bullshit.
I provided the reasoning.
ID allows for evolution- that is ID allows for the change in allele frequency over time.
It also allows for a change in population.
IOW Bob, it appears that you don't know what evolution is, even though I provided a valid source.
Everyone knows invoking intelligent design is the same as invoking the Magic God Fairy.
You mean everyone who is a total asshole.
I happen to know that ID does not require a belief in "God".
I also happen to know that design does not entail magic.
However it is obvious that the theory of evolution requires magical mystery mutations.
Since evolution is a purely natural process, invoking magic has to be an anti-evolution idea.
A targeted search is also natural.
"Why can't evolutionists afford to have Intelligent Designed presented in public school classrooms- even if it is an elective and not presented in science classes?"
Lots of problems in the above question. First of all, they are called biologists, not evolutionists. Can you say "biologists"?
YOU are the problem. Evolutionists do not and can't afford to have ID presented.
As I said ID doesn't need to be presented in biology class.
Do not understand what I posted?
Another problem - why do you call magic "intelligent design"?
Do engineers use magic? How about carpenters?
And why do you think supernatural magic, which is obviously a religious idea, should be taught to public school students?
ID doesn't require the supernatural. ID does not require magic.
IOW Bob it is because of assholes like you that ID needs to be presented.
That way your assholiness will be exposed for all to laugh at.
But thank for demonstrating exactly what I am talking about.
At 2:39 PM,
Joe G said…
So all "evolutionists" are lying?
Just the ones who say ID is anti-evolution.
Maybe the don't think ID makes any sense, so they reject it for what it is--an attempt to inject god into science.
Seeing that ID does not require a belief in "God" your comment doesn't make any sense.
But it does demonstrate why ID needs to be presented.
Science uses evidence to bolster hypotheses, not the other way around.
Evolutionism isn't science. It doesn't have any evidentiary support.
At 4:08 PM,
Unknown said…
Evolutionism isn't science. It doesn't have any evidentiary support.
Joe Gallien said the above. He either needs a dictionary, a brain, or another topic.
At 4:20 PM,
Joe G said…
I said:
Evolutionism isn't science. It doesn't have any evidentiary support.
And TFT responds with:
Joe Gallien said the above. He either needs a dictionary, a brain, or another topic.
Was that supposed to refute what I said?
How do I respond to such a sound refutaion?
I have a dictionary.
I have a brain.
Perhaps TFT (The Fucked-up Teacher?) doesn't understand what I mean by evolutionism.
Evolutionism is the blind watchmaker thesis/ philosophy.
“Blind watchmaker” thesis: the idea that all organisms have descended from common ancestors solely through an unguided, unintelligent, purposeless, material processes such as natural selection acting on random variations or mutations; that the mechanisms of natural selection, random variation and mutation, and perhaps other similarly naturalistic mechanisms, are completely sufficient to account for the appearance of design in living organisms.
IOW an accumulation of genetic accidents.
Now to actually refute what I said all the fucked-up teacher needs to do is actually post something that supports that premise.
How about starting with a testable hypothesis?
Then we can see who needs a brain.
Although you have already proven that you are clueless with respect to ID.
Scarecrow is it? Head full of straw...
At 5:18 PM,
Unknown said…
Are you using "evolutionism" in its 19th century form? Most of us have moved on.
If you mean to imply there is no evidence that evolution takes place, and that's what I think you mean, then you are denying all the work of all the biologists, paleontologists, and other -ists that say there's lots of evidence for evolution.
Since you are trying to fit science into your religious outlook and your belief in a personal god you end up making ridiculous statements like the one I italicized in my comment.
Call evolution the "blind watchmaker" thesis. It is compatible with the mountains of evidence that you deny.
Your thesis is completely evidence-free!
Modern usage [of evolutionism] (
In modern times, the term evolution is widely used, but the terms evolutionism and evolutionist are rarely used in scientific circles to refer to the biological discipline.[citation needed]
The Institute for Creation Science, however, in order to treat evolution as a category of religions, including atheism, fascism, humanism and occultism, commonly uses the words evolutionism and evolutionist to describe the consensus of mainstream science and the scientists subscribing to it, thus implying through language that the issue is a matter of religious belief.[5] The basis of this argument is to establish that the creation-evolution controversy is essentially one of interpretation of evidence, without any overwhelming proof (beyond current scientific theories) on either side. Creationists tend to use the term evolutionism in order to suggest that the theory of evolution and creationism are equal in a philosophical debate.
At 5:28 PM,
Joe G said…
Are you using "evolutionism" in its 19th century form?
Did Richard Dawkins write "The Blind Watchmaker" in the 19th century?
If you mean to imply there is no evidence that evolution takes place
Nope. I made it quite clear what I was talking about.
Since you are trying to fit science into your religious outlook
I'm not religious.
and your belief in a personal god
I believe in a personal "God" as much as Albert Einstein did.
Hint- he didn't believe in a personal "God".
However I like the Depece Mode song "Personal Jesus".
you end up making ridiculous statements like the one I italicized in my comment.
The ridiculous part is you don't even understand what I was talking about.
Call evolution the "blind watchmaker" thesis. It is compatible with the mountains of evidence that you deny.
How about that testable hypothesis then?
Or are you an intellectual coward?
BTW "wikipedia" isn't an authority.
At 6:39 PM,
blipey said…
What is the thesis we will be teaching to school children, Joe?
In order to be properly inserted into the curriculum, you will need to provide a lesson plan. That lesson plan can then be evaluated to see if it is, in fact, a proper subject.
What is your lesson plan?
At 7:19 PM,
Joe G said…
What is the thesis we will be teaching to school children, Joe?
That misrepresenting alternative points of view is wrong.
In order to be properly inserted into the curriculum, you will need to provide a lesson plan.
I would never take your word for it.
That lesson plan can then be evaluated to see if it is, in fact, a proper subject.
Makes me wonder who evaluated the theory of evolution.
What is your lesson plan?
If you were in the loop you would know.
That tells me you don't need to know.
And knowing you even if you were handed the plan you couldn't understand it.
So why should I waste my time giving an asshole something he can't comprehend?
At 7:34 PM,
blipey said…
blipey: What is the thesis we will be teaching to school children, Joe?
JoeG: That misrepresenting alternative points of view is wrong.
So it's not really an ID class you want to teach? Don't we cover this sort of thing in ethics and philosophy courses? I know we did when I went to school.
blipey: In order to be properly inserted into the curriculum, you will need to provide a lesson plan.
JoeG: I would never take your word for it.
That teachers need lesson plans? That they are required to turn them in to their Principal for review when requested? Wow. Call your local school and ask them. I've spent several years teaching in public and private schools as an artist in residence. We're required to provide an account of the curriculum material we will be covering with our presentations and classroom work. And we're not even employees of the schools. My parents were both educators their entire lives and spent countless hours preparing lesson plans (my mom) and reviewing them (my dad--he was an administrator).
You don't have to take my word for it; ask any teacher you meet.
blipey: That lesson plan can then be evaluated to see if it is, in fact, a proper subject.
JoeG: Makes me wonder who evaluated the theory of evolution.
I take it that you have no lesson plan? Still on about the crap-tastic-ness of ToE, but haven't really gotten around to providing positive support of what you'd like to teach in schools?
blipey: What is your lesson plan?
JoeG: If you were in the loop you would know.
Ah! You've provided one to somebody? To whom did you provide this lesson plan and how was it received?
JoeG: That tells me you don't need to know.
And knowing you even if you were handed the plan you couldn't understand it.
So why should I waste my time giving an asshole something he can't comprehend?
Meaningless babble. Time that could easily have been spent sharing this lesson plan you imply exists, but instead spent the time throwing out meaningless insults.
You should run for your school board.
At 8:26 PM,
Joe G said…
All you have done here is prove you are a worthless piece of shit.
That isn't an insult it is an observation.
You first foray on my blog you wrongly accused me of a sentence splice.
And it has just gotten worse from there.
Everything you post is meaningless babble.
But anyway I have posted the positive evidence for ID.
And with the understanding of technology today's kids have it will be easy to demonstrate the correleation- technology to biology.
Data packet sending, command and control structure, layers of software working in concert.
But anyway if you ever demonstrate one little iota of being able to comprehend science, I may feel more open to sharing things with you.
IOW I will honor one of your requests.
However seeing you can't seem to honor any of mine I won't be holding my breath.
And if your parents were educators then one must wonder what the hell happened to you?
You display nothing that would indicate you have an education.
At 8:49 PM,
blipey said…
Was your lesson plan secretly embedded in your last comment?
At 8:53 PM,
blipey said…
Students should also be able to easily correlate the smooth movements of pool balls across a billiards table with the movement of photons through space.
What correlation do you suppose these things have? Compare common sense and actual physics.
Students should also be able to easily correlate the geometric structure of spacetime with the openness of the sky.
What correlation do you suppose these things have? Compare common sense and actual physics.
At 7:15 AM,
Joe G said…
Was your lesson plan secretly embedded in your last comment?
If you want to see the lesson plan I will show it to you when I see you.
At 7:16 AM,
Joe G said…
Students should also be able to easily correlate the smooth movements of pool balls across a billiards table with the movement of photons through space.
Interesting- we know the movement of "pool balls" is caused by agency involvement.
Students should also be able to easily correlate the geometric structure of spacetime with the openness of the sky.
The sky is blue. Is spacetime also blue?
At 7:19 AM,
Joe G said…
That misrepresenting alternative points of view is wrong.
Don't we cover this sort of thing in ethics and philosophy courses? I know we did when I went to school.
You obviously don't follow what you were taught.
Why is that?
Or did your "ethics and philosophy" classes teach you to be a dishonest asshole?
If that is the case you learned that lesson very well.
At 10:25 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
So Evolution by natural means and possibly design.
I guess you could postulate that about anything.
At 10:47 AM,
Joe G said…
So Evolution by natural means and possibly design.
Design is natural.
A targeted search is natural.
IOW evolution by design is natural.
But anyway it's more like evolution by design with random effects, ie genetic accidents, also possible.
I guess you could postulate that about anything.
What you stated would never go for things like Stonehenge.
But anyway all that misses the point of the thread- which is people like you misrepresent ID on a daily basis and you think nothing of it.
You think your misrepresentations are meaningful discourse and you run back to your gossip forums so that you can stroke each other.
You guys must be real proud...
At 5:55 PM,
blipey said…
You've never even given any thought to a lesson plan have you? IDiots have a funny way of trying to get their stuff taught:
Let us teach it!
Uh, teach what?
The stuff we're going to teach.
Yeah, what is it?
You're a liar.
Excuse me?
You're just persecuting me!
No, I just want to know what you want us to teach.
I just told you, dipshit!
Just now, asshole.
At 7:34 PM,
Joe G said…
I have a lesson plan.
It starts with title and includes both an overview and purpose.
It states the objectives.
Provides resources/ list of materials required
It provides the time- as in how much is required.
It has a verification process- how to tell the students are listening/ understanding.
It has procedures, processes, descriptions, examples- well everything a lesson plan requires.
But all that is irrelevant to the topic of the thread.
What is relevant is the fact you keep on misrepresenting people even though you say you took a course on ethics.
Your parents must be proud that you turned out to be an asshole.
At 6:23 AM,
blipey said…
So you got nothing? Fine, fine.
At 7:16 AM,
Joe G said…
So you are an ignorant asshole. Fine, fine.
Your parents must be very proud of you.
At 7:17 AM,
Joe G said…
And BTW what I have is enough to get an "Intelligent Design Awareness Day".
Go figure...
At 5:58 PM,
blipey said…
What is it that you have? Is this the day you actually tell someone what's behind the curtain?
At 6:03 PM,
Joe G said…
What is it that you have?
More than you.
Is this the day you actually tell someone what's behind the curtain?
Been there, done that.
At 1:25 AM,
blipey said…
Which school district is implementing your lesson plan?
At 7:13 AM,
Joe G said…
Which school district is implementing your lesson plan?
The one I live in.
At 12:49 PM,
blipey said…
Really? Could you provide a link to the district's website or a phone number so that we can check and see how your lesson plan is being used and how it is benefiting the students?
At 1:24 PM,
Joe G said…
Really, really.
Could you provide a link to the district's website or a phone number so that we can check and see how your lesson plan is being used and how it is benefiting the students?
We don't like outside interference- especially from assholes like you.
"Live Free or Die"
At 1:37 PM,
blipey said…
That's awesome. You're claiming that a school district is actually implementing the lesson plans of a resident in the community without showing any proof that they are doing so.
How common do you think it is that school districts implement curriculum that was given to them by strangers? Or given to them by people with zero accountability to voters or the school board? Or given to them by people with no educational background?
Keep the claims coming, Joe! This is my favorite!
School Districts are educating students according to the Joe Gallien Plan!!! It'll sweep the nation! New Hampshire first and then the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
At 1:54 PM,
Joe G said…
You're claiming that a school district is actually implementing the lesson plans of a resident in the community without showing any proof that they are doing so.
I don't have anything to prove to you nor anyone else outside of the district.
How common do you think it is that school districts implement curriculum that was given to them by strangers?
My Intelligent Design Awareness Day has absolutely no impact on the curriculum, is totally voluntary as far as attendence and is done outside of school time.
Also I am not a stranger. I volunteer at the schools and I am a member of the PTA.
Heck my daughter's teacher knew my parents- my daughter never did.
School Districts are educating students according to the Joe Gallien Plan!!!
That is a lie.
So you must be very proud that you are an asshole.
That figures...
At 1:55 PM,
Joe G said…
I love how blipey throws a tantrum when it doesn't get its way.
Keep 'em coming clownie...
At 10:49 PM,
blipey said…
blipey: Which school district is implementing your lesson plan?
JoeG: The one I live in.
Then, 4 comments later:
JoeG: My Intelligent Design Awareness Day has absolutely no impact on the curriculum, is totally voluntary as far as attendence and is done outside of school time.
Are they implementing your lesson plan or not?
At 7:26 AM,
Joe G said…
As we discussed many months ago I had to provide a lesson plan in order to get an Intelligent Design Awareness Day.
I am following that plan.
Actually it is an evolving plan.
Ya see "Signature in the Cell" wasn't published at the time of IDAD 1.
Neither were the two papers which show that agency intervention is required to get two nucleotides and a strand of RNA that can catalyze one bond.
So my lesson plan is being implemented in my school district and it was approved for implementation by the people in charge.
I am not out to change any curriculum.
I am out to educate school kids so they are prepared for assholes like you.
At 4:58 PM,
blipey said…
So, the school district is not implementing your lesson plan. You're more of a 4-H club or Girl Scout troop doing neat baking activities after school.
That's not really the same thing as a school district implementing a lesson plan is it?
At 6:09 PM,
Joe G said…
So, the school district is not implementing your lesson plan.
I don't care what you call it.
I call it Intelligent Design Awareness Day.
That's not really the same thing as a school district implementing a lesson plan is it?
What are you talking about?
YOU came here talking about a lesson plan and curriculums.
I did not start that dialog.
All I said was that I have an approved lesson plan and I implement it.
And all you can do is throw a hissy fit.
But thanks- as I said you have provided plenty of fodder for this year's IDAD.
I hope you don't mind if I retouch your internet photos for full effect...
At 7:10 AM,
Joe G said…
BTW, IDAD is just the beginning...
At 3:45 PM,
blipey said…
I'm not the one who answered the question "Which school districts are implementing your lesson plan?" by saying:
"The one I live in."
It's not my fault you think people who rent space from a school are actually providing course work for that school.
Who knew that the local bridge club provided educational material to the school and actively participated in the core education of the students?
The things you learn on this blog...
At 4:31 PM,
Joe G said…
I have provided a lesson plan and it is being implemented.
So I can't help it if you are too stupid to understand that.
It's not my fault you think people who rent space from a school are actually providing course work for that school.
It's not my fault that you don't realize only assholes tell other people what tney think.
Who knew that the local bridge club provided educational material to the school and actively participated in the core education of the students?
Sure looks like tghey did in your case.
The things you learn on this blog...
Yes we have learned that you are a liar, loser, mamma's boy, asshole, low-life, whiner, maggot-muncher and plain ole ignorant.
But again I thank you for the fodder.
It will be usefull
The pictures are coming along nicely too.
I am matching the expressions to your comments.
I may need more than six hours this year...
At 7:15 AM,
blipey said…
Neat. You can photoshop. Now-a-days, that separates you from nearly 10% of the population. Do you teach that in your afternoon social club?
At 8:31 AM,
Joe G said…
Keep the hissy fits coming!
Do you realize how funny you are when you get upset?
This year's session will be great!
Thanks again
At 4:37 PM,
blipey said…
What about an after school activity equates to a school district implementing a lesson plan?
Please define lesson plan.
Please define implementing.
At 5:38 PM,
Joe G said…
What about an after school activity equates to a school district implementing a lesson plan?
What "after school activity" are you talking about?
Please define lesson plan.
lesson plan:
A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for an individual lesson.
Please define implementing.
to put a plan or system into operation
But thank you for admitting that you are ignorant.
At 5:55 PM,
Joe G said…
And BTW 12 year olds understand concepts that you cannot.
Go figure...
At 8:46 PM,
blipey said…
I'm talking about this after school activity:
JoeG: My Intelligent Design Awareness Day has absolutely no impact on the curriculum, is totally voluntary as far as attendence and is done outside of school time.
Though, I suppose that it could be a before school activity. You know, the topic we've been talking about? Why do you have to be continually dim?
When I asked you what school district was implementing your lesson plan, you said, "The one I live in."
Now, according to your definitions that means:
The school district you live in is putting your detailed description of a lesson into operation.
Are they really, Joe? Is the school district really actively operating your lesson? Or, is it really as you said earlier: not really a part of the school curriculum, requirements, or official activities?
At 7:20 AM,
Joe G said…
1- IDAD is NOT an after school activity
2- Seeing that the lesson plan is being implemented in my school district that satisfies your question
3- Ya see the school district approved the lesson plan and allowed me to implement it.
4- IOW clownie once again YOU are the dim one here- actually you don't even qualify for being dim.
At 11:12 AM,
Joe G said…
Is the school district really actively operating your lesson?
So far my lesson plan has only been implemented once.
That lesson plan has been evolving, by design, ever since.
At 3:12 PM,
blipey said…
Ah, YOU implemented your lesson plan. That's a bit different than the school district implementing it. Otherwise, we might have to say that the school district implements the lesson plans of local theaters, the 4-H Club, the Red Cross, and the local voting precinct. You don't think those things are true, do you?
At 3:22 PM,
Joe G said…
Ah, YOU implemented your lesson plan.
Last I knew school districts are not teaching entities.
So yes teachers implement their lesson plans once those plans are approved by the people in charge of said district.
That's a bit different than the school district implementing it.
How different? Please be specific.
The lesson plan, which was approved by the people in charge of the school district, is being implemented.
Otherwise, we might have to say that the school district implements the lesson plans of local theaters, the 4-H Club, the Red Cross, and the local voting precinct.
Do they?
Do each of those provide lesson plans that are approved by the people in charge?
Or do they just waltz onto the campus. set up where ever they want and start talking?
But anyway you have provided more than enough fodder for this year's session.
Thank you.
At 3:45 PM,
Joe G said…
So it bothers blipey that twelve year olds can understand concepts that clownie cannot.
Is that why blipey is so against ID?
That being blipey is just soooo fucking stoooopid ID must be false.
Why would a designer design something as fucking stoooopid as Erik "blipey" Pratt?
At 7:14 PM,
blipey said…
Are you saying that you are employed as a teacher by the school district, Joe? In what way are you the same as a school district employee?
At 8:05 PM,
Joe G said…
Are you saying that you are employed as a teacher by the school district, Joe?
I am saying I teach school-age kids at school.
In what way are you the same as a school district employee?
In what way am I different?
At 6:29 AM,
blipey said…
Really? Like a Scout Leader teaches kids at school? Like the Communiversity teacher teaches people about UFOs at school?
Or like teachers teach kids about core subject areas they'll be tested on at school?
I'd say you're different is several key ways:
You're not employed by the school district.
As a non-employee, you don't really represent the educational standards and goals of the school district.
Also as a non-employee, non-contractor, you can't be held accountable in the same way actual instructors are: to teach basic curriculum and have students who reflect an understanding of that curriculum.
At 7:17 AM,
Joe G said…
Except that I am held accountable.
If I don't follow the approved lesson plan they can stop IDAD.
And if the kids don't show an understanding of ID it will also be stopped.
I would say I am like the teachers who teach core subjects and/ or electives.
And as a matter of fact they are considering ID as an elective.
As I said before I am just getting started- last year's IDAD was just the beginning.
But anyway I can see that you are very upset because twelve year olds can understand concepts that you cannot.
I understand Erk, but you have to understand YOUR limitations.
As I have said many, many times- you are a clown for a reason.
You say:
As a non-employee, you don't really represent the educational standards and goals of the school district.
How do you know?
Please provide the evidence that would support your claim.
At 5:57 PM,
blipey said…
As an employee, you would be representing the school district. As a non-employee, you do not represent the school district. If you are not employed by the district, it doesn't really matter what you teach. It is not an official position. That's all.
Where might we find the course description for your ID elective course? And will you be teaching it? If so, where did you gain your teaching credentials and certification?
At 6:12 PM,
Joe G said…
As an employee, you would be representing the school district. As a non-employee, you do not represent the school district.
So bald declaration is all you have.
Why don't you just say so?
Why do you have to go through all these theatrics every freakin' time?
If you are not employed by the district, it doesn't really matter what you teach.
How do you know?
It is not an official position. That's all.
More bald declarations.
Let's see the people in charge of the school district approved it- that alone makes it an official position.
I understand that it upsets you that twelve year old kids are much smarter than you will ever be.
But your continued tantrums do not help your case one bit.
At 10:04 AM,
blipey said…
No, Joe. I have definition. If you are not an employee or contractor, you do not officially represent the school district in anything. Like I live in Kansas City, MO, but I can't represent the city in official matters as I am not an employee of the city government. It's not a hard concept.
What did they approve, Joe? You've never actually said. The school district approves the local bridge club's use of the building on Monday nights, or the Boy Scout meeting, or any number of other things. Does that mean the Bridge Club officially represents the educational goals of the school district? You'll have to be a little more clear on what it is you do--a lesson plan would be nice for starters....
Interesting how you missed the part about your teaching credentials. Do you have any and will you be using them to teach the upcoming official elective class that the school district will be offering?
At 10:17 AM,
Joe G said…
No Erik, you have your head up your ass.
You have nothing but bald declarations based on ignorance.
I told you what they approved asshole, yet you prattle on as if your ignorance is meaningful discourse.
Ya wanna know what is really funny?:
YOU grasping at straws and flailing away in a futile attempt to do something, anything to distract from the fact that you can't stay on topic, can't support your position and can't comprehend things that 12 year olds can.
All you are doing is helping my case and providing course material.
Thank you.
At 11:39 AM,
blipey said…
You said they approved your lesson plan, Joe. Which, as far as anyone can tell, doesn't exist. So, no, you really didn't tell us what they approved.
Anywho...about your teaching credentials. Will you be using them to teach the school district's upcoming official elective course on ID?
At 12:32 PM,
Joe G said…
You said they approved your lesson plan, Joe.
That is what they did.
Which, as far as anyone can tell, doesn't exist.
So you are saying they approved a plan that doesn't exist.
Got it.
But anyway I find it interesting that you think I have to answer to you.
At 6:35 PM,
blipey said…
No. I'm saying nobody knows if they approved a lesson plan because you apparently don't have one.
Now, for the interesting part you keep ignoring:
Where did you get your teaching credentials and are you planning on using them to teach the up-coming official elective class on ID?
At 7:31 PM,
Joe G said…
I'm saying nobody knows if they approved a lesson plan because you apparently don't have one.
So you are saying that no one appoved the paln that was approved and implemented.
And you know that no one approved the plan that was approved and implemented because you can't get your demands satisfied so you think that acting like a child is meaningful discourse.
So tell me why you think that I am answerable to you.
Then explain why it is that 12 year olds can understand concepts that you cannot.
And earlier you stated that you took an ethics class- what, exactly, did they teach you?
One more thing- you have no place talking about other people ignoring what you say- THAT is your whole MO.
IOW that is all you do.
At 6:35 AM,
blipey said…
What is the lesson plan they approved, Joe?
And where did you get your teaching credentials? Are you planning on using them to teach the up-coming official elective class on ID?
At 7:02 AM,
Joe G said…
Why do you think that I am answerable to YOU?
Why do you think that I have to prove anything to YOU?
Why is it that YOU cannot grasp concepts that 12 year olds can?
And earlier you stated that you took an ethics class- what, exactly, did they teach you?
Ya see it is as I said- you always ignore what you have to answer and then turn right around and think that people have to answer to you.
At 7:44 PM,
blipey said…
Where did you get your teaching credentials and are you planning on using them to teach the up-coming official elective class on ID?
At 7:06 AM,
Joe G said…
Why do you think that I am answerable to YOU?
Why do you think that I have to prove anything to YOU?
Why is it that YOU cannot grasp concepts that 12 year olds can?
And earlier you stated that you took an ethics class- what, exactly, did they teach you?
At 9:32 PM,
blipey said…
I don't think you're answerable to me, Joe. That's sort of the point. Remember when we were talking about being answerable and being employed by various school districts and stuff (you know--oh so long ago). You are not employed by me, therefor not answerable to me. You are not employed by the school district, so are in much the same way not officially speaking for them in any way.
Anywho...about those teaching credentials. You're the one who claims to be teaching elective classes for school districts who have taken the advice of random tax-payers when implementing lesson plans.
I find it interesting that you simultaneously think:
1. It is important to tell people about these things. In fact, it often appears that showing people how cool, smart, and involved you are is THE most important thing imaginable.
2. It is unimportant to back up any of your claims--even minor ones.
The combination is hilarious.
At 10:42 PM,
Joe G said…
Erik, in reality it is what you think that I think that is hilarious.
That you can lie and think that is what actually transpired is truly amazing.
However you are a clueless tool.
That said I do think it is important that people understand the debate.
And I have backed up that claim on many occasions.
As a matter of fact I have backed-up the claim made in this thread's OP.
OTOH I find it downright hilarious that YOU could accuse anyone of not backing up their claims seeing that is YOUR "claim to fame".
And if you don't think that I am answerable to you then stop asking me irrelevent questions.
Ya see the questions you ask are only relevent if I am answerable to you.
And that ain't going to happen- ever.
But I do think that it is cute that you think your tantrums are some sort of meaningful discourse.
I also understand why it upsets you that 12 year olds can understand concepts that you cannot.
It is people like you that dooms our species.
You should be proud...
At 10:47 PM,
blipey said…
So, those teaching credentials...
They're from where? And do you plan on using your teaching credentials to teach the upcoming official elective class on ID?
At 8:40 AM,
Joe G said…
And do you plan on using your teaching credentials to teach the upcoming official elective class on ID?
How does one use credentials to teach?
At 6:38 PM,
blipey said…
Well. You have to have credentials in order to teach a class at an accredited school.... I'll leave it to you to connect the dots.
At 7:22 PM,
Joe G said…
You have to have credentials in order to teach a class at an accredited school.... I'll leave it to you to connect the dots.
There isn't any connection between having to have teaching credentials and using them to teach.
And do you plan on using your teaching credentials to teach the upcoming official elective class on ID?
I have used textbooks, technical documentations, peer-reviewed science papers, multi-media presentations, EXAMPLES, analogies, observations- well many teaching mechanisms, in order to make sure the people I was teaching understood what it was I was teaching.
But never, ever, have I used my credentials.
What would that entail? Would I be standing in front of the class telling them how it is I came to be in that position and that would help them learn better?
At 11:42 PM,
blipey said…
So, where did you receive your teaching credentials that you have never used? And do you plan on using them to teach the upcoming official elective class on ID?
At 9:21 AM,
Joe G said…
So, where did you receive your teaching credentials that you have never used?
You are all over the place grasping for something, eh.
And do you plan on using them to teach the upcoming official elective class on ID?
Tell you what- provide a reference of a teacher using their credentials to teach- not to get the job, but to teach.
Or fuck off.
At 3:19 PM,
blipey said…
I'm just asking you were you got your teaching certificate, Joe. Is that too hard to answer? Was it the University of New Hampshire at Asshattery?
At 3:51 PM,
Joe G said…
I'm just asking you were you got your teaching certificate, Joe.
I am not answerable to a fucking dishonest clown like you.
I have made that very clear.
Yet you persist as any 3 year old would.
At 5:11 PM,
blipey said…
Well, you claim to be teaching a class (possibly) on ID in a public school. It is of interest to many parties where you got your teaching credentials. It's not my fault you make stoopid claims on the interwebs.
At 5:23 PM,
Joe G said…
Well, you claim to be teaching a class (possibly) on ID in a public school.
I have claimed to have taught an Intelligent Design Awareness Day course in a public school.
There is another IDAD in the que.
It is of interest to many parties where you got your teaching credentials.
Good for those people.
The people who matter are not concerned.
It's not my fault you make stoopid claims on the interwebs.
It's not my fault that you are an ignorant asshole.
Yet you act as if your ignorance is meaningful.
At 5:34 PM,
blipey said…
So, who's going to teach the upcoming official elective course on ID?
At 6:13 PM,
Joe G said…
So, who's going to teach the upcoming official elective course on ID?
Not Erik Pratt.
At 6:28 PM,
blipey said…
Right. Is it you?
At 6:38 PM,
Joe G said…
Is it you?
It could be but it doesn't have to be.
I am sure that I will play a major role.
Are you jealous?
At 6:50 PM,
blipey said…
If you're up for the position, where did you receive your teaching credentials? This really isn't a hard question, Joe.
At 7:43 PM,
Joe G said…
It isn't that it is a hard question.
It is that you are an asshole that is not worth an answer.
It is as I said- I am not answerable to you.
That you keep asking irrelevant questions means that you think that I am.
I find that hilarious.
At 5:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your "word games" are interesting for 3 minutes.
At 7:01 AM,
Joe G said…
What "word games"?
Also your posts are not interesting at all.
Not one.
Go figure...
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