Why do people want to be related to chimps?
OK so why do people want to be related to chimps?
I know what some will say "No one "wants" to be related to chimps. The evidence sez we are."
But once one looks at said "evidence" it becomes more apparent that people want to be related.
Does anyone have an answer?
I know what some will say "No one "wants" to be related to chimps. The evidence sez we are."
But once one looks at said "evidence" it becomes more apparent that people want to be related.
Does anyone have an answer?
At 12:15 AM,
noname said…
I think you are delusional.
At 9:21 AM,
Joe G said…
Thank you.
Coming from an asshole like you I take that as a compliment.
Now go back to your tree.
At 12:37 PM,
blipey said…
Ass, fuck, shit, goddam, mother-shitting fuckwad.
I think that's the answer you were trying to come up with, Joe.
You really need to say what you mean; don't bottle it up.
In the delusional hope that you'll actually address this:
Why do you bring up "wanting" in a discussion of science?
Do people want the sky to be blue? Do they want to be made up of quarks?
At 12:46 PM,
doubletime said…
I second da vinci. Evolution is AMORAL you clod.
At 6:26 PM,
Joe G said…
Why do you bring up "wanting" in a discussion of science?-
Humans being related to chimps has nothing to do with science.
There isn't any scientific data which demonstrates the transformations required are even possible.
That is why I said "people want to be related".
At 2:31 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
What sort of argument to consequences nonsense is this?
Reality is not contingent on our approval.
At 2:32 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
ERVs show we're realted to chimps.
At 2:37 PM,
Joe G said…
ERVs show we're realted to chimps
Only to people who want to be related.
Ya see Rich, as I said there isn't any genetic data which demonstrates the transformations required are even possible.
To go from quadraped to biped requires changes in bone structure and muscle structure.
Muscles attach to bones at different points in a quadraped and a biped.
These attachment points aren't placed willy-nilly.
At 2:38 PM,
Joe G said…
Reality isn't contigent on your wants and imagination.
At 3:28 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
No, the LTRs in the ERVs show we're related. I think divine creation would be more fun. reality suggests otherwise
At 8:39 AM,
Joe G said…
No, the LTRs in the ERVs show we're related.-
Only to the very weak minded.
IOW only if you already wanted to be related.
BTW reality says there isn't any data which demonstrates the transformations required are even possible.
And if it takes two or more specified mutations there just isn't enough time for your scenario to work.
Then there is all those bottle-neckes that would have had to have occurred in order to get those ERVs fixed in the population.
Also seeing tha these sequences have remained intact enough to be used as genetic markers says they are not leftover infections or else they would have been scrambled beyond recognition.
But again I wouldn't expect you to understand any of that as you already have your mind made up.
Too bad you can't objectively test your premise.
It is all based on the belief...
At 4:52 AM,
noname said…
How do you think our chromosome 2 came to be? Did the designer design the chromosome 2A and 2B of chimps to fuse at some time? Or did he just interfere the natural history and fuse them personally? Or what? Designed the human chromosome 2 so that it would look like it was a fusion of chimp chromosomes 2A and 2B?
At 9:39 AM,
Joe G said…
Da Vinci,
Do you realize the bottleneck that would have had to have taken place in order to get the same fusion on both chromosomes?
At 10:33 AM,
noname said…
You didn't answer my question. Please, at least try.
At 11:22 AM,
Joe G said…
The answer to your question can be gleaned by answering mine.
Also answer the following:
What did the fusion provide that allowed it to become fixed in the population?
Not only fixed on one but on BOTH chromosomes?
The point being that before you go using the alleged fusion as evidence for something you have quite a bit of explaining to do.
And you still can't account for the physiological and anatomical differences observed.
At 12:42 PM,
noname said…
Joe: "The answer to your question can be gleaned by answering mine."
Then do it Joe. I asked you a question and you are trying to make me answer. Is it that hard. An easy question with an easy answer. All you need to do is to tell me how do you think chromosome 2 came to be.
At 1:32 PM,
Joe G said…
1- I don't know what benefit the fusion could have provided
2- I don't know of any answers to why it became fixed and ended up on both chromosomes
3- I don't know of any genetic evidence that demonstrates the transformations required are even possible
4- Could it be it just looks like a fusion?
5- Could it be that the fusion was a design requirement to keep people like you from succesfully mating with chimps?
At 3:36 PM,
noname said…
If you won't answer my question, just say it.
Repeating for the 26th time:
How do you think our chromosome 2 came to be? Did the designer design the chromosome 2A and 2B of chimps to fuse at some time? Or did he just interfere the natural history and fuse them personally? Or what? Designed the human chromosome 2 so that it would look like it was a fusion of chimp chromosomes 2A and 2B?
At 4:51 PM,
Joe G said…
1- It could just look like a fusion
2- It was a designed fusion to keep reproductive isolation
How can we test the premise that the fusion was a result of a genetic accident that just happened to completely take over a population?
At 9:15 AM,
noname said…
Joe: "How can we test the premise that the fusion was a result of a genetic accident that just happened to completely take over a population?"
Isn't chromosomal fusion a known phenomenon? Doesn't it happen spontaneously? On what grounds you claim that this one happened not spontaneously but on purpose? How can you test it? We know that fusions occur spontaneously as a result of basic physical and chemical reactions, don't they? For example do you feel the need to test whether the stone dropped to the ground spontaneously by known physical reasons or some unknown, unseen, undetectable force pushed it down?
At 9:45 AM,
Joe G said…
"How can we test the premise that the fusion was a result of a genetic accident that just happened to completely take over a population?"
Isn't chromosomal fusion a known phenomenon?
Telomeric chromosomal fusion is quite rare.
Ya see telomeres are capped to prevent such fusion from taking place.
So in order for two chromosomes to fuse at their telomeres both telomeres have to be uncapped and vulnerable.
Even then there would be problems.
Ya see now there would be two activated centromeres on one chromosome.
A dicentric chromosome breaks.
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