The wind blew, the shit flew and in walked blipey
In the thread Alan Fox and David Kellogg- nested hierarchy ignorant
I said the following pertaining to awards:
blipey managed to twist that into:
What's the twist?
Well for one thing I said SHOULD be enough. And I don't think that scientists get paid enough for what they do- (perhaps some do- you know the ones that do nothing and get paid anyway). Nor do they get the proper recognition.
And what started this?
The fact that I made the observation that entertainers are basically useless and they have to have awards in a vain attempt to try to put some societal value to their existence.
I said the following pertaining to awards:
People get paid for what they do. That should be enough.
blipey managed to twist that into:
As for awards--I think it's quite clear that you believe scientists should not be given awards. As you think that no one should be given awards if they are paid.
What's the twist?
Well for one thing I said SHOULD be enough. And I don't think that scientists get paid enough for what they do- (perhaps some do- you know the ones that do nothing and get paid anyway). Nor do they get the proper recognition.
And what started this?
The fact that I made the observation that entertainers are basically useless and they have to have awards in a vain attempt to try to put some societal value to their existence.
At 3:20 PM,
blipey said…
That's right. I twisted Joe saying that people should be happy with getting paid and that should be enough into Joe saying that people getting paid should be enough.
Wow. That's a stretch.
At 3:23 PM,
blipey said…
Well, Joe. Since you asked a question and simultaneously closed comments.... I know that's par for the course, but really you don't need to enhance the stupidity of your blogging.
Besides, we've been through what entertainers do and provide. Ever heard of educational theatre? Ever hear of conchina? Ever hear of Brecht?
At 4:53 PM,
Joe G said…
I twisted Joe saying that people should be happy with getting paidBut I did NOT say that you twisted fuck.
Read it AGAIN for the FIRST time:
People get paid for what they do. That should be enough.And that means there are times when it is NOT enough.
I know I have worked many jobs that my pay wasn't enough.
But blipey, being a moronic fucking clown can't even understand something when I walk him through it.
At 5:03 PM,
Joe G said…
Entertainers provide a distraction from reality.
They are people who could not deal with their reality and therefor needed a life of pretend.
If all the entertainers just shut up the world would be a better place.
And clowny, you being a representative of entertainers should really shut up because all you have done is prove my point.
At 6:40 PM,
blipey said…
So, the purpose of educational theatre is???
What was Brecht doing with shows such as Galileo or The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui?
What was the purpose of clowning in Native American culture?
Come on, Joe. Don't ignore the questions. They get to the very heart of what it is to be an entertainer.
At 6:58 PM,
Joe G said…
So, the purpose of educational theatre is???It is probably to educate.
But educate at what?
What was Brecht doing with shows such as Galileo or The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui?Making money.
I would say that is the only purpose. That and put his spin on reality.
What was the purpose of clowning in Native American culture?There wasn't/ isn't any one purpose.
So asking "what was the purpose" tells me you don't know.
Your turn:
Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Don't ignore the question clowny it gets to the very heart of who you are.
At 10:09 AM,
blipey said…
I've stated many times that a paternal family tree is a nested hierarchy. I do not ignore your questions.
You however, failed to even address any of my questions. Your babblings about entertainers would seem to indicate that you know a great deal about the industry and the people in it. So, the three questions I asked of you should be softballs.
Educational theatre: Give an example of what it is, Joe--a specific one (maybe even a group or company that is in the business of educational theatre). As a related research topic, discuss a 401C-3 company.
Brecht. Give a short synopsis of: his life, his travels, his bank account.
The Clown Character in native American culture. What was his role? When did he appear?
Easy questions for a guy like you who already knows all the answers. Please tell us the purpose of each of these forms of entertainment: educational theatre, Brechtian Theatre, the Native American Clown.
At 10:28 AM,
Joe G said…
YOU think a patrilineage is a paternal family tree.
You never acknowledged that fact.
And a paternal family tree does not provide a nested hierarchy.
I answered your questions.
Just because you don't like the answers doesn't mean anything to me.
The fact that are retreating to Native Americans exposes your desperation.
At 7:25 PM,
blipey said…
Joe, just admit that you are unfamiliar with several forms of performance and their historical and cultural significance. Not to mention the present-day applications of theatre, film, and multimedia in education, corporate training, and third-world aid. It's alright.
At 2:44 AM,
blipey said…
Has your mother let you use the internet yet, or do you still have to sneak into the basement in order to post comments?blipey
At 9:15 AM,
Joe G said…
Umm My mother is dead asshole.
At 9:20 AM,
Joe G said…
1- I asked blipey the moron:
Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?How did the fuck-head respond?
I have stated many times that a paternal family tree is a nested hierarchy.ROTFLMAO!!!!!
IOW blipey the moron can't even answer a simple question!!!
Then just look at this thread's OP.
blipey the moron can't even read- which is also evinced by his response to a simple question.
Next I said ENTERTAINERs are worthless.
blipey the moron bings up a WRITER!!!
He then tries a bait-n-switch by bringing up native Americam clowns.
And he doesn't even understand the irrelevance of it all.
At 10:57 AM,
blipey said…
Joe, the discussion started with YOU bringing up what you believe to be the irrelevance of performers/entertainers.
So, I asked some questions to establish what you know about entertainers and performers.
I think we've established that (as with many other areas) you know nothing about entertainers and performance.
At 11:28 AM,
Joe G said…
Wrong again, as usual.
This discussion started with you, once again, sticking your nose in a discussion which you don't have anything to add.
Then it progressed to demonstrate that you aren't in any position to give anyone any advice.
After that you managed to ance again twist what I posted into some absurd position.
Your mental contortions prove you are an asshole.
That you think a patrilineage is a paternal family tree proves that you are beyond reasoning.
I never said entertainers are totally useless.
I did say:
Ya see entertainers as a whole are a useless lot.
They are basically clue-less fools who can only pretend to be something or someone else.
That is because they don't know how to do anything useful.
A world with just entertainers world be a dead world within one generation.And with you as their leader it would happen even quicker...
At 11:31 AM,
Joe G said…
Joe asks:
Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
blipey answers:
I have stated many times that a paternal family tree is a nested hierarchy.
At 8:46 PM,
blipey said…
Joe, your comments show that you think that entertainers are useless (as a whole, I believe you said). So, what about that statement implies that you believe that entertainers have worth?
Also, a paternal family tree is a nested hierarchy. That has always been my claim and always will be. I've said nothing more or less than that.
At 9:51 AM,
Joe G said…
1- blipey thinks that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree.
2- When I asked him if he still thinks so he replied:
"A paternal family tree is a nested hierarchy"
You are a moron blipey and you can't even answer that simple question.
Never-mind the fact that a paternal family tree is not a nested hierarchy.
The POINT is that blipey the moron doesn't even know what a paternal family tree is!!!
That is because it thinks that a PATRILINEAGE is a paternal family tree!!
Ya see clownie you are totally clue-less and are beyoind reasoning.
You prove that with every one of your posts.
Thank you.
At 9:57 AM,
Joe G said…
Trying again:
blipey- Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Do you know the difference between the two?
Can you provide an example of a patrilineage and an example of a paternal family tree?
At 1:16 AM,
blipey said…
Ah, Joe. I said that my claim was and has always been that a paternal family tree is a nested hierarchy. No more. No less. A paternal family tree is a nested hierarchy. There; I stated it again. I have never used any other wording or phrase. A paternal family tree is a nested hierarchy.
However, since we've already done that song and dance....
What worthwhile things do entertainers do? You seemed to take exception to my statement that you believe that entertainers provide nothing of worth. So, what benefits do you think they provide? You can't have it both ways.
At 8:58 AM,
Joe G said…
blipey you fuckin' moron.
The QUESTION is do YOU still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
And it is obvious that you still do.
IOW you don't know what a paternal family tree is and therefor you don't have any idea whether or not it forms a nested hierarchy.
So until we can clear that up we cannot continue.
That is because if you can't even understand the English language then we can't have a discussion.
At 9:09 AM,
Joe G said…
Once again I will post the refutation:
containment set:
"A containment hierarchy is a hierarchical collection of strictly nested sets. Each entry in the hierarchy designates a set such that the previous entry is a strict superset, and the next entry is a strict subset. For example, all rectangles are quadrilaterals, but not all quadrilaterals are rectangles, and all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. A hierarchy of this kind is to be contrasted with a more general notion of a partially ordered set."
Following the link to "partially ordered set" we read:
"A familiar real-life example of a partially ordered set is a collection of people ordered by genealogical descendancy. Some pairs of people bear the ancestor-descendant relationship, but other pairs bear no such relationship."
And again clownie will not understand that.
At 9:12 AM,
Joe G said…
Trying again:
blipey- Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Do you know the difference between the two?
Can you provide an example of a patrilineage and an example of a paternal family tree?
Answer those questions or fuck off.
At 10:00 AM,
blipey said…
So, Joe. Do or do not entertainers make a contribution to society? It seems you change your mind willy-nilly.
At 3:08 PM,
Joe G said…
blipey sez:
"Do not entertainers make a contribution to society?"
Do not clownie english understand...
At 5:13 PM,
blipey said…
well, it's just that at different times you've claimed that entertainers are scum that provide nothing of value to society and other times you've claimed that entertainers provide useful services.
One would think you'd like to be clear. Language, it's a wonderful thing.
At 9:07 AM,
Joe G said…
blipey- Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Do you know the difference between the two?
Can you provide an example of a patrilineage and an example of a paternal family tree?
Answer those questions or fuck off.
IOW bye-bye blipey
At 9:58 AM,
blipey said…
Hey, Joe. Which one is it? Whichever is fine, but I think your neighbors are really interested in what value you believe entertainers to provide.
Suck it up and answer.
At 7:35 AM,
Joe G said…
My neighbors and everyone that I have spoken with in this and surrounding communities are with me on this topic.
They seem to know more than I that actors and actresses are useless and their craft doesn't add anything to society.
Now answer the questions:
blipey- Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Do you know the difference between the two?
Can you provide an example of a patrilineage and an example of a paternal family tree?
Answer those questions or fuck off.
IOW bye-bye blipey
At 10:00 AM,
blipey said…
So, you still claim with one breath that entertainers are useless.
And then, when it suits you to avoid answering questions, actors are useful?
You said, "I never said entertainers are totally useless."
So, what use do they serve? It's an easy question.
At 11:28 AM,
Joe G said…
blipey you are a total asshole.
YOU should be telling me what use actors and actresses are.
Then we could decide if they are useless or not.
We could also see if their alleged use is from their acting or what they do when they are not.
My guess is the lady who assembles circuit boards has more value to society than actors and actresses plying their craft.
At 11:30 AM,
Joe G said…
BTW if something is 95% useless then it is safe to say it is useless but not totally useless.
So you may be able to find refuge in some very, very small % of entertainers, but for every one you find tere are at least 100 I could find to support my claim.
At 3:57 PM,
blipey said…
So, if you've discovered that 5% of useful actors, what use do they serve?
It really isn't a hard question. Perhaps you could inform us of the answer?
At 7:53 AM,
Joe G said…
I haven't discovered any actors or actresses doing anything useful.
I have discovered that YOU are an asshole and an imbecile.
I have also discovered that you don't answer questions.
Which means I cannot have a discussion with you.
At 9:22 AM,
blipey said…
This entire thread has to do with your belief in the uselessness of entertainers. I have asked you to tell us what functions entertainers provide.
You did not answer this question.
I then asked you about specific forms of entertainment.
You did not answer those questions. However, you did say that I was wrong in assuming that when you said "entertainers are useless" that you meant "entertainers are useless".
I asked you what might be the difference between the sets of entertainers. What use might some of them perform that others do not.
You failed to answer this question.
In the mean time, I answered the one question you asked of me in the entire thread.
You have a great dislike of simple things Joe. You fail to understand many things because you have no idea upon what your misunderstandings re based on.
Now, what function do you believe entertainers to fill? Specifically: educational theater, Brechtian Theatre, clowning in Native American culture. Are these functions useful.
Google it if you have to. Even the Wiki entry on the second topic is fairly complete. Bogart it.
At 11:01 AM,
Joe G said…
Examples of unanswerred questions:
blipey- Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Do you know the difference between the two?
Can you provide an example of a patrilineage and an example of a paternal family tree?
Answer those questions or fuck off.
YOU did NOT answer any of those.
IOW once again you have proven to be a liar.
Also if you think that I am wrong pertaining to actors and actresses all YOU have to do is start providing the examples.
That you have FAILED to do so strongly suggests that you acnnot.
At 11:02 AM,
Joe G said…
BTW this thread started off with YOU twisting what I said about scientists.
IOW this entire thread is NOT about the uselessness of entertainers.
So thanks for ionce again proving tat you cannot follow along and instead have to make shit up as you go.
At 11:03 AM,
Joe G said…
Also it is funny that I said "entertainers" are useless and YOU brought up a writer.
IOW you are so stupid you don't know the difference between an entertainer and a writer.
At 6:58 PM,
blipey said…
Joe, Brecht was a PLAYwright. Any idea what a play is?
At 10:13 AM,
Joe G said…
A playwright is NOT an actor nor an actress.
A playwright is NOT an entertainer.
IOW you are so stupid you don't even know that. Or you are just so twisted your little mind thinks that they are the same.
At 10:13 AM,
Joe G said…
blipey- Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Do you know the difference between the two?
Can you provide an example of a patrilineage and an example of a paternal family tree?
Answer those questions or fuck off.
At 7:53 PM,
blipey said…
Brecht was a theatrical director and wrote a great deal on the practice and theory of theatre as an artform.
Please don't try to lecture on things you know nothing about.
You'll notice that I discuss things; I do not claim expertise in fields in which I have none.
Try to do the same; it may make you look better.
So, Brechtian Theatre (there is a reason his name is attached to a form of entertainment), any clue as to what uses it may have? What uses do you think Brecht thought it had?
At 9:08 AM,
Joe G said…
blipey my comment pertains to ENTERTAINERS and ENTERTAINERS alone.
Brecht was not an entertainer therefor he is irrelevant to this discussion.
Please try to stay focused.
At 9:44 AM,
blipey said…
So, Brecht as a practitioner of theatre, what uses do you think he had? What do you think Brecht thought his own contributions to entertainment were?
It's okay to have no idea. That's why people ask questions.
And the role of the clown in Native American culture? Any idea what they may have been?
Again, it's okay to ask.
Educational theatre, its uses in modern curricula? (I believe you once claimed to be able to write a curriculum?) This should be right in your wheelhouse. What uses does entertainment have with regard to primary education? compare and contrast with uses in secondary education.
Again, feel free to ask questions.
At 9:58 AM,
Joe G said…
1- Was Brecht an actor or an actress? If yes tell me of his societal contributions while acting.
2- Are Native American clowns actors or actresses? Are they ever nominated for Academy Awards? Are they overpaid?
3- Is educational theatre an actor or an actress?
Answer those and then answer the following:
blipey- Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Do you know the difference between the two?
Can you provide an example of a patrilineage and an example of a paternal family tree?
Answer those questions or fuck off.
At 9:59 AM,
Joe G said…
blipey my comment pertains to ENTERTAINERS and ENTERTAINERS alone.
Brecht was not an entertainer therefor he is irrelevant to this discussion.
Please try to stay focused.
Thank you for continuing to ignore that and instead press on with irrelevant bullshit.
Is that all you have- irrelevant bullshit?
At 10:54 AM,
Joe G said…
And one more thing- YOU, blipey, have NEVER discussed anything on my blog.
The ONLY thing you are capable of is stupidity and deception.
At 7:32 PM,
blipey said…
Brecht was an entertainer. You should really look up his career before you appear even sillier than you do now.
Are the members of Metallica actors? Are they entertainers? Think about that.
Clowns in Native American culture certainly are actors. They are also storytellers, among many other things. You should really look up the word "entertainer".
Educational theatre employs actors, how else d you think it gets done? What uses do you think these actors serve?
At 7:48 PM,
Joe G said…
You FAILED to answer my questions.
We will try again:
1- Was Brecht an actor or an actress? If yes tell me of his societal contributions while acting.
Start with that and then we can move on.
At 9:29 PM,
blipey said…
Still waiting for the 5%
At 7:17 AM,
Joe G said…
still waiting for clownie to answer my questions.
At 7:30 AM,
Joe G said…
And one more thing:
I am the one- one of the many people anyway- who said that entertainers are useless.
YOU do NOT get to tell me what I meant by "entertainers".
I know that is how you debate- take something posted and twist it into a strawman- but you should realize that by doing so continually all you are doing is proving my point.
At 10:54 AM,
blipey said…
Well, that might clear something up. If you meant all ACTORS are useless, why didn't you say that?
It's one of the conveniences of language--people know what the hell each other are talking about.
So, I'll now work on the assumption that you meant, "All ACTORS are useless." This does slice the number of questions you need to answer, so good for you.
We'll throw out Brecht, he was never an actor, though very much an entertainer and practitioner of entertainment arts.
We'll also throw out Metallica. They obviously are entertainers, though just as obviously not actors.
Clowns in Native American culture are a bit trickier. They are actors, but not perhaps in the very limited sense of television actor and/or guy who has done a Niel Simon show type of way that I suppose you mean. So, I'll throw you a bone on that one, too. The clown is out.
That leaves you with only one thing to explain. What use do actors in educational theatre serve?
At 11:37 AM,
Joe G said…
If you meant all ACTORS are useless, why didn't you say that?:
They are- as a whole- but that isn't what I meant.
But I sure as hell was NOT referring to writers and Native Americans.
IOW you just proved my point that as opposed to asking for clarification you would rather just run off with your strawman because that is all you can do.
This is your last opportunity to address the following:
blipey- Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Do you know the difference between the two?
Can you provide an example of a patrilineage and an example of a paternal family tree?
Answer those questions or fuck off.
At 12:59 AM,
blipey said…
Come on, Joe. Keep publishing my comments. We wouldn't want you to look censorious.
At 4:06 PM,
Joe G said…
This is your last opportunity to address the following:
blipey- Do you still think that a patrilineage is a paternal family tree?
Do you know the difference between the two?
Can you provide an example of a patrilineage and an example of a paternal family tree?
Answer those questions or fuck off.:
What part of that don't you understand?
The point being is that it is a waste of time trying to discuss anything with you.
And I am finished wasting time trying...
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