Finally!!- Exposing "Expelled Exposed"!!!!
Thank you Casey Luskin for doing something tat needed to be done.
I started such a task but the bull-shit on "Expelled Exposed" was just TOO deep for me.
Exposing "Expelled Exposed"
This just adds more evidence to the fact that the NCSE is a bull-shit, lying propaganda machine and a bunch of nauseating faggots.
Eugenie Scott is a disgrace and a clueless tool- or worse she knows what she is doing.
I started such a task but the bull-shit on "Expelled Exposed" was just TOO deep for me.
Exposing "Expelled Exposed"
This just adds more evidence to the fact that the NCSE is a bull-shit, lying propaganda machine and a bunch of nauseating faggots.
Eugenie Scott is a disgrace and a clueless tool- or worse she knows what she is doing.
At 8:03 PM,
Unknown said…
I just flagged your intolerance to homosexuals.
Maybe you want to change your post?
At 8:21 AM,
Joe G said…
I don't have an intolerance to homosexuals.
None whatsoever.
And I will change my posts when the NCSE starts telling the truth.
IOW I will never have to change anything...
At 8:31 AM,
Joe G said…
Perhaps blipey also has an intolerance to homosexuals:
The world needs to know how utterly stupid the Atheist faggots that call themselves professors are!
But somehow I doubt his use of the word "faggot" equates to "homosexual".
I know my use never has equated to homosexuality.
I call my dog a "faggot" when she doesn't do what she is supposed to.
And I also call white people the "n" word.
That is because to me a ni... and a faggot can be anyone of any color and any sexual preference.
It is the ACTIONS of people which dictate the word used to describe them.
And in this case all the evidence points to the NCSE being a bunch of nauseating faggots- regardless of their individual sexuality.
Being a faggot is a state of mind that does not allow you to have an ounce of honesty and in fact allows you to do the opposite of the "right thing"- ie the NCSE and all the maggots who had a hand in "Expelled Exposed".
And yes, when I get the opportunity I will say it to their faces.
At 2:06 PM,
Joe G said…
link correction:
blipey said:
"The world needs to know how utterly stupid the Atheist faggots that call themselves professors are!"
At 7:26 PM,
Unknown said…
You mistake "being" those things with "saying" those things. Nastiness exists on a continuum, and you are merely helping keep the nastiness alive and on that continuum.
How you feel about the words has nothing to do with their impact on those that come in contact with them, as most folks don't know you and your self-described benevolent use of such words. Of course, having that knowledge about you wouldn't diminish the impact of the words, now would it?
Basically, no one cares what you think; no one cares that you invoke others' use of such words as a defense for you using them.
Just stop using such loaded words when there are so many better ones you could use to express your exasperation and intolerance.
Okay, asshole?
At 8:54 PM,
Joe G said…
Exactly what exasperation and intolerance are you talking about?
Big talk about loaded words yet that is all a faggot like you can muster.
And BTW, educated people ask before jumping to conclusions.
IOW had an educated person read my OP and had a question as to my meaning of the post and/ or my use of any words in it, that person would have asked for clarification.
TFT's problem...
(I wasn't defending my use by pointing out blipey's use. My point is if you are going to come after me for my use then you had better go after blipey in the same manner and with same intensity. But then again there's TFT's problem)
But anyway I do own a tee-shirt with the Trix rabbit on it with the caption- "Silly Faggot, dicks are for chicks"
How do you like me now?
At 9:32 PM,
Joe G said…
In these times not really used if somebody is really a homosexual mostly used insteap of calling somebody stupid or a loser.
Ralph: Chris hasn't been answering his phone.
John: Yeah, he is probably hanging out with those other kids thats why.
Ralph: He is such a faggot.
John: Yeah him and his faggot friends.
Now if TFT were correct and my use referred to an openly homosexual man, does that mean TFT thinks that Eugenie Scott is an openly gay man?
At 3:50 PM,
Unknown said…
It's interesting that only 3 of 8 comments here are mine. Joe, you seem to enjoy arguing with yourself. Do you do other things to yourself?
Again, finding 1 or 2 morons who agree with doesn't make you correct.
And, in the future, when you use terms that are so easily confounded by multiple meanings, as you imply, maybe you should indicate which meaning you mean! Just to reduce confusion, and to also reduce your self-argumentation! Cretan! (not that you are from Crete, but the other meaning)
At 5:12 PM,
Joe G said…
It's interesting that only 3 of 8 comments here are mine.
How is THAT interesting?
Out of my 5 previous comments 4 were in response to YOUR incoherent flatulance. And 1 was a link correction.
Now this 6th comment is in response to YOU.
Joe, you seem to enjoy arguing with yourself.
Are you saying that you are a non-entity?
And exactly who is "arguing"?
Again, finding 1 or 2 morons who agree with doesn't make you correct.
You found another moron who agrees with you?
At 8:46 AM,
James F. McGrath said…
Since you invited individuals from Uncommon Descent to come here, I thought I'd point out that a number of Christian academics who find the arguments posted on Uncommon Descent unpersuasive have been banned in the past, including myself.
I was shocked to read your comment about lack of scientific and respectful argument from an opposing viewpoint. Are you unaware of the fact that those able to offer such a case have been systematically banned?
At 3:49 PM,
Dazza McTrazza said…
JoeFagllien 8:21 am I don't have an intolerance to homosexuals.
None whatsoever.
JoeFagllien 8:54 pm But anyway I do own a tee-shirt with the Trix rabbit on it with the caption- "Silly Faggot, dicks are for chicks"
Ah the wonderful multiple personalities of Joe Gallien - this page will be perfect to present when you run for a school board post - when is that again?
JoeFagllien My point is if you are going to come after me for my use then you had better go after blipey in the same manner and with same intensity.
TFT I just flagged your intolerance to homosexuals.
Maybe you want to change your post?
Whew - intense.
At 9:13 AM,
Joe G said…
Since you invited individuals from Uncommon Descent to come here, I thought I'd point out that a number of Christian academics who find the arguments posted on Uncommon Descent unpersuasive have been banned in the past, including myself.
I will start a new thread so you can tell me about those arguments that you find unpersuasive and I will also ask you to state your position.
Your position is key because I don't allow people to do a hack-job on ID all the while never defending anything.
I was shocked to read your comment about lack of scientific and respectful argument from an opposing viewpoint.
Do facts always shock you?
I was just speaking from experience.
Are you unaware of the fact that those able to offer such a case have been systematically banned?
I was talking in general on any forum.
At 9:18 AM,
Joe G said…
Dazza McTrazza looking to find an argument
But anyway it's too late. I am already on the school committee.
Also next month I will be presenting "Intelligent Design Awareness Day" to 8th and 9th graders.
That was helped along by "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed".
At 11:00 AM,
Unknown said…
Howdy Joe,
Your own blog huh?
So where is this school district so I know where never to send my kids? I want my kids to have a good education, not learn fairy tales.
ID is a bankrupt religious line of BS that stinks of Creationism. There is no "ID theory", only a collection of stories from Bronze age shepherds.
Face it, the reason why ID doesn't want to name the designer, and there is no evidence this designer is even remotely intelligent (people pattern their gods after themselves so the god of ID is pretty stupid) is you guys want a big tent.
At 12:04 PM,
Joe G said…
Howdy DM,
I understand your problem.
Try a little KY.
You know ID would go away if you could just substantiate the claims of YOUR position.
That is what I tell the kids- Don't be fooled by a glossy narrative. And that is all the theory of evolution has.
So yes stay away from my district- we want only open-minded people.
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