More Evidence for ID in Biology: Cells with "Zip Codes"
Anatomic Demarcation by Positional Variation in Fibroblast Gene Expression Programs
Research pertaining to cellular differentiation just got a little bit more exciting.
How long before one of the CSI shows adopts this? "Look Grissom we have skin cells from his butt."
A major question in developmental biology is, How do cells know where they are in the body? For example, skin cells on the scalp know to produce hair, and the skin cells on the palms of the hand know not to make hair. Overall, there are thousands of different cell types and each has a unique job that is important to overall organ function. It is critical that, as we grow and develop, each of these different cells passes on the proper function from generation to generation to maintain organ function. In this study, the authors present a model that explains how cells know where they are in the body. By comparing cells from 43 unique positions that finely map the entire human body, the authors discovered that cells utilize a ZIP-code system to identify the cell's position in the human body. The ZIP code for Stanford is 94305, and each digit hones in on the location of a place in the United States; similarly, cells know their location by using a code of genes. For example, a cell on the hand expresses a set of genes that locate the cell on the top half of the body (anterior) and another set of genes that locates the cell as being far away from the body or distal and a third set of genes that identifies the cell on the outside of the body (not internal). Thus, each set of genes narrows in on the cell's location, just like a ZIP code. These findings have important implications for the etiology of many diseases, wound healing, and tissue engineering.
Research pertaining to cellular differentiation just got a little bit more exciting.
How long before one of the CSI shows adopts this? "Look Grissom we have skin cells from his butt."
At 3:05 PM,
Shadowin said…
I read the paper and I don't see anything in it that leads credence to Intelligent Design. Identifying the processes that differentiate cells does just that, and the evidence is that the process is natural, not supernatural.
At 6:10 PM,
Joe G said…
I read the paper and I don't see anything in it that leads credence to Intelligent Design.
Did you read anything that would lead you to infer cellular differentiation and cellular zip codes arose via genetic accidents culled by a blind and purposeless process?
The same DNA accounting for a multitude of different cells that have to be properly placed. Then we have formed elements, such as gametes, RBCs, WBCs and platletes- ALL from the same DNA.
IOW just another layer of information plus another layer of command and control.
I can show you plenty of examples of intelligent agencies doing such a thing- layering information plus command and control.
Is ther ANY data that demonstrates that such a thing can arise without the help of an intelligent agency?
Identifying the processes that differentiate cells does just that, and the evidence is that the process is natural, not supernatural.
Both intelligence and design are natural.
The debate is whether or not such a thing as cellular differentiation and cellular zip codes could arise via genetic accidents culled by a process that doesn't plan.
Supernatural is irrelevant because even any materialistic anti-ID scenario requires something beyond nature to account for it. Saying the universe "just is" is metaphysical. Multiple universes do not exclude ID and just compound the issue for the anti-ID materialists.
At 2:03 PM,
Shadowin said…
Did you read anything that would lead you to infer cellular differentiation and cellular zip codes arose via genetic accidents culled by a blind and purposeless process?
Actually, I just read a paper on fibroblasts being a mechanism for cell differentiation and gene expression.
Leave the red herrings aside and explain how this lends credence to Intelligent Design over the Theory of Evolution.
At 2:29 PM,
Joe G said…
Leave the red herrings aside and explain how this lends credence to Intelligent Design over the Theory of Evolution.
What "red harrings"?
Are you telling me you don't understand the debate?
Or do you think that the theory of evolution involves more than culled genetic accidents?
Is planning, purpose, and goals/ targets part of the theory of evolution?
Or is it what survives, survives, with chance playing a major role at every level?- as Jacques Monod told us:
"Chance alone is at the source of every innovation, of all creation in the biosphere. Pure chance, absolutely free but blind, is at the very root of the stupendous edifice of creation."
And I already told you why this lends credence to ID over the ToE-> Layers of information.
Now if you want to believe that culled genetic accidents can do this I would love to see how you would support that premise. We don't have any experience with anything other than intelligent agencies doing such a thing...
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