If wishes could come true
Over on the Antievolution discussion board, "Rev Dr" Lenny Flank states the following:
This is funny because "Rev Dr" Lenny Flank is a pencil-neck geek who would get throttled in any physical altercation.
However Lenny and I am on the same page- ya see I want a fight. And if Lenny feels up to it I will start with him and work my way through the evolutionitwits like a hot knife through butter.
What say thee, Lenny?
ID/creationism is a political fight. Politics is a business full of knives. This isn't a badminton match -- it's a boxing match. Punches will be thrown, teeth will be knocked out, and blood will spatter the walls. One side will win and walk away, one side won't.
This is funny because "Rev Dr" Lenny Flank is a pencil-neck geek who would get throttled in any physical altercation.
However Lenny and I am on the same page- ya see I want a fight. And if Lenny feels up to it I will start with him and work my way through the evolutionitwits like a hot knife through butter.
What say thee, Lenny?
At 5:19 PM,
blipey said…
Why aren't you working your way through the evilutionists at every major research university and lab in the world?
This should be easy for one of your superior intellect. Wouldn't it be a better use of your time and talents to take the fight somewhere that would truly benefit the cause?
I mean, kicking the crap out of dumbasses on the internet is for chumps. Real geniuses like you should be getting a hearing in the real world, right?
Any updates in that area?
At 6:20 PM,
Joe G said…
Getting heard in the real world.
And if any of those researchers wants to run their mouths they can get in line, behind Lenny.
Survival of the fittest and all...
At 6:29 PM,
Joe G said…
BTW blipey, that was a very cowardly act to try to offer up others to fight. But cowardly acts are to be expected from you and your ilk...
At 10:09 PM,
Joe G said…
Why aren't you working your way through the evilutionists at every major research university and lab in the world?
Perhaps if someone, anyone, started doing some evolutionary research, there wouldn't be a debate about the validity of the theory of evolution.
At 11:18 PM,
blipey said…
BTW blipey, that was a very cowardly act to try to offer up others to fight. But cowardly acts are to be expected from you and your ilk...
I have no idea what you're talking about.
At 11:19 PM,
blipey said…
Getting heard in the real world.
At 9:59 AM,
Joe G said…
BTW blipey, that was a very cowardly act to try to offer up others to fight. But cowardly acts are to be expected from you and your ilk...
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Let's look back-
The OP is all about physical confrontation, ie fighting:
However Lenny and I am on the same page- ya see I want a fight. And if Lenny feels up to it I will start with him and work my way through the evolutionitwits like a hot knife through butter.
then blipey chimes in with:
Why aren't you working your way through the evilutionists at every major research university and lab in the world?
Which, if taken in context, means I should start the fighting with the some unknown researchers.
next blipey adds:
Wouldn't it be a better use of your time and talents to take the fight somewhere that would truly benefit the cause?
I don't consider my fighting skills as a talent and kicking the snot out of Lenny would truly benefit my cause. However the way that question is worded it would appear to any normal person that blipey wants me to start with someone else and kick the snot out of that person first.
At 11:00 AM,
blipey said…
I'm sorry sarcasm is lost on you. I'm perfectly okay with you "kicking the crap" out of anyone you want. I just find it interesting that the ID activists always seem to fight their battles in every forum except the one they say they're all about: science.
Chat rooms, incestuous blogs and bulletin boards aren't really the places science gets done. Those are the places that people (experts, non-experts, the curious, etc) go to discuss things. Those places are great and serve as a wonderful place to get information. They are not, however, the places that actual research and new work gets done.
So, UD, Telic Thoughts, etc are all fine places. It seems, though, that ALL the ID "work" gets done there.
My comment was in reference not to your beating up or not beating up Lenny. It was just a suggestion that to be taken seriously, shouldn't the ID movement branch out a little?
Shoot, DaveScot has promised to beat my ass up. I'm sure this will advance the scientific nature of ID a lot. You know, beating up an actor and a political hound--those are the things that scientific movements do.
That's the point of my comment: you're in heated debate with an actor about biology. To be taken seriously, shouldn't you be in heated debate with a scientist (or better, the scientific community as a whole)?
Of course, I'm not hanging it all (or even much) on you. I'm really talking about the ID movement in general--shouldn't it be in heated debate with the scientific community as a whole.
And no, I don't think 6 scientists all commenting at the Discovery Institute constitutes a heated debate.
At 11:19 AM,
Joe G said…
I'm sorry
Yes you are.
I just find it interesting that the ID activists always seem to fight their battles in every forum except the one they say they're all about: science.
It would be interesting IF you were correect. However reality demonstrates you are wrong.
You did read what I linked to earlier, right?
You do understand that "The Privileged Planet" is all about scientific research. And you should understand that no one has ever offered a scientific explanation that counters the design inference afforded by the scientific data presented in that book.
And again perhaps if the anti-IDists had any science to back up their claims we wouldn't be having this discussion.
That's the point of my comment: you're in heated debate with an actor about biology.
No I'm not. You don't understand anything about biology and you have never presented anything resembling biological data.
To be taken seriously, shouldn't you be in heated debate with a scientist
Been there, done that. They all run away once I expose their diatribe for what it is. Go figure...
(or better, the scientific community as a whole)?
People use "scientific community" without even understanding what that is. However it should be noted that not one scientist can substantiate that grand claims made by the theory of evolution.
What reality demonstrates is the following (and I challenge anyone to refute it):
Sexuality has brought joy to the world, to the world of the wild beasts, and to the world of flowers, but it has brought an end to evolution. In the lineages of living beings, whenever absent-minded Venus has taken the upper hand, forms have forgotten to make progress. It is only the husbandman that has improved strains, and he has done so by bullying, enslaving, and segregating. All these methods, of course, have made for sad, alienated animals, but they have not resulted in new species. Left to themselves, domesticated breeds would either die out or revert to the wild state—scarcely a commendable model for nature’s progress.
Natural Selection, which indeed occurs in nature (as Bishop Wilberforce, too, was perfectly aware), mainly has the effect of maintaining equilibrium and stability. It eliminates all those that dare depart from the type—the eccentrics and the adventurers and the marginal sort. It is ever adjusting populations, but it does so in each case by bringing them back to the norm. We read in the textbooks that, when environmental conditions change, the selection process may produce a shift in a population’s mean values, by a process known as adaptation. If the climate turns very cold, the cold-adapted beings are favored relative to others.; if it becomes windy, the wind blows away those that are most exposed; if an illness breaks out, those in questionable health will be lost. But all these artful guiles serve their purpose only until the clouds blow away. The species, in fact, is an organic entity, a typical form, which may deviate only to return to the furrow of its destiny; it may wander from the band only to find its proper place by returning to the gang.
Everything that disassembles, upsets proportions or becomes distorted in any way is sooner or later brought back to the type. There has been a tendency to confuse fleeting adjustments with grand destinies, minor shrewdness with signs of the times.
It is true that species may lose something on the way—the mole its eyes, say, and the succulent plant its leaves, never to recover them again. But here we are dealing with unhappy, mutilated species, at the margins of their area of distribution—the extreme and the specialized. These are species with no future; they are not pioneers, but prisoners in nature’s penitentiary.
That was from geneticist Giuseppe Sermonti- who is (was) also an editor for a peer-reviewed biological journal.
Ya see blipey evolutionitwits just don't get it. They think science is on their side but reality demonstrates the opposite.
That is why fighting is the only way to resolve this issue- survival of the fittest.
One must wonder where any "evolutionary" work gets done...
At 11:00 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Joe, you are one bad Tard. Nice to see "bashing for jesus" ignorance is alive and well.
At 11:34 PM,
Joe G said…
Rich, you are one limp dick.
BTW I am not a christian you ignorant fool.
Also did you miss the part where Lenny Flank was the one calling for a fight? I am just happy to oblige him.
Now go play in traffic...
At 11:39 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Do you think it might have been metaphoric, Joe?
"Intelligent reasoning?" redundancy aside - is that how the intelligent reason, with their fists? If you think he was serious, do you think that two wrongs make a right? Or is violence the right way to make a point?
Grow up, soft lad.
At 12:09 AM,
Joe G said…
o you think it might have been metaphoric, Joe?
I have dealt with Lenny before and only an ignoramus would think he was using a metaphor.
is that how the intelligent reason, with their fists?
There isn't any reasoning with Lenny or his ilk. This type of thing is all they understand.
If you think he was serious, do you think that two wrongs make a right?
I don't see anything wrong with kicking his ass. He wants it and he deserves it. I am just volunteering to let him have it.
Or is violence the right way to make a point?
What point? I just want to shut him up.
What is wrong with seeing natural selection is action?
Buy a vowel limp dick...
At 12:14 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
That's great Joe. Don't forget to slap your kids untill they see CSI in everything.
At 7:41 AM,
Joe G said…
Don't forget to slap your kids untill they see CSI in everything.
Rich, you ignorant wanker- you still don't get it. This has nothing to do with seeing CSI and everything to do with stifling an anal rententive imbecile.
At 7:42 AM,
Joe G said…
You think Lenny believes that politics are literally about boxing matches and knife fights?
I think tha Lenny wants physical harm to come to all those who doubt the MET.
At 10:53 AM,
blipey said…
I'm sorry
Yes you are.
Uh...weren't you just complaining about things like this? Probably my imagination.
That's the point of my comment: you're in heated debate with an actor about biology.
No I'm not. You don't understand anything about biology and you have never presented anything resembling biological data.
Um, yeah; I haven't presented a lot of biological data. THAT'S MY POINT. Perhaps you should be discussing this with actual biologists instead of Dembski, DaveTard, Gil, and Cordova....
To be taken seriously, shouldn't you be in heated debate with a scientist
Been there, done that. They all run away once I expose their diatribe for what it is. Go figure...
Eagerly awaiting the list of your conquests, remember, this list should include all of the following:
1. The names of scientists you have discussed ID with.
2. Their area of expertise.
3. What specific topics you discussed.
4. What specific topics they could not defend.
5. The exact date of their flight from your genius.
(or better, the scientific community as a whole)?
People use "scientific community" without even understanding what that is.
Oh yes, no one could possibly use this terribly complex term correctly. Thank GOD the ID activists have come along to explain it.
Could it be that the "scientific community" is the community of working scientists? Nah.
At 11:10 AM,
Joe G said…
Could it be that the "scientific community" is the community of working scientists? Nah.
Hello!!! There are working scientists who are IDists and Creationists. IOW the debate is in the scientific community as a whole, you hole.
Um, yeah; I haven't presented a lot of biological data. THAT'S MY POINT.
Ummm, THAT was MY POINT. You don't know what you are talking about (when it comes to biology) and yet you feel you can talk about it.
You are a clue-less turd who can only throw things from the cheap seats.
And if you want a list from me just meet me and I will hand it to you.
At 12:06 PM,
Joe G said…
BTW blipey, if any of the working scientists, who are also anti-IDists, could substantiate their anti-ID position there wouldn't be a debate, but you would still be a hole.
So perhaps those working scientists should start working on some research that would validate their position.
At 12:26 PM,
deadman932 said…
JoeG: I think your job as a repairman for various appliances has left you really unbalanced.
Your comment about "You don't know what you are talking about (when it comes to biology) and yet you feel you can talk about it." Implies you have some expertise in the area...so where'd you get your degree in biology or any other related field...from?
Oh, and after reading about your "debate" with Zachariel in which you edited out his comments, erm...I don't think I'll be bothering with you too much. You're not even a protozoan in a small pond, much less a small fish.
And exactly WHERE do you live so that you can be visited? Be precise and give an actual address :)
P.S. Didn't you already get in trouble before for threatening people online?
Be sure to answer what I asked about your degree (which enables you to feign expertise) and address. Don't wuss out, toughie.
At 12:34 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
From AtBC:
"Joseph is actually Joe Gallien, a moronic legend in the C/E discussion world and a Tard’s Tard if ever there were one. His exploits include:
Claimed to be a qualified “scientist” because he has a Bachelor of Science, Engineer Technology degree.
Claimed to be a Muslim so people wouldn’t call him a YEC
Got caught using an anonymizer and posting under *dozens* of multiple aliases so he could agree with himself and pat himself on the back
Claimed that there are alien cities on Mars and the Moon
His normal MO has been to C&P the standard antiscience crap, then get into insults and mud slinging with those who rebut his stupidity, escalating to him making threats of physical violence against his perceived “enemies”. I know for a fact he has been kicked off of more than one board for this behavior. He did the same thing with me before over at NAIG, but when I called his bluff and gave him a place and time to meet he chickened out, of course. Funniest time was a few years ago when the tard was making physical threats from his work computer, and someone reported it to his company. You never saw someone scramble and lie so much in order to cover his ass and avoid getting fired.
Looks like he’s finally found a home with the other ass kissers at UD. Comments that point out his extraordinary stupidity get edited out, so JoeTard can keep his temper."
I'd love to hear about the moon cities? Thanks!
At 12:40 PM,
Joe G said…
I think your job as a repairman for various appliances has left you really unbalanced.
Interesting. I never had a job as a repairman.
Perhaps your braindeadedness is hampering your ability to think.
so where'd you get your degree in biology or any other related field...from?
Right after I hand that list to blipey I will hand you my credentials.
Oh, and after reading about your "debate" with Zachariel in which you edited out his comments,
I didn't edit anything.
And exactly WHERE do you live so that you can be visited?
The same place I have lived for years.
If you want to visit me I can be found at 550 Main St in Keene, NH. Just ask for Joe G.
P.S. Didn't you already get in trouble before for threatening people online?
Nope. I never threatened anyone, anywhere at any time.
But you must have got in trouble for fondling all those little boys.
If I'm a protozoan that must make you pond scum...
At 12:53 PM,
Joe G said…
some liar:
Claimed to be a qualified “scientist” because he has a Bachelor of Science, Engineer Technology degree.
I never made that claim.
Claimed to be a Muslim so people wouldn’t call him a YEC
Wrong again.
Got caught using an anonymizer and posting under *dozens* of multiple aliases so he could agree with himself and pat himself on the back
Yes I used an anonymizer but all the rest is a lie.
Claimed that there are alien cities on Mars and the Moon
Nope. That was never my claim.
Anyone who listens to anything that Occam's Afterbirth has to say is an imbecile.
She wouldn't know scientific data if it was stuffed up her pu$$y.
OA is very brave sitting behind her computer. It is also nice that she chooses to be anonymous. That way she never has to deal with anything she says.
It figures that Rich would drag that garbage onto my blog.
At 1:14 PM,
Joe G said…
Occam's Afterbirth is right though,
at least two people- Robert Rapier and Jon Barkett- sent lie filled emails to my employer.
The first one would have been bad (for me) if my boss and colleagues didn't know me. But the second came when I was on vacation. IOW JB was blaming me for something I did on company time using company property but I wasn't even there!
However that event did trigger my wife's preeclampsia, she was 7 months pregnant at the time, and it took emergency surgery to save them both (2 lbs. 8 oz).
And that is why I am more than willing to fight these freakin' lowlives.
At 1:14 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Joe, I'm pleased your family is okay. It should be a scientific debate. Don't let anger cloud your rationality - lifes too short.
At 1:18 PM,
Joe G said…
Joe, I'm pleased your family is okay.
I would be pleased if that were so.
It should be a scientific debate.
One would think.
Don't let anger cloud your rationality -
I only get angry after all rationality is gone.
lifes too short.
Not short enough for some people...
At 7:09 PM,
blipey said…
Joe: Nope. I never threatened anyone, anywhere at any time.
Except Lenny. And me. And what about this one from the neighboring comment:
Joe: Not short enough for some people...
surely not! I am shocked! Geez. I had so much respect for you. Damn.
Joe, you are a completely dufus. I have just got through telling you that I have included very little, if any, biological data in my comments to you. I have never claimed expertise in biology and have never really presented any biological data to you. Yet, you come up with this gem:
Ummm, THAT was MY POINT. You don't know what you are talking about (when it comes to biology) and yet you feel you can talk about it.
My point is made again. You are in a heated debate with someone who has NEVER, NOT ONCE, in his conversations with you claimed to be a biological expert. Shouldn't you be out debating the scientific community?
As for the list, I may be able to swing by sometime. I doubt it though, we've already been through New England and I have to visit DaveTard later this spring.
But, since you are some sort of genius debator who has never lost a conversation with a scientist, shouodn' you be proudly publishing your conquests?
Oh, wait. IDiots can only do things in secret so that the population who cruelly persecutes them can't see their secret handshake. My bad.
So, where's the list? Or, where's the real reason you won't tell us who's on it?
At 9:53 PM,
Joe G said…
Joe: Nope. I never threatened anyone, anywhere at any time.
Except Lenny. And me.
Evidence please. All I want from Lenny is to see if he is going to talk the talk and walk the walk.
You- all I would do to you is buy you a meal.
And what about this one from the neighboring comment:
Joe: Not short enough for some people...
What about it? I think it would have been great if Stalin would have died young.
And again I am not, I REPEAT NOT, in a debate with you. Don't flatter yourself you ignorant twerp. All you can do is sling shit from the cheap seats.
You wouldn't know scientific data from the crust around uranus.
You are a blind follower. Cheap entertainment at best.
As for the scientists, what is there to debate, exactly?
Sexuality has brought joy to the world, to the world of the wild beasts, and to the world of flowers, but it has brought an end to evolution. In the lineages of living beings, whenever absent-minded Venus has taken the upper hand, forms have forgotten to make progress. It is only the husbandman that has improved strains, and he has done so by bullying, enslaving, and segregating. All these methods, of course, have made for sad, alienated animals, but they have not resulted in new species. Left to themselves, domesticated breeds would either die out or revert to the wild state—scarcely a commendable model for nature’s progress.
Natural Selection, which indeed occurs in nature (as Bishop Wilberforce, too, was perfectly aware), mainly has the effect of maintaining equilibrium and stability. It eliminates all those that dare depart from the type—the eccentrics and the adventurers and the marginal sort. It is ever adjusting populations, but it does so in each case by bringing them back to the norm. We read in the textbooks that, when environmental conditions change, the selection process may produce a shift in a population’s mean values, by a process known as adaptation. If the climate turns very cold, the cold-adapted beings are favored relative to others.; if it becomes windy, the wind blows away those that are most exposed; if an illness breaks out, those in questionable health will be lost. But all these artful guiles serve their purpose only until the clouds blow away. The species, in fact, is an organic entity, a typical form, which may deviate only to return to the furrow of its destiny; it may wander from the band only to find its proper place by returning to the gang.
Everything that disassembles, upsets proportions or becomes distorted in any way is sooner or later brought back to the type. There has been a tendency to confuse fleeting adjustments with grand destinies, minor shrewdness with signs of the times.
It is true that species may lose something on the way—the mole its eyes, say, and the succulent plant its leaves, never to recover them again. But here we are dealing with unhappy, mutilated species, at the margins of their area of distribution—the extreme and the specialized. These are species with no future; they are not pioneers, but prisoners in nature’s penitentiary.
That was from geneticist Giuseppe Sermonti- who is (was) also an editor for a peer-reviewed biological journal.
Not one scientist can tell us whether or not ANY mutation/ selection process can lead to the changes required by Common Descent.
So what, exactly, do I publish?
BTW I knew since reading your first post that you weren't an expert at anything except dishonesty and spewing nonsense.
Your momma's calling, better not be late...
At 11:15 PM,
blipey said…
Joe: You wouldn't know scientific data from the crust around uranus.
Um, Uranus is a big ball of gas. No crust around it, just gas: some 80ish percent hydrogen. To find anything resembling crust, you'd have to look, not around it, but way down toward the core.
Read a book on the solar system.
At 11:23 PM,
blipey said…
Joe: Nope. I never threatened anyone, anywhere at any time.
Except Lenny. And me.
Evidence please.
How 'bout this?
Joe: I don't see anything wrong with kicking his ass. He wants it and he deserves it. I am just volunteering to let him have it.
Or this?
Joe: ya see I want a fight. And if Lenny feels up to it I will start with him and work my way through the evolutionitwits like a hot knife through butter.
Or this?
Joe: Rich:
lifes too short.
Not short enough for some people...
(in context, you see, it is obviously directed toward Rich.)
These are all just from this short thread. My, my, my....
At 7:25 AM,
Joe G said…
blipey, obviously your dishonesty has again taken over. I didn't threaten Lenny. YOU are reading something into my posts that just isn't there.
Saying that life is not short enough for some people is NOT a threat. Only a dishonest and guillty little coward who even attempt such an inference from what I posted.
Ya see blipey if you presented what you did as "evidence" in a Court it would get laughed at.
At 7:32 AM,
Joe G said…
Joe: You wouldn't know scientific data from the crust around uranus.
Um, Uranus is a big ball of gas.
Ummm. uranus, small 'u', refers to your anus- you know the place where you keep your head.
BTW blipey, Lenny is the one posting threats- see the OP.
At 7:38 AM,
Joe G said…
Not short enough for some people...
(in context, you see, it is obviously directed toward Rich.)
In reality, you see, it wasn't directed at anyone.
Don't you ever get tired of lying and misrepresenting reality?
You do realize that lifestyle will catch up with you someday- and that is not a threat, it is reality.
At 8:16 AM,
Joe G said…
Just because your twisted mind can infer a threat does not mean a threat was implied.
I take it you are still upset about your comma splice fiasco. Grow up...
At 9:08 AM,
blipey said…
Are we really to assume that a sentence you post AFTER a direct quote of someone has nothing to do with said quote?
Jesus, that's dumb. Why post the quote the then? Why order your words in that particular way? Jesus, that's dumb.
Joe: I have dealt with Lenny before and only an ignoramus would think he was using a metaphor.
I see, once again, that YOU can infer whatever you want about anything anyone says. This must be because of your superior intelligence. Come on, the double standard just HAS to become apparent sometime, doesn't it?
Joe: Ummm. uranus, small 'u', refers to your anus- you know the place where you keep your head.
Yes; thank-you. I got the joke. It's just not very funny. You see, the funnier joke comes from deliberately conflating the planet Uranus with the rather lame fake-word referring to my anus.
You may be a world renowned expert in all things biology, but you should leave the comedy to the professionals.
At 9:39 AM,
Joe G said…
Are we really to assume that a sentence you post AFTER a direct quote of someone has nothing to do with said quote?
Only an idiot would make such an assumption. And only a total idiot would even ask such a question.
Not short enough for some people...
has everything to do with:
lifes too short.
It just isn't a threat of any kind. Only a coward with a guilty cowardly conniving conscience would infer such a thing from what I said.
And that is who you are.
You may be a world renowned expert in all things biology
Umm I never said nor implied such a thing. Once again your twisted demented little wimpy existence has pulled something out of its ass, chews it and then spews it.
, but you should leave the comedy to the professionals.
If you only knew...
(BTW my history with Lenny goes back several years. He has diarrhea of the mouth and condones violence against those who doubt the MET. I just called him on that - again)
At 10:13 AM,
Joe G said…
BTW, this was NOT a joke:
You wouldn't know scientific data from the crust around uranus.
It is reality. And although some may find that funny, it is only in a sad way.
At 10:39 AM,
Flabergasted! said…
By Jings, but this thread is funny.
At 10:45 AM,
Joe G said…
"Funny?"-"Funny how?"- "Am I a clown?"- "Do I amuse you?"- "What do you mean 'I'm funny'?"
(quick-what movie?)
At 10:45 AM,
Flabergasted! said…
Goodfellas I believe
At 10:57 AM,
Joe G said…
Joe Pesci playing Tommy in "GoodFellas"!!!!!
We have a flabergasted! winner...
At 11:56 AM,
Flabergasted! said…
Joe G said...
Joe Pesci playing Tommy in "GoodFellas"!!!!!
Good film
At 5:09 PM,
blipey said…
Not short enough for some people...
has everything to do with:
lifes too short.
Great, it isn't a threat. What he hell s it?
"Not short enough for some people..." means that you think that some people's lives should be shorter. If this is not what it means, then please enlighten us.
As you state yourself, this sentence is related to Rich's, "Life's too shrt." So, if you think that some people's lives should be shorter and that sentence is related to Rich, it is a pretty basic assumption to think that you think Rich's life should be shorter.
If this is not true, then why the hell would you bother to take the time to write the sentence?
Oh, I've got it. You're so used to wasting everyone's time and energy that you got on a role and wasted some of your own.
Thank God I talked my way through that one.
For a guy who likes to bloviate on things, you sure don't ever want any of your sentences to mean anything at all.
Come on, take a stand, Joe. Come out and say what you mean...or at least type it.
At 5:10 PM,
blipey said…
Oh, and "if I only knew" what?
Are you a professional comedian? commedienne? juggler? class clown?
Or does that sentence not mean anything either?
At 7:35 PM,
Joe G said…
So, if you think that some people's lives should be shorter and that sentence is related to Rich,...
The sentence had nothing to do with Rich personally. It was a response to what Rich said.
And I already clarified the statement blipey- right after you first started twisting it in your wimpy little disturbed mind.
You really want to know why I say the things I do in the manner I say them? For one reason and one reason only- to drive retards like you crazy. Ya see I know how demented minds work because I have dealt with many. I know how to feed them tidbits that will work them into a frothing frenzy.
And with you it is all too easy.
At 7:37 PM,
Joe G said…
Or does that sentence not mean anything either?
Does anything you post have any meaning? No, you are just a skinny geek who feels like he has a sac behind a computer.
At 9:11 PM,
blipey said…
Okay, Joe. How exactly did you clarify what you meant by "if you only knew..."?
The following is the entirety of your comment. You said you clarified the statement right after you made it. Now, I quote:
, but you should leave the comedy to the professionals.
If you only knew...
(BTW my history with Lenny goes back several years. He has diarrhea of the mouth and condones violence against those who doubt the MET. I just called him on that - again)
That's awesome, Joe. You are one funny guy.
At 9:13 PM,
blipey said…
Please don't ever stop blogging; the day would be a little darker, my soul would cry a little tear, God would strike me a little downer.
Is your invective supposed to accomplish anything? I understand that some souls can be a little angry in their daily lives. Sometimes this is because they are unhappy in their daily existence. Sometimes it is because of perceived slights by others. Sometimes it is becasue of childhood trauma.
I want you to know, whatever it is--I'm here for you.
At 9:32 PM,
Joe G said…
Thank you blipey
Nuthin' to see here folks- move along...
At 9:34 PM,
blipey said…
So, once again, how did you clarify your statement, "if you only knew..."?
At 11:14 AM,
Joe G said…
Don't you get tired of exposing your stupidity, dishonesty and ignorance?
So, once again, how did you clarify your statement, "if you only knew..."?
Umm I never said I did clarify that statement (to you).
What I said I did clarify was the part about life not being short enough for some people.
IOW you are either too stupid to follow along, dishonest because you twisted what I posted into something you wanted to hear (again), or ignorant just because that is what your posts suggest.
(comment edited to fix a typo)
At 11:02 PM,
blipey said…
Excellent, we should play twister some time.
So, what did you mean by "if you only knew..."?
At 9:34 AM,
Joe G said…
Excellent, we should play twister some time.
Guys with guys twister is not for me. But thanks anyway.
So, what did you mean by "if you only knew..."?
What I meant was "you don't know". I'm surprised that you couldn't figure that out.
At 10:45 AM,
blipey said…
"You don't know"?
I certainly do know that you should leave the comedy to the professionals.
And if you're using that as a cliffhanger, you should also leave the writing to the professionals.
At 2:08 PM,
Joe G said…
I certainly do know that you should leave the comedy to the professionals.
You know that? Does that mean we shouldn't laugh unless the people/ person causing that reaction are getting paid? That's just stupid.
And if you're using that as a cliffhanger, you should also leave the writing to the professionals.
We have already been over this.
At 4:13 PM,
Joe G said…
"America's Funniest Home Videos"- Mostly funny, sometimes very funny, very popular and left to the non-professionals.
At 11:07 PM,
blipey said…
As usual you managed to not be able to read the sentence.
I said, "YOU should leave the comedy to the professionals."
I said nothing about laughing at things that are funny, wherever they originated from.
It's a common saying, I can understand how yu have no idea what it may mean. IDiots usually have a very poor grasp on allegory, metaphor, simile, etc.
At 9:20 AM,
Joe G said…
As usual you managed to not be able to read the sentence.
As usual you don't know what you are talking about so you have to pull something out of your ass, chew it and spew it.
I said, "YOU should leave the comedy to the professionals."
I know what you said. I never disputed it. However what you said does not make sense in light of reality.
It's a common saying, I can understand how yu have no idea what it may mean.
But it isn't a common saying especially in the context YOU are using it.
At 4:07 PM,
blipey said…
"Leave _________ to the professionals."
A very common saying.
Joe: However what you said does not make sense in light of reality.
No, REALLY; leave the comedy to the professionals. The world thanks you in advance.
At 4:37 PM,
Joe G said…
Go play in traffic- the world thanks you in advance.
At 6:42 PM,
blipey said…
An effective comeback takes an insult and mocks its form; it does not merely copy it. Professionals....
At 8:28 PM,
Joe G said…
An effective comeback takes an insult and mocks its form
I will remember that when I reply to an insult.
it does not merely copy it.
My reply was not a copy and the change mocked your post.
Dippity-do-da, Dippity-A.
My, oh, my blipey is dippy today.
That crust on uranus
he licked it away
Dippity-do-da, blipey is gay?
At 7:19 AM,
Joe G said…
Or we have the "Ghost Rider" version:
blipey-ki-yeaaaaaa, blipey-ki-yoooo
At 8:40 PM,
blipey said…
Awesome, have I reached the supreme level of awesomeness that requires you to ban me? Kick ass!
Now for more of Joe talking to himself since he'll only publish his own comments.
This is my favorite part of the blog.
At 7:20 AM,
Joe G said…
Now for more of Joe talking to himself since he'll only publish his own comments.
Does lying make you feel bigger or something?
For the record:
The only comments from blipey I have not published were the comments he made in a thread reserved for Zachriel- last year.
Why would I ban blipey? He is harmless and ignorant, which makes for cheap entertainment...
At 8:53 AM,
blipey said…
Joe G said...
An effective comeback takes an insult and mocks its form
I will remember that when I reply to an insult.
it does not merely copy it.
My reply was not a copy and the change mocked your post.
Dippity-do-da, Dippity-A.
My, oh, my blipey is dippy today.
That crust on uranus
he licked it away
Dippity-do-da, blipey is gay?
8:28 PM
Joe G said...
Or we have the "Ghost Rider" version:
blipey-ki-yeaaaaaa, blipey-ki-yoooo
7:19 AM
So, where's my comment between these two? You know, the one where I clarified how your comeback was technically deficient? I then gave you a small amount of praise for your poem. Then I mentioned that it really wasn't terribly funny, but at least you tried....
Where's that one?
At 10:43 AM,
Joe G said…
there isn't anything that shows you posted a comment on my blog between the following two:
An effective comeback takes an insult and mocks its form; it does not merely copy it. Professionals....
Awesome, have I reached the supreme level of awesomeness that requires you to ban me? Kick ass!
Now for more of Joe talking to himself since he'll only publish his own comments.
This is my favorite part of the blog.
Nothing, nada, zip...
At 9:11 PM,
Joe G said…
Rich Hughes is still a cupcake
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