Neil Rickert is Detached from Reality
Seriously, Neil Rickert is one of the most ignorant assholes on the internet. The sad part is he thinks his ignorance means something. Case in point Neil spews:
If the arguments FOR evolutionism had some reality to support them then, maybe, Neil would have a point. But Neil is just another gullible loser happy to agree with the alleged experts.
Neil Rickert- asshat for evolutionism
Seriously, Neil Rickert is one of the most ignorant assholes on the internet. The sad part is he thinks his ignorance means something. Case in point Neil spews:
This has been the failure of the ID movement all along. Their arguments against evolution are detached from reality.What an ignorant thing to say. First off it was mathematicians and not IDists making the mathematical argument against evolutionism. Secondly anyone who thinks that blind watchmaker evolution is a viable explanation for the diversity of life is detached from reality. Evos can't even form coherent arguments for their claims and they definitely don't have any evidence or science to help them.
If the arguments FOR evolutionism had some reality to support them then, maybe, Neil would have a point. But Neil is just another gullible loser happy to agree with the alleged experts.
Neil Rickert- asshat for evolutionism
At 1:50 AM,
JV said…
First off it was mathematicians and not IDists making the mathematical argument against evolutionism.
Let me guess: is that a reference to that unpeer reviwed paper by Dr Dembski that contains a metric for complex specified information that no one has ever computed for a real case?
That's not making a case, that's tossing an idea out there that ended up going no where because it wasn't useable.
At 9:14 AM,
Joe G said…
You are wrong. And CSI has been computed for real cases. Again, your ignorance, while amusing, is still meaningless
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