More TSZ Ignorance
An ignoramus named faded_glory spews:
Sheer question-begging drivel. How did biological reproduction originate, fg? Don't know? Can't test the claim that nature didit? Then shut the fuck up you ignorant asshole.
Basic biological reproduction is irreducibly complex. More so than any bacterial flagellum. So no, faded dickhead, you are ignoring the fact that yours has nothing to account for biological reproduction, loser.
(sarcasm alert)
I just can't get over the quantity of evolutionary biology discussed over on TSZ- well done you've finally cracked it (/sarcasm)
An ignoramus named faded_glory spews:
You guys are ignoring the hugely important distinction between artefacts and living things.
Artefacts are manufactured and require design. Living things are born, or spawn, or germinate…whatever the details, these things happen through biology, all by themselves when the conditions are right. Unless someone wants to claim that there is a designer somewhere, doing something, every time an egg hatches or an acorn sprouts.
Basic biological reproduction is irreducibly complex. More so than any bacterial flagellum. So no, faded dickhead, you are ignoring the fact that yours has nothing to account for biological reproduction, loser.
(sarcasm alert)
I just can't get over the quantity of evolutionary biology discussed over on TSZ- well done you've finally cracked it (/sarcasm)
At 5:11 PM,
William Spearshake said…
"Basic biological reproduction is irreducibly complex."
Having a difficult time with the ladies, Joe?
At 5:35 PM,
Joe G said…
Sexual reproduction isn't basic biological reproduction, wee willie.
At 8:03 PM,
William Spearshake said…
Basic: forming an essential foundation or starting point.
Sounds like basic reproduction for a significant portion of organisms on earth. Don't take it out on me because you were never asked to the prom.
At 8:13 PM,
Joe G said…
Asexual reproduction is basic reproduction, wee willie. Your ignorance is showing again
At 8:56 PM,
William Spearshake said…
Sorry Joe, but your ignorance is showing. The number of organisms that rely solely on asexual reproduction are extremely small. Sexual reproduction is common from bacteria on up. In fact, for eukaryotes, it is essential. Even for single called eukaryotes.
At 9:22 PM,
Joe G said…
Wow, what a moron you are wee willie. Which came first, wee willie, sexual or asexual reproduction? How many organisms are required for sexual reproduction? How many for asexual reproduction? Which number is smaller? And don't even get me started on meiosis, another biological process that is beyond the capabilities of blind and mindless processes.
At 10:28 PM,
William Spearshake said…
Sexual reproduction is characterized by the exchange of genetic material such that the genome of the offspring is different than that of the parent.
Bacteria exchange genetic material like IDist exchange stupid. Conjugation and other forms of genetic exchange are common on protozoans. In fact, ciliate populations die without it.
Even parthenogenesis animals like rotifers and cladophorans have a sexual part of their cycle.
Any time you want to expand your knowledge, just ask. Meanwhile, don't be afraid, girls don't bite. Don't be afraid to talk to them.
At 9:06 AM,
Joe G said…
Wow, way to double-down on your ignorance, wee willie. Asexual reproduction is the more basic of the two, dumbass, for the reasons provided.
It's as if you are proud to be an ignoramus
At 9:27 AM,
Joe G said…
Basic biological reproduction is irreducibly complex. Sexual reproduction even more so as it requires at least an additional organism.
But then again wee willie is too stupid for first grade math
At 9:48 AM,
William Spearshake said…
Sorry Joe. But there is no term called "basic" biological reproduction. There is sexual (involving the exchange of genetic material) and asexual (no exchange of genetic material). The number of obligate asexual organisms are relatively few. Bacteria will often go through many generations of purely asexual reproduction, but I am not aware of any species that do not swap genetic material (sexual reproduction) every now and then.
You should really unplug those toasters before you put a screwdriver into them.
At 10:00 AM,
Joe G said…
Yes, you are sorry. And you are also a moron. Which came first- asexual or sexual reproduction? In the evoTARD scenario it had to be asexual.
And swapping genes is not reproduction.
At 10:05 AM,
Joe G said…
Basic biological reproduction is irreducibly complex. Sexual reproduction even more so as it requires at least an additional organism.
But then again wee willie is too stupid for first grade math
At 5:40 PM,
William Spearshake said…
"And swapping genes is not reproduction."
From uncle Wiki:
"Transformation in bacteria can be viewed as a primitive sexual process, since it involves interaction of homologous DNA from two individuals to form recombinant DNA that is passed on to succeeding generations."
After they swap DNA they divide (reproduce). Therefore transformation followed by division is a type of sexual reproduction.
At 9:34 PM,
Joe G said…
What a fucking moron. So every time there is HGT there is also a transformation? Only an imbecile would think so and here is wee willie
At 11:59 PM,
William Spearshake said…
"What a fucking moron. So every time there is HGT there is also a transformation?"
Who said this? You really have to start reading for comprehension.
I have heard that sexual frustration can cause difficulties in comprehension. I have just never seen it before. Maybe you should take things in hand before you respond. Like you usually do. And, to be honest, why people are hesitant to shake hands with you.
At 8:40 AM,
Joe G said…
Who said this? You really have to start reading for comprehension.
LoL! Look who's talking. HGT is swapping genes and to swapping genes is not reproduction you posted "transformation", which is false.
Obviously you thought tat all HGT was transformation. Look asshole, you are the one who has sex by itself. And you are such an asshole that it is considered to be anal sex
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