Answering Patrick May- No Theory of Evolution
Ohs noes! Patrick May is on the case. Patty inquires:
So where is it Patty? Why can't you find it and link to it? That would be the way to go. Don't have us look for it- you go find it and bring it back to us, if you can. We know that you can't and that is the point. Instead of getting all belligerent all Patty or any evo has to do is step up and reference this alleged theory of evolution. Yet they can't even say who authored it nor when it was published.
Ohs noes! Patrick May is on the case. Patty inquires:
Out of curiosity, where are the intelligent design creationists getting this idea that there is no scientific theory of evolution? It seems like a talking point they got from one of their leaders and are repeating without checking the source. How difficult is it to type “what is the theory of evolution” into Google? How about cracking an introductory textbook like Futuyma?I googled it and the theory of evolution did NOT come up. People talking about it as if it exists doesn't mean anything. Biology textbooks talk about it but they never say what it is, who wrote it, when it was written- nothing.
So where is it Patty? Why can't you find it and link to it? That would be the way to go. Don't have us look for it- you go find it and bring it back to us, if you can. We know that you can't and that is the point. Instead of getting all belligerent all Patty or any evo has to do is step up and reference this alleged theory of evolution. Yet they can't even say who authored it nor when it was published.
At 1:59 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
You're consistently wrong, chubbers:
At 10:03 PM,
Unknown said…
Nice try refrigerator boy. Anyone with the most basic understanding of science knows that a theory is always a moving target. It is constantly being revised and modified based on new evidence. That is the strength of science.
That is the difference between the evolutionary theory and creationism. One is open to modification and refinement, the other is dogma.
The theory of evolution proposes hypotheses for the mechanisms involved, and is open to the testing of these hypotheses. ID creationism refuses to allow the mechanisms involved and the nature of the designer to be hypothesized. It has this strange idea that the identification of design is all that is needed. Even though you can't confirm that design exists without also addressing the nature of the designer and the mechanisms involved.
At 8:06 AM,
Joe G said…
There isn't any theory of evolution. And it is very telling that no one can link to it.
At 8:15 AM,
Joe G said…
Richie, Patrick May is a Patty. Paddy is saved for males...
At 3:33 PM,
Ghostrider said…
What kind of a clueless ass continues to claim there is no theory of evolution?
Oh, it's just Chubby Joke G. That explains it all.
At 5:23 PM,
Joe G said…
What kind of clueless coward would claim there is a theory of evolution without being able to reference it?
Tiny timmy horton, that's who- horton hears a who
At 8:46 PM,
Joe G said…
Anyone with the most basic understanding of science knows that a theory is always a moving target.
I never said otherwise.
The theory of evolution proposes hypotheses for the mechanisms involved, and is open to the testing of these hypotheses.
There isn't any theory of evolution however evolutionism's mechanisms (NS and drift) been tested and shown to be impotent.
ID creationism refuses to allow the mechanisms involved and the nature of the designer to be hypothesized.
That is incorrect. ID is not about those but anyone is free to hypothesize away.
It has this strange idea that the identification of design is all that is needed.
It has no such idea. You are deluded, stupid, ignorant or just plain retarded.
Even though you can't confirm that design exists without also addressing the nature of the designer and the mechanisms involved.
That is also incorrect. We can confirm design given the entailments of design, period. We don't even look for a who nor how until AFTER design is confirmed, duh.
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