RichTARD Hughes, Still a Physics FAILure
For whatever reason RichTARD Hughes is still hung up on his huge physics FAIL with respect to, get this, a universe that had only one star and one orbiting planet that also had an orbiting moon. Yes he pulled it from his ass because that is all he had to try to make some retarded point.
Richie thought what I said was wrong-
That counter-balance is called EXPANSION, without which said universe would collapse on itself. That means the planet/moon system would spiral or even just straight fall right into the star. Even this universe will start collapsing, if it hasn't already, once the expansion stops. And a universe with only one star with a planet moon system in orbit wouldn't have enough stuff to keep it expanding.That is another point-; RichTARD's universe could never exist in the first place.
For whatever reason RichTARD Hughes is still hung up on his huge physics FAIL with respect to, get this, a universe that had only one star and one orbiting planet that also had an orbiting moon. Yes he pulled it from his ass because that is all he had to try to make some retarded point.
Richie thought what I said was wrong-
For ONE, the earth/ moon system would fall into the Sun without any counter-balance- we need that external pull to help keep us in place.
That counter-balance is called EXPANSION, without which said universe would collapse on itself. That means the planet/moon system would spiral or even just straight fall right into the star. Even this universe will start collapsing, if it hasn't already, once the expansion stops. And a universe with only one star with a planet moon system in orbit wouldn't have enough stuff to keep it expanding.That is another point-; RichTARD's universe could never exist in the first place.
At 8:28 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Can you post some equations that show how 'expansion' counteracts gravity, Joe?
At 8:38 AM,
Joe G said…
So Richie is admitting that he is ignorant of physics and cosmology.
Richie, do your own research. And please find a reference that supports your imaginary "universe".
At 8:48 AM,
Joe G said…
The Incredible Expanding Accelerating Universe
Inertia started the expansion and then dark energy kept it going.
And as I said in the OP-> even this universe will start collapsing...
Richie is too stupid to grasp what I post and he blames me.
At 9:40 AM,
Joe G said…
Here's another site:
Ask an astronomer
At 9:54 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
Oh poor old Chubbers. By know he's been over to the thread that celebrates him being one of the internet's greatest morons:;act=ST;f=14;t=6647;st=7500
Seen me show how Newton solved it in Principia and seen Oleg's calculation as to why inflation is a non-issue. And still he persists, knowing he's wrong. How creationist!
At 10:01 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
"Can you post some equations that show how 'expansion' counteracts gravity, Joe?"
No he can't, because it doesn't.
Poor Cupcake!
At 10:31 AM,
Joe G said…
Geez I posted two sites that say expansion is why we are not collapsing and Richie eats it, as usual.
How is inflation a non-issue wrt to your imaginary universe? Oh that's right it is imaginary! How TARDed of you, Richie.
What did Newton solve Richie? And show us how it relates to your imaginary universe. Thanks.
At 10:35 AM,
Joe G said…
Einstein's equations predict an expanding universe. At first he invented a cosmological constant to counteract gravity then he realized he didn't need it.
Richie the ignorant loser...
At 10:36 AM,
Joe G said…
BTW Oleg was not considering a universe with only one star with a planet/ moon system in orbit. You are lying again, as usual.
At 10:44 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
No Joe, let's stop you trying to evolve your lies: you first claimed we needed other stars to stop the moon falling into the earth and the earth into the sun. You've now changed to the equally stupid expansion preventing it - despite both Newton and Oleg demonstrating why you are wrong. Based on this very simple misunderstanding of physics, I'm amazed you made it into toaster repair!
At 10:53 AM,
Joe G said…
Fuck you Richie- those other stars are the mass in the expansion, dumbass. Neither Newton nor Oleg proved I was wrong- you are a liar. Neither even considered such a universe. Newton didn't know about expansion. All today's physicists say that without expansion this universe would collapse on itself.
So again you are just a fucking cowardly and ignorant moron.
At 11:05 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
And now we have sweary Joe as he begins to realize just how wrong he is (again):
Newton showed how orbits work without the need for 'expansion'
Oleg showed how tiny the 'expansion' force is at the solar system level
I have shown what an idiot you are at physics (amongst other things).
Unlucky, chubs.
At 11:11 AM,
Joe G said…
LoL! I am not wrong Richie. You being a moron doesn't mean I am wrong.
The expansion is the only thing keeping this universe from collapsing, That is just a fact of science. You lose, again, as usual.
At 11:12 AM,
Joe G said…
And AGAIN, neither Newton nor Oleg even considered your imaginary universe.
You cannot find anyone to support your imaginary universe.
At 11:14 AM,
Joe G said…
And I have provided two references that support my claim- so how can I be wrong?
At 11:24 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
The don't support your claim, Chubs. No doubts "expansion", but you are the only person that thinks it stops moons falling into planets and planes into stars (I see you've given up on 'other stars being required for that')
But thanks for making the internet a funnier place - at your expense.
At 11:27 AM,
Joe G said…
LoL! Yes they do support my claim and now you are forced to lie:
but you are the only PERSON that thinks it stops moons falling into planets and planes into stars
Not me. What I said only applies to your imaginary universe. Also without expansion the universe would collapse, meaning moons, planets and stars would all fall into the same point.
Obviously you are too stupid to grasp that.
At 11:45 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
No Joe, stop lying.
back then you thought you need the gravity of other stars to stop moons falling into planets and planes into stars:
“For ONE, the earth/ moon system would fall into the Sun without any counter-balance- we need that external pull to help keep us in place.
Obviously you don’t have much of a physics background. And obviously all you have are “why” questions that 5 year olds ask.”
You think gravity from other stars would be that " external pull" but now you're suggesting the "internal push" of expansion is required. neither are.
Here's so more of what you said as you're trying to change your tune:
"AND you need to keep the planet from falling into the sun."
"Again THAT is in a much BIGGER SYSTEM- heck we already have evidence of big gas planets spiraling into their star- what is wrong with you?"
"In an unbalanced system- one in which you had a super-heavy object and two much, much, much lighter objects, they will fall in."
"Planets spiral into their host star in this universe oleg."
"What happens when you stretch out a piece of fabric, say a bed sheet, and then put one heavy bowling ball on it and then try to get two much smaller marbles to stay a specified distance- relatively close- away from the bowling bowl?
You need a way to keep the bowling bowl from making too big of a dent, which is difficult to do wrt ONE heavy object. If the fabric is too tight the bowling ball will go all over the place."
"Could people live on such a planet? And what prevents it from falling into the star?";f=14;t=6647;st=4200#entry204987
At 11:51 AM,
Joe G said…
LoL! You are the liar, Richie. And I see that you cannot support your claim of a universe with only one star with one planet/moon system in orbit.
"You think gravity from other stars would be that " external pull" "
AGAIN- without expansion our universe would collapse on itself. And without the inertia from all the mass there wouldn't be any expansion.
At 11:53 AM,
Joe G said…
Planets do spiral into their host star in this universe. That is a fact.
“For ONE, the earth/ moon system would fall into the Sun without any counter-balance- we need that external pull to help keep us in place.
Obviously you don’t have much of a physics background. And obviously all you have are “why” questions that 5 year olds ask.”
"In an unbalanced system- one in which you had a super-heavy object and two much, much, much lighter objects, they will fall in."
True. You would need expansion or magic to stop that from happening.
At 11:56 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
You're really not bright -
Remember Joe you were arguing we need other stars, not expansion, pull, not push.
At 12:25 PM,
Joe G said…
LoL! Talk about not being bright- Richie thinks that a universe with only one star with an orbiting planet/ moon system can exist.
Remember Joe you were arguing we need other stars, not expansion, pull, not push.
As I said the other stars are part of the mass required for the expansion.
At 12:27 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"mass required for expansion" is new to this thread, Joe. You didn't mention it then.
Talk us through how "mass is required for expansion"
At 1:07 PM,
Joe G said…
Fuck you Richie- those other stars are the mass in the expansion, dumbass.
Poor Richie, caught lying again.
Without mass there isn't anything to provide the inertia for the expansion. Duh. Without mass there wouldn't be anything for dark energy to act on. Duh.
Still waiting for a reference to support your one star, with one orbiting planet/moon universe, Richie. Why are you being such a coward?
At 1:20 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Joe: "And without the inertia from all the mass there wouldn't be any expansion."
Me: " "mass required for expansion" is new to this thread, Joe. You didn't mention it then.
Talk us through how "mass is required for expansion" "
"mass required for expansion" is new to this thread, Joe. You didn't mention it then.
I can see why you're trying to change the subject though. Your old lies are back to haunt you again. Must suck to be you, fatty.
At 2:48 PM,
Joe G said…
Expansion and mass are part of physics. So it isn't new to this thread. What would expand if there wasn't any mass? And how could you tell there was expansion if there wasn't any mass?
And why is Richie too much of a coward to support his claim of a universe with only one star with an orbiting planet/ moon system?
At 2:53 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"And how could you tell there was expansion if there wasn't any mass?" <> "mass required for expansion"
The measuring of a thing is not the same as a thing existing.
At 2:57 PM,
Joe G said…
The measuring of a thing is not the same as a thing existing
I never said it was. Why are you such an asshole?
What would expand if there wasn't any mass? And how could you tell there was expansion if there wasn't any mass?
And why is Richie too much of a coward to support his claim of a universe with only one star with an orbiting planet/ moon system?
Answer the questions, coward.
At 2:59 PM,
Joe G said…
Expansion was driven by inertia. Without any mass there wouldn't be any inertia.
At 3:13 PM,
Joe G said…
We would love to see the equations for the inertia of mass-less bodies.
Any chance for that, Richie?
At 3:17 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
I never made that claim, Joe. I see you're trying to change the subject again. First you thought you need the gravity of stars to stop things falling inwards. Now you think you need 'expansion'. Expansion force (or inflation is physicists call it ;) ) is tiny locally in our system compare to gravity.
Poor old Joe, always getting it wrong.
At 3:19 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Joe: What would expand if there wasn't any mass?
"In physical cosmology, cosmic inflation, cosmological inflation, or just inflation is the exponential expansion of space.."
At 5:19 PM,
Joe G said…
LoL! Cosmic inflation is different than expansion. The universe is still expanding whereas inflation has stopped.
I never made that claim, Joe.
It arises from what you posted. Not my fault that you are too stupid to grasp the shit you post.
First you thought you need the gravity of stars to stop things falling inwards.
Now you think you need 'expansion'.
Without expansion we get a collapse.
Expansion force (or inflation is physicists call it ;) ) is tiny locally in our system compare to gravity.
Inflation refers to the alleged rapid expansion near the beginning of the universe. The universe is still expanding even though inflation has ceased.
Also that has nothing to do with your imagined universe. Why are you trying to change the subject?
At 5:20 PM,
Joe G said…
Still waiting for a reference to support your one star, with one orbiting planet/moon universe, Richie. Why are you being such a coward?
At 5:24 PM,
Joe G said…
In 1980, to explain the conditions observed in the universe, astrophysicist Alan Guth proposed cosmic inflation. The term inflation refers to the explosively rapid expansion of space-time that occurred a tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang. In another tiny fraction of a second, inflation slowed to a more leisurely expansion that continues to this day and is accelerating.
At 5:25 PM,
Joe G said…
LoL! Richie's quote-mine is very telling. Here is the rest so you can see the context:
n physical cosmology, cosmic inflation, cosmological inflation, or just inflation is the exponential expansion of space in the early universe. The inflationary epoch lasted from 10−36 seconds after the Big Bang to sometime between 10−33 and 10−32 seconds. Following the inflationary period, the universe continues to expand, but at a less accelerated rate.
At 5:33 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
I see you'er still making things up and pretending other people said them, Chubs.
I din't expect liars like you to change.
What are you gibbering about, Joe:
"Still waiting for a reference to support your one star, with one orbiting planet/moon universe, Richie. Why are you being such a coward?"
Pleased you've got the terminology right now, although the physics still very wrong:
New Joe claim:
"And without the inertia from all the mass there wouldn't be any expansion."
"That's utterly wrong. Massive matter tends to slow down the expansion of the Universe. Gravitational attraction of matter pulls the Universe inward, not pushes outward. That's why Einstein needed to add the cosmological term, to balance the inward pull of gravity.
At any rate, all of this is irrelevant on the scale of a solar system, where cosmological effects are minute"
Oh, and sorry you didn't make the cut, Last-place-chubs:
Can you do anything right?
At 5:45 PM,
Joe G said…
Now Richie is just a fucking liar. And just because you are unable to follow your own bullshit just proves that you are an asshole. And I always had the terminology right.
And yes I know that gravity slows the expansion. I never said otherwise. However it is the inertia of the matter that kept the expansion going. Obviously Oleg is just being an asshole too.
Also Einstein added his factor because he didn't know about expansion! He thought the universe was static. Oleg is a pure asshole loser. And we were NOT talking about this solar system. That is something else Oleg refuses to grasp.
As for the library, oh well. You are more concerned about it than I ever will be. If you had any observational skills at all you would have noticed that the director of the library is no longer there. It makes me very happy that I came in last on that one. Now we have charges of embezzlement and the old trustees not doing their jobs. Who needs that shit from a non-paying position?
At 5:46 PM,
Joe G said…
Still waiting for a reference to support your one star, with one orbiting planet/moon universe, Richie. Why are you being such a coward?
Richie has a big mouth except when he needs to support his bullshit.
At 5:49 PM,
Joe G said…
"That's utterly wrong. Massive matter tends to slow down the expansion of the Universe. Gravitational attraction of matter pulls the Universe inward, not pushes outward.
That is why inflation sounds good-> to keep the young universe from collapsing on itself. And the inertia from the original unfolding of space-time fueled the expansion.
And yes gravity is supposed to be slowing it down but observations say otherwise and enter dark energy.
At 5:52 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Who needs shit people in a public post, more like. Your charm must have shone through ;)
Do try and remember, not make up what you want, Joe.
We were talking hypothetically. Could an infinite designer make such a system? yes or No. For a guy who can't himself disprove YECism all of this should be mysterious to you ;)
And Oleg's point:
"At any rate, all of this is irrelevant on the scale of a solar system, where cosmological effects are minute"
Empirical fact. Whoops.
At 5:58 PM,
Joe G said…
At any rate, all of this is irrelevant on the scale of a solar system, where cosmological effects are minute
We weren't talking about this solar system in this universe, asshole. Oleg's point is meaningless.
Could an infinite designer make such a system?
No idea. What would be the purpose? The laws would be different from what ours are. Or else the designer would have to keep things in place and start the motion of the planet/moon system.
For a guy who can't himself disprove YECism all of this should be mysterious to you
It all depends on what you mean by "YEC". You tend to change definitions to suit your needs.
At 5:59 PM,
Joe G said…
At any rate, all of this is irrelevant on the scale of a solar system, where cosmological effects are minute
If the solar system is the entire universe, as is the case in your scenario, then Oleg is wrong.
At 6:05 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Joe doesn't know what designers can do. Duly noted. Stick to toasters, then Chubs.
What do you think constitutes the 'end' or 'edge' or a universe, Fatty?
At 6:27 PM,
Joe G said…
Richie doesn't know anything and has to lie to try to make himself feel important. Duly noted.
At 6:31 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Are you dodging a question again, Joe? As you brought it up, and think its important:
What do you think constitutes the 'end' or 'edge' or a universe, Fatty?
At 6:38 PM,
Joe G said…
Richie, dickhead, YOU have dodged everything. I never brought up the edge nor the end of the universe. Other people have, though. Go bother them.
As for "fatty", LoL! The only people who think I am a fatty are ignorant skinny little pinheads like Kevin R. McCarthy. Are you an ignorant skinny little pinhead too, Richie?
At 7:21 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Joe: "If the solar system is the entire universe" - well if its the entire universe then it has an boundary, right?
Its your porky YEC pic that makes me think you're a salad dodger. Chubs.
At 7:51 PM,
Joe G said…
Richie, needle-dick, it's YOUR universe. YOU are the one who defined it.
Seeing that there isn't any matter for inertia to act on, the universe cannot expand much beyond the orbit of the planet/ moon system. You cannot stretch out the fabric of space-time if there isn't anything to spread it out. That is where your mass-less bodies come in or a designer that holds everything into place or very different laws.
Moving on-
Strange, I never had a porky YEC pic and you never defined what a YEC is. From what I can tell to you a YEC is someone who can assess and understand the evidence. Also it is someone who doesn't accept sheer dumb luck is a scientific explanation- all materialism has for an explanation is sheer dumb luck. Porky? Only an ignorant skinny little pinhead would say there is a porky in that picture.
So thanks for proving that you are just an ignorant skinny little pinhead.
And I love salads- we grow the stuff in our garden. I use camelina oil and balsamic vinegar to bring out the best in it.
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