Intelligent Reasoning

Promoting, advancing and defending Intelligent Design via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning and exposing the alleged theory of evolution as the nonsense it is. I also educate evotards about ID and the alleged theory of evolution one tard at a time and sometimes in groups

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thorton the EvoTARD Argues FOR Baraminology

EvoTARDS are so clueless I now have one arguing FOR baraminology:

Thorton said:

A cat is a member of the family Felidae. Its parents were Felidae, and its grandparents, and all its ancestors going back tens of millions of years. All of the descendants it leaves will be Felidae.
A dog is a member of the family Canidae. Its parents were Canidae, and its grandparents, and all its ancestors going back tens of millions of years. All of the descendants it leaves will be Canidae.
LoL! Thanks thorton I always knew that you hated evolutionism.

The argument was about evotards saying that a dog couldn't evolve into a cat. One moron tried to tell me that a dog genome didn't have the information to be a cat- I guess he forgot that evolution changes genomes. Not only that he couldn't provide any evidence that the alleged common ancestor of dogs and cats had the required information.

Ritchie chimed in with:

The cat genome is an extrmely specific and masively imporbable code. The chances that the dog genome will evolve into it by random chance is phantasically improbable.

You do reauize that you are now arguing AGAINST the UCA as ALL genomes are specific and massively improbable codes. And therefor they all have that fantastic improbability.

Look morons, if the dog family climbed up the branch of the tree of life it can climb back down. And if it can climb back down it can evolve into the common ancestor of dogs and cats. and THEN it can climb up the cat branch.

If not then everything you have said about evolution is total bullshit.


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