Elizabeth Liddle, Joe Felsenstein, and other evotards, Still Misrepresenting CSI
I tried and tried to tell them that CSI pertains to origins, but their heads are so far up their asses that they cannot understand.
I posted the following quote from "No Free Lunch" but as with several other of my correcting posts, it most likely won't be posted:
Just read the stupidity- oleg thinks evolution actually selects- Elizabeth thinks that because GAs can produce SC/ CSI that means blind and undirected processes can- what is wrong with her? Someone designs something to solve a problem, it solves the problem and design had nothing to do with it?
As for Joe Felsenstein, he still refuses to understand that CSI pertains to origins and thinks if he quote-mines "No Free Lunch" he can make his case.
The funny part is each of them are proud of their ignorance...
I tried and tried to tell them that CSI pertains to origins, but their heads are so far up their asses that they cannot understand.
I posted the following quote from "No Free Lunch" but as with several other of my correcting posts, it most likely won't be posted:
The central problem of biology is therefore not simply the origin of information but the origin of complex specified information.- page 149- the sentence starting the very next paragraph after what Joe F quoted.
Just read the stupidity- oleg thinks evolution actually selects- Elizabeth thinks that because GAs can produce SC/ CSI that means blind and undirected processes can- what is wrong with her? Someone designs something to solve a problem, it solves the problem and design had nothing to do with it?
As for Joe Felsenstein, he still refuses to understand that CSI pertains to origins and thinks if he quote-mines "No Free Lunch" he can make his case.
The funny part is each of them are proud of their ignorance...
At 3:08 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"Like Lt. Data from Star Trek"
At 3:41 PM,
Joe G said…
And speaking of evoTARDs...
At 12:27 AM,
blipey said…
Can you point out (or link to) any example of a calculation of CSI? Just so we know how to do it?
At 6:51 AM,
Joe G said…
Hi Eric- I gave you a link and told you how to do it.
Again just because YOU are an ignorant fuck doesn't mean a thing to me.
At 10:22 AM,
Joe G said…
EriK- my bad with the "c"
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