Retard's "Evidence" for Common Ancestry
EvoTards are such clueless pricks. It is entertaining watching them present "evidence" for their claims.
With universal common ancestry there isn't any way to test the claim objectively as there is way, way too much time involved. This allows evotards to weasel out of doing any science to support their position. However they will have us believe there is circumstantial evidence. Evidence, the say, that can only be explained via common ancestry-> which is just a question-begging fallacy.
For example I was just visited by an evotard that goes by "human ape". It wants to be an ape so badly it calls itself one. But that isn't the entertainemnt. On its blog it sez:
Unfortunately the dumbass has absolutely no way of supporting its question-begging claim. Not only that the freaking ignorant punk doesn't understand that evidence for common ancestry is not evidence for any mechanism.
But anyway-
Why can't it be that the hair/ fur is just part of the developmental program for mammals? One basic/ common developmental program for mammals, with each getting its own required "personal" code that determines the final archetype.
So untestable question-begging plus the inability to think = evidence for a human ape.
On another note-
2012 will go down as the year in which the myth of 98.x% genetic similarity between chimp and humans is shattered, putting the actual % below 90%. And that may be too large of a difference to be accounted for via stochastic processes.
EvoTards are such clueless pricks. It is entertaining watching them present "evidence" for their claims.
With universal common ancestry there isn't any way to test the claim objectively as there is way, way too much time involved. This allows evotards to weasel out of doing any science to support their position. However they will have us believe there is circumstantial evidence. Evidence, the say, that can only be explained via common ancestry-> which is just a question-begging fallacy.
For example I was just visited by an evotard that goes by "human ape". It wants to be an ape so badly it calls itself one. But that isn't the entertainemnt. On its blog it sez:
Human ape fetuses and whale fetuses are covered with hair which drops off before birth. The hair is a remnant of our ancient hairy ape ancestors and it's a remnant of whale ancestors who lived on land. This is the only possible scientific explanation.
Unfortunately the dumbass has absolutely no way of supporting its question-begging claim. Not only that the freaking ignorant punk doesn't understand that evidence for common ancestry is not evidence for any mechanism.
But anyway-
Why can't it be that the hair/ fur is just part of the developmental program for mammals? One basic/ common developmental program for mammals, with each getting its own required "personal" code that determines the final archetype.
So untestable question-begging plus the inability to think = evidence for a human ape.
On another note-
2012 will go down as the year in which the myth of 98.x% genetic similarity between chimp and humans is shattered, putting the actual % below 90%. And that may be too large of a difference to be accounted for via stochastic processes.
At 2:48 PM,
Human Ape said…
Hello asshole for Jeebus. Why don't you go to the University of Chicago, see Jerry Coyne (one the best biologists in the world) and tell him why you know more about biology than he does. Go do that asshole.
At 2:48 PM,
Human Ape said…
Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.
We will see whether or not you're a coward.
At 2:51 PM,
Human Ape said…
You can also talk to the molecular biologists at MIT and Harvard. Explain why your magical creationism is true, and the foundation of biology is false. Then watch them take you away to the asylum you escaped from.
You fucking loon. You don't know anything about any branch of science. You're an uneducated moron and that's obvious to everyone.
At 2:53 PM,
Human Ape said…
"Unfortunately the dumbass"
The world's biologists agree with everything I said about evolution in my blog. Therefore, according to you, every biologist in the world is a dumbass.
Drop dead. Nobody will miss you.
At 2:58 PM,
Human Ape said…
Promoting, advancing and defending MAGIC via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning and exposing the STRONGEST BASIC FACT OF SCIENCE as the nonsense it is.
I fixed it for you to make it honest.
Calling magic "design" is dishonest and you're not fooling anyone.
Why are so terrified of reality? You fucking loon, grow up.
At 4:29 PM,
Joe G said…
Hey human asshole- Jerry Coyne won't even allow my comments. So by your "logic" he is a coward. The same goes for Kevin R. McCarthy, aka OgreMkV- cowards.
Larry Moran and Jeff Shallit- two evotards also enable comment moderation.
That said I never said nor implied I know more about biology than Coyne. But he doesn't know if the transformations required are even possible.
Not one of your alleged "world's biologists" can support the claims of universal common descent- are you that fucking stupid?
It is ALL just eons of untestable time. Not only that not one bit of the "evidence" has anything to do with stochastic processes.
But anyway you had your chance to produce some evidence and you choked on it because you are a fucking retarded coward.
At 4:32 PM,
Joe G said…
So we can add raw spewage and personal attacks to the list of "retard's evidence for common ancestry".
At 5:25 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"So we can add raw spewage and personal attacks..."
Good for you Joe, taking the moral high ground. You NEVER get personal.
At 8:31 PM,
Joe G said…
Wrong again, as usual. And a quote-mine at that.
At 9:46 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
How is it a quite mine, Joe? You've never understood that concept.
At 4:28 AM,
The whole truth said…
joe-boi spewed in his cowardly fashion:
"Jerry Coyne won't even allow my comments. So by your "logic" he is a coward. The same goes for Kevin R. McCarthy, aka OgreMkV- cowards."
Hey joe-boi, why do you block my comments, you sniveling coward? And why does your favorite cowardly sanctuary, UD, block so many opposing comments and ban so many people? And why does cowardly ENV not allow comments? And why do so many other ID/religious sites block opposing comments?
Oh, and why does your buddy, the cowardly gorden elliott mullings, block comments from me and many others at his blogs?
You IDiotic religious freaks are the cowards.
By the way, joe-boi, you coward, I see that you ran away from Moran's site and from my comments in the IC thread.
Designed IC, and ID, is refuted.
Why don't you ask Larry Moran who knows more about evolution, me, or you? The others you challenged in your "bet" at his site, or you? Go ahead, coward. Then get ready to pay.
At 4:37 AM,
The whole truth said…
At 6:41 AM,
Joe G said…
It's a quote-mine because you did not include the whole quote, you fucking retard. And by not including the whole quote youn tried to change the meaning of what I said.
At 7:15 AM,
Joe G said…
Hi TWiT,
Your comments get blocked becausen you are a belligerent piece-of-shit liar who doesn't have anything to say.
IC and ID are still going strong because you and your ilk are too fucking stupid and cowardly to actually present positive for your position.
You don't seem to know anything about anything except how to be a belligerent fucking coward.
I don't need to ask anyone as it is obvious I know more about science and evolution than you ever will.
And thanks for linking to another ignorant fuck- as if his spewage means something.
At 9:10 AM,
The whole truth said…
At Sandwalk, I refuted designed IC, and ID, according to your own stated standard, joe-boi, and the stated standard by behe, dembski, vjtorley, etc.
Many other people have refuted designed IC, and ID, in nature, too.
Stochastic processes/causes/events can and do bring about complex multi-part systems with irreducible cores, in nature.
Go over to Sandwalk and show where I'm wrong, if you can, but don't forget that I have lots of your own words to use against you, and the words of your fellow IDiots.
Don't you just hate it when your own words come back to ruin you and your insane agenda?
For the purpose of my refutation, it doesn't matter whether any other "position" has a testable hypothesis, joe-boi. I refuted designed IC, and ID, based on what you've said and what your fellow IDiots have said about stochastic processes/causes/events.
Blather on all you like, but all you're doing is wasting your time and making a gigantic fool of yourself, which you've been doing for a long time.
At 9:20 AM,
Joe G said…
Just because you can repeat you lies that does not make them come true.
You are nothing but a cowardly and clueless moron who can only engage in question-begging evotardgasms.
At 9:21 AM,
Joe G said…
And BTW you ignorant fuck- to refute ID you do indeed need a testable hypothesis for stochastic processes. Without tat how do you know stochastic processes didit?
At 9:22 AM,
The whole truth said…
In your "bet" on Sandwalk, joe-boi, you said you'd let Larry Moran be the judge about whether I, or the others you challenged, know more about evolution than you. I see that you're reneging on that, which doesn't surprise me. Cowardly liars like you never keep their word. I always knew that you're an impotent flake.
And I don't see why you call me a coward, joe-boi. I'm not a bit afraid of you in any way. You're the one who always runs away, and not just from me. You're the one who hides here and at UD, and you're the one who blocks my comments and the comments of some other people, just because I, and they, show you to be a dumbass coward.
At 9:25 AM,
Joe G said…
In your "bet" on Sandwalk, joe-boi, you said you'd let Larry Moran be the judge about whether I, or the others you challenged, know more about evolution than you.
In order to do that we need to take a test. And in order to do that we need to be in the same room so you don't cheat. And if that ever happens you will lose, big time.
And you are a coward because you have to hide behind a cowardly internet name.
Not only that but you are an ignorant fucking coward.
At 9:29 AM,
Joe G said…
And yeah you faggot coward- I "hide" in plain fucking site.
And if you ever have anything to say I post it. However it is obvious that you are a little fucking coward- a belligerent coward at that.
Just look at your posts- nothing of any substance, nothing with any science and nothing but attacks.
At 9:31 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
"It's a quote-mine because you did not include the whole quote, you fucking retard"
Well that is wrong, or almost every quote would be a quite "mine"
" And by not including the whole quote youn tried to change the meaning of what I said."
Oh really? I don't think so. Please show the differences vis personal attacks.
At 9:33 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
"And you are a coward because you have to hide behind a cowardly internet name."
Good for you Joe, And Jim. And John Paul.
At 9:34 AM,
Joe G said…
As I said eviotards use personal attacks as positive evidence for their position. I never have. So that is the difference you freak
And you are just a plain ole fucking dumbass...
At 9:35 AM,
Joe G said…
Hey RichTard,
You faggots know my name- add being a dishonest fuck to richtard's list of accomplishments.
At 9:46 AM,
The whole truth said…
Nice try, joe-boi, but my comments at Sandwalk show that stochastic processes/causes/events can and do bring about complex, multi-part systems with irreducible cores, in nature.
Your lame attempt at trying to redefine the word stochastic, or what are considered to be stochastic processes/causes/events by you IDiots, is just what I expect from a dishonest cowardly bloviator like you, but it won't work.
Go to Sandwalk and try to show that I didn't demonstrate that stochastic processes/causes/events can and do bring about complex, multi-part systems with irreducible cores, in nature.
Surely you don't expect me to actually make an island appear in an ocean just to satisfy your demand of a 'demonstration'? Tell you what, joe, go talk to people who have actually monitored and studied the appearance of a new island in an ocean and the subsequent stochastic development of an eco-system on that island, and then try to convince me and others that it can't and doesn't happen by stochastic processes/causes/events.
Your incessant demand for a testable hypothesis from science is absurd, in more ways that one. First, science has many testable hypotheses and is constantly pursuing more evidence and accurate explanations of whatever evidence it has and finds. Second, your "position" has NO evidence and NO testable hypotheses of any kind for any of your IDiotic bald assertions.
At 10:07 AM,
The whole truth said…
In the same room? Way to move the goalposts, and show how fake your "bet" is.
I'm fine with letting Moran judge just on what is said by you, me, and the others you challenged, at his site. What are you afraid of, joe? Is there any low, cowardly thing you won't stoop to to run away from your own impotent blustering?
Oh, and you're in plain sight alright, but you're scared to death to face challenges to your bald assertions. That's why you hide in the heavily moderated UD sanctuary with other IDiotic cowards, and block many comments here.
What's the matter, don't you IDiots have confidence in your position? LOL
At 1:09 PM,
Joe G said…
In the same room? Way to move the goalposts, and show how fake your "bet" is.
How did I move the goalposts?
At 1:12 PM,
Joe G said…
Nice try, joe-boi, but my comments at Sandwalk show that stochastic processes/causes/events can and do bring about complex, multi-part systems with irreducible cores, in nature.
You are a lying fuck. And you are a question-begging lying fuck at that.
Your lame attempt at trying to redefine the word stochastic...
Evidence please.
Your incessant demand for a testable hypothesis from science is absurd, in more ways that one.
Spoken like an ignorant fuck.
First, science has many testable hypotheses and is constantly pursuing more evidence and accurate explanations of whatever evidence it has and finds.
Yet your position doesn't have any evidence as evidenced by your substance-free posts.
You are a fucking liar, loser and plain ole piece-of-shit.
At 1:31 PM,
The whole truth said…
If you didn't move the goalposts then maybe you can show where in the IC thread on Sandwalk that you said anything about you and I and the other people you challenged with your "bet" having to be in the same room to take a "test", and Moran having to be there to judge, and maybe you can explain how you'd arrange and pay for all that? After all, it's your challenge and "bet".
By the way, I just added more comments to the IC thread there.
At 1:35 PM,
The whole truth said…
Hey joe, those are some mighty fine, scientific, non-personal arguments you're presenting. LMAO!
At 1:44 PM,
Joe G said…
If you didn't move the goalposts then maybe you can show where in the IC thread on Sandwalk that you said anything about you and I and the other people you challenged with your "bet" having to be in the same room to take a "test",
Got it- so I didn't move the goalposts and you are a fucking lying cry-baby.
And if you ever get your "evidence" published in a peer-reviewed journal, science will notice. Until then you are just a lying moron.
At 1:44 PM,
Joe G said…
Hey TWiT this thread is for you and your ilk to support the claims of your position. And it is very telling that you can't.
At 2:06 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"You faggots know my name- add being a dishonest fuck to richtard's list of accomplishments."
Yes, you've used quite a few. And no name-calling there, eh Joe?
Wah wah wah.
At 2:45 PM,
The whole truth said…
joe said:
"And if you ever get your "evidence" published in a peer-reviewed journal, science will notice."
Science has already taken notice.
When are you or the rest of the IDiots going to publish your alleged evidence and a testable hypothesis for any of your claims in a peer reviewed journal?
And you and the rest of the IDiots are under the grossly mistaken and delusional impression that your "position" is the credible and established one. No matter what you think, joe-boi, you're the ones who need to support your claims. Your demands are a joke.
At 3:16 PM,
Joe G said…
You bullshit innuedos do not amount to evidence.
At 3:18 PM,
Joe G said…
Science has taken notice and noticed your position's absence of positice evidence.
And your continued substance-free posts are a sad reminder of that fact.
At 5:07 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"You bullshit innuedos do not amount to evidence."
Do you mean your admission to being "John paul
" the YEC Muslim?
Wah wah wah, Joe.
At 8:59 PM,
Joe G said…
1- I never made such an admission
2- Nothing about a YEC Muslim- you are wrong, once again. Also the choices, ID wasn't one of the choices- double-dumbass
At 11:42 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"1- I never made such an admission"
Slowtard Joe:
"Actually I said "John Paul" was several people and I never said the address I provided was my address."
"I have not been part of "John Paul" since this blog started"
"Yes you did. Ya see I put his name on that article because I didn't want anything coming back to GE. I also used someone else's email.
"It is an address I use to register for forums. It was set up by one of the other people who posted as "John Paul" (that was a group effort)."
Here's a nice collection of your bullshit, internet laughing-stock:
At 11:50 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Bonus - Idiot Joe gets caught being ID guy.;f=14;t=5205;st=2820#entry166956
At 6:54 AM,
Joe G said…
Thanks Richtard for proving that I never made such an admission- I NEVER said I was John Paul a YEC Muslim and the evidence you provided confirms that.
And no one caught me being ID guy- you are a delusional fuck.
At 10:17 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
You, Dullard. By your own admission you were one of a group who were John Paul. And you've also slipped up and shown us you were Jim. Which wasn't hard to work as you both used the same horrendous grammar and idiotic go-to phrases. Funny how when you got caught, Jim stopped posting.
And yet you still persist with such obvious lies. ID deserves you.
At 10:46 AM,
Joe G said…
Yes ONE OF A GROUP- and no that is only "evidence" to morons. And Jim did not stop posting directly after that nor due to that. Jim moved and most likely has better things to do than to try to convince evotards.
At 11:06 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
"Jim moved and most likely has better things to do than to try to convince evotards."
Such bullshit. You clearly replied to a point, forgetting that you were 'Jim' at that time. Idiot. Zero credibility. No lawsuit ever coming from you.
At 11:25 AM,
Joe G said…
"Jim moved and most likely has better things to do than to try to convince evotards."
Such bullshit.
Unfortunately for you it is all true.
You clearly replied to a point
During the heat of an argument with a fucked-up evotard. If making a mistake meant something then all of science would be a fucking failure you moron.
But nice of you to prove that you are an asshole by trying to make something out of a mistake.
At 12:30 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"During the heat of an argument with a fucked-up evotard. If making a mistake meant something then all of science would be a fucking failure you moron."
The mistake was you forgot that you were prentinf to be Jim then, not being joe, Dipshit.
You are a fucking failure, but thanks for being my gigglebitch!
At 12:33 PM,
The whole truth said…
Yeah right, you, joe "Go figure" gallien aren't John "Go figure" Paul:
Why do you try to lie your way out of things, joe? Do you really believe that you're fooling anyone other than yourself?
At 12:35 PM,
Joe G said…
"During the heat of an argument with a fucked-up evotard. If making a mistake meant something then all of science would be a fucking failure you moron."
The mistake was you forgot that you were prentinf to be Jim then, not being joe
That is your twisted and deluded version.
As for failure I see you have still failed to support your position.
At 12:36 PM,
Joe G said…
Yeah right, you, joe "Go figure" gallien aren't John "Go figure" Paul:
Umm "Go figure" is used by thousands, if not millions, of people.
You are soo fucking clueless.
At 12:49 PM,
The whole truth said…
joe, "Go figure" isn't the only thing that shows you to be John Paul, Jim, ID guy, etc.
It's easy to figure out the other user names you've used. Why don't you just be honest for once and admit it?
I see that you haven't returned to the IC thread at Sandwalk. Why is that, joe?
At 3:01 PM,
Joe G said…
joe, "Go figure" isn't the only thing that shows you to be John Paul, Jim, ID guy, etc.
Yup and by your "logic" there are only 1 or maybe 3 evotards and the other thousands are sock-puppets.
I see that you haven't returned to the IC thread at Sandwalk. Why is that, joe?
As you have mede very clear- you are a fucking moron, a waste of skin and a waste of time.
Not one bit of evidence in any of your posts- nothing- and that is because you are a piece-of-shit TWiT
At 3:17 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Don't be bitter because you were found out. If you're going to have socks, try not to be such a generic moron!
At 3:42 PM,
The whole truth said…
john paul/joe/jim/id guy/frisbee kid/joseph/ joe g, you're just mad because I and others have CRUSHED your IDiotic bald assertion that intelligent design is required to produce IC systems in nature.
Of course if you have any actual evidence of the alleged designer that shows that I or others are wrong you could and should present it in the IC thread at Sandwalk.
At 4:27 PM,
Joe G said…
That you think that you found something out just proves how easily you are manipulated.
At 4:28 PM,
Joe G said…
you're just mad because I and others have CRUSHED your IDiotic bald assertion that intelligent design is required to produce IC systems in nature.
Liar. I am not crushed and your position doesn't have any positive evidence. So ID and IC are still going strong.
At 4:39 PM,
Joe G said…
And TWiT I have presented the evidence for ID here, on my blog. And I have also given evotards ample opportunity to support their position yet to an evotard you assholes have always failed to do so.
It's as if you are incapable of thought beyond the hive.
And until you faggots support all of your false accusations about me then what the fuck is there to discuss? Ya see if you can't do that then you sure as hell can't support anything to do with science.
At 11:47 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"That you think that you found something out just proves how easily you are manipulated"
Yeah - the "I did it on purpose" defense didn't work too well for you last time either, did it? You habitual liar.
At 7:11 AM,
Joe G said…
As I said, weak-minded evotards are easy to manipulate.
At 11:50 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
Uh huh, parking lot Joe!
At 12:06 PM,
Joe G said…
Exactly, men's bathroom stall Rich...
At 12:27 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Very good - except your are actually documented lies.
At 12:29 PM,
Joe G said…
Well you are a proven pathological liar.
At 3:21 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Good one, Joe / Jim / John-Paul the creationist Muslim war hero GA coding frdige repair man.
At 5:51 PM,
Joe G said…
As I said. Obvioulsy you just can't help yourself.
There is a higher probability that you are a pediphile than I am as you say-> P is very close to 1
At 9:59 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
pediphile? Really? in you attempts to try and be hurtful, you reveal things about yourself.
At 10:12 PM,
Joe G said…
There is a higher probability that you are a pediphile than I am as you say-> P is very close to 1
Just use your equation.
in you attempts to try and be hurtful,
you reveal things about yourself.
Take a look in the mirror ms. hypocrite.
At 7:25 AM,
Joe G said…
Oh and pediphile, really because you are acting like a cocksucker so it ain'yt to far to go from there...
At 11:05 AM,
The whole truth said…
Hey joe-boi, if you ever get your alleged "evidence" published in a peer-reviewed journal, science may take notice. Until then you are just a lying moron.
Your bullshit innuendos do not amount to evidence.
At 11:18 AM,
Joe G said…
Hey dipshit TWiT- the evidence for ID is published in peer-reviewed journals and textbooks.
Your ignorance is not a refutation.
At 12:03 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Per Laplace, P is very close to 0. And You're not one until you've engaged in such activities, so I am not, currently. I can't speak for you.
You're quite the keyboard warrior Joe. If I didn't have pictures to remind me how sad and pathetic you really are, I might take exception.
At 12:09 PM,
Joe G said…
Per Laplace, P is very close to 0.
Not for everything. Your reference refutes what you say. Your reference says you are misapplying LaPlace.
You are a moron...
At 12:10 PM,
Joe G said…
And I don't need your picture to know how sadly pathetic you are...
At 2:28 PM,
The whole truth said…
joe-blow lied:
"the evidence for ID is published in peer-reviewed journals and textbooks."
I don't see a link to your peer reviewed published papers and textbooks, joe-boi. Since you say that nobody's claims have any credibility unless they're peer reviewed and published, that must mean that all of your claims have no credibility.
Oh, and that must also mean that the claims by the rest of the IDiots have no credibility. I'm glad that's settled, joe.
By the way, I still don't see you trying to refute my refutation of designed IC, and ID (in nature) in the IC thread on Sandwalk. Why is that, joe? Hey, I know, you could post some links to your long list of peer reviewed, published papers about IC and ID in that thread. LMAO!
If all else fails, you could just describe how to repair a broken toaster in that thread. I'm sure that it would impress everyone.
At 2:46 PM,
Joe G said…
Yup ATP synthase is in peer-review
ribosomes are in peer-review
transcription and translation are in peer-review- and all are also in textbooks and all are evidence for ID.
OTOH you and the rest of evotardum are evidence that we have something very unhuman for an ancestor- well at least your branch does.
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