Dennis R. Venema is Confused, Misguided and Full of Shit
That's right Dennis R. Venema is ooo freaking confused he is making himself into a fool and he doesn't even understand that he is doing so.
Who is Dennis R. Venema?
He has been criticizing Stephen C. Meyer's "Signature in the Cell". However he has erected a strawman and criticized it. Meyer exposed his strawman and now Dennis has responded.
But when we read the response it is clear that Dennis is an imbecile as he misrepresents Meyer right off the bat. For example Dennis sez:
Wrong again you stupid freak. SitC is a book about biological ORIGIN, not biological evolution and Meyer even said that in his response to you. That means you are too stupid to understand anything and will just make up something and go ahead with your ignorant spewage.
Dennis goes on to say:
Wrong again, asshole. What Meyer wrote and you quoted applies only to complex and specified information- that is Shannon information with a function/ meaning.
He follows that up with:
Note well, Dennis, you are fucking clueless and perhaps close to being a complete imbecile. Shannon information does not require intelligence and Meyer never said nor implied it did. Quite the opposite and he says so right in the book you are criticizing! That tells me you didn't read the book.
Also Dennis, the argument is that blind, undirected physical processes cannot produce CSI and if you use biological organisms then you are begging the fucking question! Are you really that daft that you don't understand that?
In his conclusion Dennis confirms what I just said:
1- Intelligent Design is NOT anti-evolution you moron
2- There isn't any evidemnce that the processes you speak of are blind, undirected chemical processes as you are starting with that which needs explaining in the first place!
To sum up Dennis R. Venema does not understand Intelligent Design and has absolutely no clue on what Intelligent Design claims.
Hopefully he is better at his profession then he is at criticizing other people's position.
That's right Dennis R. Venema is ooo freaking confused he is making himself into a fool and he doesn't even understand that he is doing so.
Who is Dennis R. Venema?
Dennis Venema is associate professor at Trinity Western University and a Senior Fellow with the BioLogos Foundation. He obtained his BSc and PhD in cell biology and genetics from the University of British Columbia.
His research interests include the genetics of tissue patterning in Drosophila, genetics education, and the interaction between evolutionary biology and Christian faith. Recently, he has authored a series of blog posts, discussing how information arises during evolution for the Biologos Foundation.
He and his family enjoy numerous outdoor activities that the Pacific coast
region has to offer.
He has been criticizing Stephen C. Meyer's "Signature in the Cell". However he has erected a strawman and criticized it. Meyer exposed his strawman and now Dennis has responded.
But when we read the response it is clear that Dennis is an imbecile as he misrepresents Meyer right off the bat. For example Dennis sez:
I find Meyer’s claim that biological evolution is irrelevant to the argument of Signature curious for several reasons.
The most important reason is that the basic argument of Signature requires that biological evolution be incapable of generating new information.
Wrong again you stupid freak. SitC is a book about biological ORIGIN, not biological evolution and Meyer even said that in his response to you. That means you are too stupid to understand anything and will just make up something and go ahead with your ignorant spewage.
Dennis goes on to say:
The strength of this argument depends on the assertion
that all information arises from intelligence.
Wrong again, asshole. What Meyer wrote and you quoted applies only to complex and specified information- that is Shannon information with a function/ meaning.
He follows that up with:
Note well: the argument requires that all information, in any form, be the result of intelligence, not just the information required for the origin of life.
Note well, Dennis, you are fucking clueless and perhaps close to being a complete imbecile. Shannon information does not require intelligence and Meyer never said nor implied it did. Quite the opposite and he says so right in the book you are criticizing! That tells me you didn't read the book.
Also Dennis, the argument is that blind, undirected physical processes cannot produce CSI and if you use biological organisms then you are begging the fucking question! Are you really that daft that you don't understand that?
In his conclusion Dennis confirms what I just said:
The reason for the paring down is obvious:
comparative genomics, experimental evolution, and developmental biology have shed too much light on the ability of biological evolution to generate
1- Intelligent Design is NOT anti-evolution you moron
2- There isn't any evidemnce that the processes you speak of are blind, undirected chemical processes as you are starting with that which needs explaining in the first place!
To sum up Dennis R. Venema does not understand Intelligent Design and has absolutely no clue on what Intelligent Design claims.
Hopefully he is better at his profession then he is at criticizing other people's position.
At 6:33 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Hey chickenshit Joe, you sure must be lonely over here since no one wants to post on your asswipe blog anymore.
Why don't you stop by ATBC and tell us how you are an expert (snicker) in using GAs in cryptographic applications.
At 7:37 PM,
Joe G said…
Hey piece of shit, ignorant thortard. No, I am not lonely, but I am sure your neuron is.
And the only reason to stop by the moron swamp is to stir up the shit.
As for GAs and encryption, well just search on "encryption algorithms", educate yourself and perhaps you will see the benefit of having an evolving cipher key scheme.
At 7:41 PM,
Ghostrider said…
OK, so you were lying when you claimed to have personally used GAs to solve encryption problems.
It was funny as heck watching you crap your pants and flee the UD thread when you got called on it though!
At 7:52 PM,
Joe G said…
OK, so you were lying when you claimed to have personally used GAs to solve encryption problems.
No. The encryption problem GAs solved is the breaking of the code. As in having an evolving cipher makes it more difficult to do so you moron.
As I said you should educate yourself but I understand that you choose ignorance.
At 9:40 PM,
Ghostrider said…
So how exactly were you personally involved in such a GA/crypto-cracking enterprise Joe? I'm sure your fans would love to know.
C'mon, make up a really good lie this time. Let me guess - besides fixing toasters you're a sooper-secret undercover agent for the NSA, right?
At 4:42 AM,
The whole truth said…
joe-boi, you don't know a GA from a lugnut, and you ran like a scared little girl when you were called on it.
I have a new post on my blog about you joe-boi. It's so much fun exposing what a retarded loser you are. LMAO!
By the way joey-baby, what's your scientific evidence for ID, without any mention of what evolution allegedly cannot do? In other words, where's your POSITIVE, SCIENTIFICALLY TESTABLE, AND VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE? You can't just say it, you have to show it.
At 9:28 AM,
Joe G said…
So how exactly were you personally involved in such a GA/crypto-cracking enterprise Joe?
I worked for Technical Communications Corp.- they do encryption.
At 9:31 AM,
Joe G said…
the whole tard:
joe-boi, you don't know a GA from a lugnut
Unfortunately for your ignorance I know quite a bit about GAs.
what's your scientific evidence for ID,
Exactly what I have been posting for years you ignorant freak.
without any mention of what evolution allegedly cannot do
ID is not anti-evolution you ignorant piece of shit.
Strange that you evotards are too cowardly to actually put up...
At 9:59 AM,
Ghostrider said…
JoeTard said...
I worked for Technical Communications Corp.- they do encryption.
They have janitors and cooks in the cafeteria who work for them too Joe. That doesn't make them specialists in GAs.
The question was how exactly were you personally involved in such a GA/crypto-cracking enterprise? You're the one who made the boast about having worked directly with GAs on encryption, so back it up for once.
At 10:15 AM,
Joe G said…
They have janitors and cooks in the cafeteria who work for them too Joe.
No, they don't. No cafeteria and no janitor. You are an ignorant fuck.
The question was how exactly were you personally involved in such a GA/crypto-cracking enterprise?
No crypto cracking. Our business is to secure customers' data. So obviously we wanted the best cipher to do so. Enter GAs.
I was the technical specialist on the job.
Not only that but our products contain FPGAs. And everyone knows- well educated people anyway- that GAs have been written to program FPGAs.
And no I cannot go into detail for obvious reasons.
At 10:27 AM,
Ghostrider said…
JoeTard said...
I was the technical specialist on the job.
LOL! A "technical specialist" in GAs who didn't know what a fitness function is.
What you really mean is you were the technician on the job - hooking up the power, pulling cables, etc. You had nothing at all to do with any GAs that might have been used.
See Joe, that's what makes you so funny! You're a compulsive liar who has to always embellish every claim you make. One of the many reasons your name is a joke so far and wide.
At 10:30 AM,
Joe G said…
thortard/ OA:
A "technical specialist" in GAs who didn't know what a fitness function is.
There isn't any such thing as a "fitness function" in real life. Not only that "fitness" pertaining to biology is total bullshit as it is an after-the-fact assessment.
I made that clear over on UD.
Geez you do really think your ignorance means something.
You had nothing at all to do with any GAs that might have been used.
I wrote some and debugged all of them.
That is what makes YOU so funny- YOU cannot stabnd reality so you HAVE to make shit up.
You are still a coward, a liar and a loser.
At 10:41 AM,
Ghostrider said…
JoeTard said...
I wrote some and debugged all of them.
ROFL! Sure you did Joe. That's why you can't explain any of them, or tell us how they work, or even give an outline of the processes involved. That's why you crapped your pants and fled the UD thread as soon as people started asking you questions.
Better pick your lies more carefully next time Joe. It was way too easy to catch you in this latest one.
At 10:46 AM,
Joe G said…
thortard/ OA:
That's why you can't explain any of them,
I am not allowed to talk about security matters, are you really that stupid?
That's why you crapped your pants and fled the UD thread as soon as people started asking you questions.
That you think that is what happened just exposes you as the asshole faggot you are.
Strange that not one evotard can demonstrate GAs support their position...
At 10:47 AM,
Joe G said…
Strage how all evotards shit themselves and run away when asked to support their position...
At 11:01 AM,
Ghostrider said…
JoeTard said...
T: That's why you can't explain any of them
I am not allowed to talk about security matters
LOL! Yeah, we know Joe. You're a sooper-dooper double-naught spy with a tippy top megasecret clearance! That's why you can't even explain in general terms how GAs work, and why you don't even understand the basic technical terms.
You're a laugh riot Joe, an absolute riot! Pity for you everyone is laughing at you.
At 11:12 AM,
Joe G said…
thortard/ OA:
That's why you can't even explain in general terms how GAs work, and why you don't even understand the basic technical terms.
Nice ignorant spewage. Are false accusations and ignorant spewage all you have? REALLY?
Do you really think that your false accusations and ignorant spewage mean something?
And the only "people" laughing at me are you clueless evotards. And taht is expected because that is basically all you morons have.
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