Snake-Oil Sales- Evolutionism or Intelligent Design?
RichTard Hughes has accused IDists of snake-oil sales (ie snake-oil salesmen). Yet Intelligent Design is based on our KNOWLEDGE of cause and effect relationships in accordance with uniformitarianism, meaning ID is based on observations and experiences and it can be objectively tested, experimentally.
OTOH evolutionism is based on some perverted and unsupportable world-view. It relies on our ignorance-> knowledge is the enemy. It is not based on observations nor experience. And there isn't any way to experimentally verify its grand claims.
When pressed for a testable hypothesis and positive evidence for their position evotards never ante up they just switch to attack mode and start spewing false accusations and bald assertions.
As evidenced around the States their position cannot even handle critical thinking and analysis. It HAS to be taken on faith-> do NOT question it.
With all that said it is obvious that Richtard is the snake and evolutionism is in the snake-oil business.
RichTard Hughes has accused IDists of snake-oil sales (ie snake-oil salesmen). Yet Intelligent Design is based on our KNOWLEDGE of cause and effect relationships in accordance with uniformitarianism, meaning ID is based on observations and experiences and it can be objectively tested, experimentally.
OTOH evolutionism is based on some perverted and unsupportable world-view. It relies on our ignorance-> knowledge is the enemy. It is not based on observations nor experience. And there isn't any way to experimentally verify its grand claims.
When pressed for a testable hypothesis and positive evidence for their position evotards never ante up they just switch to attack mode and start spewing false accusations and bald assertions.
As evidenced around the States their position cannot even handle critical thinking and analysis. It HAS to be taken on faith-> do NOT question it.
With all that said it is obvious that Richtard is the snake and evolutionism is in the snake-oil business.
At 5:06 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
Anyone can go study evolution, and do the experiments.
ID has no experiments, because there is no positive case for ID. No testing means it is on sayso only - hence snake oil.
At 6:50 PM,
Joe G said…
Anyone can go study evolution, and do the experiments.
Nice equivocation you ignorant freak. Too bad no one can study evolutionism and there aren't any experiments to support it.
YOU still cannot produce a testable hypothesis nor positive evidence for your position. You are a coward.
No testing means it is only your tarded say-so- hence snake-oil.
ID has no experiments, because there is no positive case for ID.
Unfortunately for you reality refutes your ignorance.
Intelligent Design is based on our observations and experiences- meaning it is based on our knowledge of cause and effect relationships.
OTOH your position is based on jow far up your ass you can put your head.
At 6:54 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
Sigh. Lenski, for the umpteenth time.
Let's have an ID experiment - oh wait, you can't.
At 9:35 AM,
Joe G said…
Sigh, Lenski didn't do squat for evolutionism, for the umpteenth time.
As I said what Lenski demonstrated fits in perfectly well with baraminology.
Is that what you are saying? Shit he didn't find anything new as others have found that bacteria can digest citrate before he did.
At 9:37 AM,
Joe G said…
So RichTard's "positive" evidence and supporting experiments are, in reality, positive evidence and supporting experiments for baraminology.
His head is so far up his ass he doesn't even realize it- even though we have been over this many times.
At 12:28 PM,
Eocene said…
Rich Hughes:
"Anyone can go study evolution, and do the experiments."
"ID has no experiments, because there is no positive case for ID. No testing means it is on sayso only - hence snake oil."
I actually find this line of argumentation disingenuous and hypocrytical since every evolutionary experiment uses massive amounts of HANDS-ON intelligent design concepts and principles to do what they do with the experiment motivated by large amounts of purpose and intent by manipulating, rigging and step by step guiding the process for a purposed outcome.
Clearly, randomness, undirectedness, meaningless blind pointless direction is NEVER EVER illustrated for the Layman public to understand the evo-concept of "NO INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED". Instead we get a hijacking of intelligent design and then lying about it later by hanging evolutionary signage and lable on something that is nothing of the sort.
Every evolutionary experiment and modeling without fail actually proves what they aim to refute. ONLY intelligent manipulation can ever do anything for a purposed positive outcome.
At 12:31 PM,
Eocene said…
Rich Hughes:
"Sigh. Lenski, for the umpteenth time.
Let's have an ID experiment - oh wait, you can't."
I believe Lenski did exactly that. He intelligently manipulated, rigged, slowed down for a purposed outcome and misinterpreted the results because of being shackled by a biased worldview. You can't get any better ID than that.
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