David Kellogg- Still Choking on the Big One
Ove on OgreMKV's blog David chimes in with:
The equivocation is all dave's as IDC only exists in the minds of the willfully ignorant.
Methinks Dave doesn't understand the word equivocation. Intelligent Design does not say that everything is designed and IDists tell you what those certain features are.
And yes we say we can determine what is and isn't designed. and guess what? to refute any claim of design all YOU have to do is step up and demonstrate necessity and chance are all that is required. Shit the explanatory filter mandates that your position be given first crack at a solution.
And finally Dave accuses us of creating a strawman version of what evolution means- and again without any evidence to support the claim.
So how about it Hermy? What strawman have we created? Please be specific.
Ove on OgreMKV's blog David chimes in with:
The key equivocation in all the definitions that come from the IDC community is the word certain: “certain structures,” “certain features of the universe and of living things,” “certain natural phenomena.” This word allows IDC to be infinitely elastic and to reduce its claims when handy: you can think everything evolved naturally ever except for, say, human self-awareness, and IDC will claim you for one of their own.
But of course ID’s claims are much more than such modest statements suggest. IDC says they can tell, scientifically, which among these “structures” etc. are designed. When it wants to, as in the definitions above, IDC will say all we’re doing is applying existing methods to natural pheneomena — what’s the big deal? Meanwhile it defines evolution as being incredibly arrogant, creating a strawman version of what evolution means (and — in case kairosfocus is reading — adding a little ad hominem, a few red herrings, and a lit match).
The equivocation is all dave's as IDC only exists in the minds of the willfully ignorant.
Methinks Dave doesn't understand the word equivocation. Intelligent Design does not say that everything is designed and IDists tell you what those certain features are.
And yes we say we can determine what is and isn't designed. and guess what? to refute any claim of design all YOU have to do is step up and demonstrate necessity and chance are all that is required. Shit the explanatory filter mandates that your position be given first crack at a solution.
And finally Dave accuses us of creating a strawman version of what evolution means- and again without any evidence to support the claim.
So how about it Hermy? What strawman have we created? Please be specific.
At 12:42 PM,
Hermagoras said…
What's the pleasure you get in revealing people's names? Do you feel some sense of power? Obviously you go out of your way to do this.
Your "refutation" of my comment is merely an assertion that I'm wrong.
At 1:22 PM,
oleg said…
Joe, stop! You are killing us! We're dying from laughter!
At 1:25 PM,
Joe G said…
What's the pleasure you get in revealing people's names?
What's the pleasure you get out of lying and misrepresenting your opponents?
What's the pleasure you get out of posting bald assertions and false accusations?
Obviously you go out of your way to do so.
Your "refutation" of my comment is merely an assertion that I'm wrong.
Your "comment" is all bald assertion. That is the whole point.
And it is very telling that you avoided any attempt of supporting your bullshit.
At 1:30 PM,
Joe G said…
Joe, stop!
Stop what? Stop exposing you and your ilk for the evotards that you are?
You are killing us!
I am just exposing you for the evotards that you are.
We're dying from laughter!
Of course you are. Morons usually laugh at that which they cannot comprehend.
At 1:32 PM,
Hermagoras said…
The support is in the quotes from ID self-definitions, all of which use "certain" in a vague sense that allows for broad range of what that means.
You didn't answer my question. I do not believe I have lied or misrepresented your views, so your question is about an opinion (yours) that I don't share. You have without doubt gone out of your way to publicize real names rather than internet handles, so my question is about a fact. Unless you don't agree that you have a practice of revealing real names of your opponents.
At 1:36 PM,
Joe G said…
The support is in the quotes from ID self-definitions, all of which use "certain" in a vague sense that allows for broad range of what that means.
And as I said in the OP we tell you what those certain features are.
I do not believe I have lied or misrepresented your views,
Well you have. And that you don't understand that proves my point- you are pathological and unstable.
Now tell us about that alleged strawman.
At 1:38 PM,
Joe G said…
I do not believe I have lied or misrepresented your views
Actually it appears that is all you are capable of.
At 1:39 PM,
Joe G said…
And if you didn't lie and misrepresnt ID I wouldn't give a damn who you are.
But seeing that all you have is to lie and misrepresent ID I want people to know who you are.
At 3:14 PM,
oleg said…
Joe, you don't even understand why we are laughing at you, do you? Well, let me explain.
It's funny when a Joe Sixpack picks on an expert, particularly an expert in a field about which Joe knows very little. Examples abound.
Here is Joe saying that professors of integrative biology from Berkeley do not understand nested hierarchies.
Here is Joe lecturing a physicist about information theory.
And now, here is Joe telling Hermagoras that he does not understand what the word equivocation means. Come on, Joe. You can't even spell his handle correctly and you're trying to teach him rhetorics?
Don't you think it's funny?
At 3:19 PM,
Joe G said…
Here is Joe lecturing a physicist about information theory.
LoL! You link to me showing you that you are an ass? Nice job ace.
That is why we laugh at you asshole.
Here is Joe saying that professors of integrative biology from Berkeley do not understand nested hierarchies.
That wasn't me and that wasn't what was said.
And now, here is Joe telling Hermagoras that he does not understand what the word equivocation means.
It was more of a suggestion actually. And if he knows what it means then why does he equivocate?
Strange how he hasn't supported anything he has posted.
At 3:30 PM,
oleg said…
Oh, and your protestations that you are not ID Guy, that's priceless, too! Trouble is, Joe, your writing style is inimitable and anyone with half a brain can recognize it from a mile away.
Besides, in a moment of excitement you forget to pretend that you are not ID Guy.
Oh, and that nebula thing? Also very funny.
At 4:19 PM,
Joe G said…
Oh, and your protestations that you are not ID Guy, that's priceless, too!
No one is protesting.
Trouble is, Joe, your writing style is inimitable and anyone with half a brain can recognize it from a mile away.
Trouble is anyone can copy a writing style. Duh. Especially if that is the plan.
I take it you never had any friends.
And about that nebula thing- you will just link to anything even stuff that proves that you are an ass.
Strange, but entertaining. Thanks...
At 4:53 PM,
Hermagoras said…
You're suggesting somebody else wants to write like you?
That strains credulity all by itself.
And you're further suggesting that you and this somebody ("Jim," if I recall) have engaged in some super-clever plan to confuse others into thinking you're the same person?
That's some tall tale you're concocting to deny the obvious.
At 5:08 PM,
Joe G said…
You're suggesting somebody else wants to write like you?
Am I to understand that evotards don't have any friends? Friends that happen to agree with a position, have something to say and also like fucking with people?
I believe it.
Still noticing that you cannot support any of your claims.
At 7:37 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe G said...
oleg: Oh, and your protestations that you are not ID Guy, that's priceless, too!
No one is protesting.
oleg: Trouble is, Joe, your writing style is inimitable and anyone with half a brain can recognize it from a mile away.
Trouble is anyone can copy a writing style. Duh. Especially if that is the plan.
LOL! Like lying about your name being Joseph A. Gallien? Like lying about having frisbee_kid@yahoo.com as your email?
Were those parts of the plan too Joe?
At 7:41 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Hermagoras said...
What's the pleasure you get in revealing people's names? Do you feel some sense of power? Obviously you go out of your way to do this.
Just start screaming bloody murder that's really your father's name. Then bluster that if Joe doesn't stop helping people stalk your father you'll call your FBI special agent nephew in on the case.
At 7:45 PM,
Joe G said…
Like lying about your name being Joseph A. Gallien?
Like lying about having frisbee_kid@yahoo.com as your email?
Do you have any evidence for any of that?
At 8:45 PM,
Joe G said…
Just start screaming bloody murder that's really your father's name.
Nobody screamed. I just stated a fact.
Then bluster that if Joe doesn't stop helping people stalk your father
you'll call your FBI special agent nephew in on the case.
He's already in.
At 9:05 PM,
Hermagoras said…
Evidence that you're frisbee kid might be your own comment on UD about five years ago: http://www.uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/roger-ebert-film-critic-expert-on-evolution-id-basher-and-overall-supergenius/#comment-32234
At 9:10 PM,
Joe G said…
That is just evidence that that account has been active since that time.
Most likely it was the email addy I used to register- that is what the account was set up for. So naturally it would be the one I would advertise.
You're never going to address your bullshit misrepresentations, equivocations and nonsense, are you?
At 9:11 PM,
Hermagoras said…
How about this for evidence: the letter sent in 2005 to the Journal of Clinical Investigation by "Joseph A. Gallien" (with a GE affiliation, no less) using the frisbee kid address? http://www.jci.org/eletters/view/26727
Did your father send that letter?
At 9:15 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"Most likely it was the email addy I used to register- that is what the account was set up for. So naturally it would be the one I would advertise."
I thought it was a borrowed account? Keep your story straight, Joe / Jim / John the creationist Muslim.
At 9:20 PM,
Joe G said…
RichTard/ bathroom stall boy:
I thought it was a borrowed account?
I never said nor implied such a thing.
You are just fucked in the head...
At 9:22 PM,
Joe G said…
How about this for evidence: the letter sent in 2005 to the Journal of Clinical Investigation by "Joseph A. Gallien" (with a GE affiliation, no less) using the frisbee kid address? http://www.jci.org/eletters/view/26727
Did your father send that letter?
Geez Dave- you are just a little late to that party. I explained that on Hunter's blog.
Dad's name, set-up email addy, my words.
Still upset that I exposed you as a fucking liar?
Deal with it.
At 9:28 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Joe / Jim / John the creationist Muslim says:
"I never said nor implied such a thing." (The email account)
But Joe / Jim / John the creationist Muslim said before:
"Yes you did. Ya see I put his name on that article because I didn't want anything coming back to GE. I also used someone else's email.
And those are facts that not even you can change..."
Facts you can't change. How Ironic!
At 9:33 PM,
oleg said…
I am sure it's all Jim's fault.
At 9:33 PM,
Joe G said…
Right, you moron- I don't borrow it.
It is an address I use to register for forums. It was set up by one of the other people who posted as "John Paul" (that was a group effort).
I can't access the email account. All I can do is inform the person who has it when I have a password being sent there.
You're really slow, Rich.
Too much time sliming your way under bathroom stalls.
At 9:35 PM,
Joe G said…
I am sure it's all Jim's fault.
No, it's your own fault that you are a fucking loser.
Just sayin'...
At 9:38 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"I can't access the email account."
Really? That why do use it as a contact adress?
Joe / Jim / John the creationist Muslim - and idiot liar.
At 9:47 PM,
oleg said…
Joe, this story still does not make sense.
You can't just provide an arbitrary email when you register on a forum. You are sent a confirmation email that you use in order to complete registration. You must have access to the email account.
Try again.
At 10:21 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe G said...
Right, you moron- I don't borrow it.
It is an address I use to register for forums. It was set up by one of the other people who posted as "John Paul" (that was a group effort).
I can't access the email account. All I can do is inform the person who has it when I have a password being sent there.
Right Joe, you can't access the account. That's why you asked people to contact you at it for ID information, like here
"Joe G Says:
But anyway, if any ID advocate is really worried that the scenario above may happen to you when you are advocating ID in front of an audience, please:
"ID's bulldog, don't advocate ID with one."
and here
"Please go to:
For essays that demonstrate why ID is scientific and other essays that explain other aspects of ID.
Joe G, Field Service Engineer
frisbee_kid@yahoo.com "
and here
"Joseph at UD
And if someone needs a good dose of ID and the DI is too busy or not interested, I will volunteer my presence:
frisbee_kid@yahoo.com or visit my blog:
Intelligent Reasoning"
Joseph A. Gallien, you are without a doubt the most entertaining pathological liar on the web!
At 8:15 AM,
Joe G said…
Joe, this story still does not make sense.
Not to a moron like you anyway.
You can't just provide an arbitrary email when you register on a forum.
I never said nor implied that is what I do.
You are sent a confirmation email that you use in order to complete registration.
Yes, I know.
You must have access to the email account.
Nope, just someone I know needs to have access.
At 8:17 AM,
Joe G said…
"I can't access the email account."
RichTard/ bathroom stall boy/ ignorant fuck:
Really really.
RichTard/ bathroom stall boy/ ignorant fuck:
That why do use it as a contact adress?
Because that is what it was set up for.
At 8:19 AM,
Joe G said…
Right Joe, you can't access the account. That's why you asked people to contact you at it for ID information, like here
Someone I know accesses the account and forwards information to me.
What the fuck are evotards sooooo fucking stupid/ ignorant they can't figure that out?
Too bad they can't spend as much effort trying to support their position as they spend chasing their tails...
At 8:38 AM,
oleg said…
Even if we suspend disbelief and swallow your explanation, the elaborate scheme looks monumentally stupid. Here is Joe giving out an email address to anyone who would like to contact him. Every week he has to contact Jim and ask him to check the email account and to forward the email, if any, to him.
After a week, anyone with half a brain would simply register another throwaway account himself and be done with it.
Keep up the good work, Joe, the literary genius that you are.
At 8:52 AM,
Joe G said…
You are a moron.
Here is Joe giving out an email address to anyone who would like to contact him.
Stupid, the addy was set up many years ago when a group of people who only had company email addresses wanted to join discussion forums and didn't want to/ couldn't use a company email address and didn't want anything directlt traced back to them.
Every week he has to contact Jim and ask him to check the email account and to forward the email, if any, to him.
Umm Jim has nothing to do with it and I don't contact anyone once a week.
Only when I set up a new account do I contact the admin of the email, usually by email. And people I know use my email to contact me.
But nice twisted story you have woven there dipshit.
At 8:58 AM,
Joe G said…
Someone I know accesses the account and forwards information to me.
What the fuck are evotards sooooo fucking stupid/ ignorant they can't figure that out?
Too bad they can't spend as much effort trying to support their position as they spend chasing their tails...
At 9:10 AM,
Hermagoras said…
Joe, it doesn't really matter that you pretend your sock puppets are real people, friends who share your first initial J, atrocious writing style, love of ID, and contempt for others. It doesn't really matter that, when your lies are exposed, you spin ridiculous tall tales to evade the obvious, eliciting further evidence to the contrary. It doesn't even matter that you somehow think that any attention to these lies, by distracting from the real issues, is a point in your favor.
They would be a distraction if you presented any real issues to discuss. Instead you write things like this: "to refute any claim of design all YOU have to do is step up and demonstrate necessity and chance are all that is required."
That's your position in a nutshell. You can claim design for something, and unless science knows everything about how it got that way, including even to the origin of life itself, you win. Sorry Joe/Jim/John Paul, that's not how science works.
At 9:16 AM,
Joe G said…
Joe, it doesn't really matter that you pretend your sock puppets are real people, friends who share your first initial J, atrocious writing style, love of ID, and contempt for others.
It definitely doesn't matter what you think I am doing.
It doesn't really matter that, when your lies are exposed, you spin ridiculous tall tales to evade the obvious, eliciting further evidence to the contrary.
You are the liar here Dave.
It doesn't even matter that you somehow think that any attention to these lies, by distracting from the real issues, is a point in your favor.
Umm that ain't what I think.
Your actions are typical of evotards- attack teh opponents because you cannot support your position.
They would be a distraction if you presented any real issues to discuss.
I have.
Instead you write things like this: "to refute any claim of design all YOU have to do is step up and demonstrate necessity and chance are all that is required."
That just happens to be a FACT. That is how it is done in forensics and archaeology and SETI.
Go figure.
You can claim design for something, and unless science knows everything about how it got that way, including even to the origin of life itself, you win.
We claim design for something because that is what the science demonstrates.
However you claim things are not designed just by bald declaration.
IOW you are a scientifically illiterate moron and you have no idea how science works.
At 9:32 AM,
oleg said…
Joe wrote: IOW you are a scientifically illiterate moron and you have no idea how science works.
Joe, you can't even imagine how stupid you look when you spew stuff like that. Of course Hermagoras has a pretty good idea about the working of science. He has an excellent vantage point to see the process. You just look pathetic when you say stuff like that.
Seriously. Take Rich's advice. Stop typing up knee-jerk replies in half a minute. Register for a science course or two at your local university. Broaden your perspective. Take a writing seminar, for God's sake. Go fishing.
At 9:36 AM,
Joe G said…
Joe, you can't even imagine how stupid you look when you spew stuff like that.
Well I sure as hell exposed your ignorance on information.
And now you are forced to lie about it. Not only that you lied about wht was said by ID guy pertaining to UC Berkley.
You are pathetic.
Of course Hermagoras has a pretty good idea about the working of science.
Your word is meaningless.
Strange how not one of you can support your position and have to attack your opponents.
All you have are knee-jerk response oleg.
At 9:36 AM,
Joe G said…
And RichTard/ bathroom stall boy isn't in any position to be giving advice...
At 10:39 AM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe G said...
RichTard/ bathroom stall boy:
I thought it was a borrowed account?
I never said nor implied such a thing.
Yes Joe, you did.
Posted by Joe G at Darwin's-God:
Joe G said...
Ya see I put his name on that article because I didn't want anything coming back to GE. I also used someone else's email.
First it was someone else's email, then it was one a group of people including you set up to create anonymous logins. You advertise it in multiple places a way to contact you, but then suddenly you can't access the email.
Catching you in a lie is way too easy Joe. That should tell you something, but it won't.
At 10:49 AM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe G said...
Stupid, the addy was set up many years ago when a group of people who only had company email addresses wanted to join discussion forums and didn't want to/ couldn't use a company email address and didn't want anything directlt traced back to them.
That's interesting Joe. Then why does a Google search for "frisbee_kid@yahoo.com" return hits with the name 'Joe Gallien' ONLY and not a single solitary example of anyone else ever using that email, ever?
One lie, another lie, another lie...they're really stacking up here Joe.
At 11:27 AM,
Joe G said…
That's interesting Joe. Then why does a Google search for "frisbee_kid@yahoo.com" return hits with the name 'Joe Gallien' ONLY and not a single solitary example of anyone else ever using that email, ever?
It's very interesting that you think google knows everything.
At 11:30 AM,
Joe G said…
First it was someone else's email,
It still is someone else's.
then it was one a group of people including you set up to create anonymous logins.
I am pretty sure each has their own and one person is the admin of all of them.
You advertise it in multiple places a way to contact you, but then suddenly you can't access the email.
As far as I know all relevant email gets sent to me.
Catching you in a lie is way too easy Joe.
What lie?
At 5:52 PM,
IntelligentAnimation said…
I wont get into the pettiness, but I would like to comment on the inclusiveness of ID. The definition is what it says it is: Some things are best explained by intelligent agency. This is very broad and yes, it does include someone who believes that human (or non-human) awareness is by intelligent agency, not materialism and random accident. So dont equivocate: Do you believe in intelligent agency or not?
At 9:49 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Way-Hey, Joe's got a new sock!
So this email.. did you set up an administrator and a super-user for it, collectively? Did they print out and fax you emails that we're specifically for you?
*bites bottom lip*
At 6:46 AM,
Joe G said…
Way-Hey, Joe's got a new sock!
I have no idea what you re talking about and neither do you....
At 11:24 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
Let me help you as you're a little slow.
I'm laughing at:
1) Your newly created sock puppet "IntelligentAnimation"
2) Your email story.
At 11:38 AM,
Joe G said…
Intelligent Animation is not my sock puppet.
IOW once again you prove my point- morons laugh at things they cannot comprehend (like the email thing)- you must laugh all the time...
At 11:49 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
I understand email quite well, Joe. So much so that I, one individual, manage to opperate several accounts ALL BY MYSELF!
Have fun with your new sock.
At 11:50 AM,
Joe G said…
As I said- you are a moron who cannot comprehend much of anything.
At 12:28 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Rich Hughes said...
Let me help you as you're a little slow.
I'm laughing at:
1) Your newly created sock puppet "IntelligentAnimation"
2) Your email story.
Don't forget Joe's other good one from Corny's place.
Except my name isn't "Joseph Gallien".
My MIDDLE name is Joseph.
I wonder why all the tax rolls in Mass. show him as 'Joseph A. Gallien' then? Legal authorities like tax collectors are pretty picky about that sort of thing.
At 1:50 PM,
Joe G said…
I wonder why all the tax rolls in Mass. show him as 'Joseph A. Gallien' then?
Most likely because you have the wrong person.
At 1:56 PM,
Joe G said…
I wonder if the FBI, CIA and everyone else looking for bin laden used tardtard's methodology for 9 of the past 9.5 years- then decided to use some real methodology to find the correct bin laden- say starting a couple of weeks ago.
At 3:19 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe G said...
I wonder why all the tax rolls in Mass. show him as 'Joseph A. Gallien' then?
Most likely because you have the wrong person.
Then you should have no objection if anyone links to the public record tax info for 'Joseph A. Gallien, age 52' in Massachusetts because that can't be you, right?
At 3:23 PM,
Joe G said…
Does your mother know you are using her credit card?
At 3:34 PM,
Joe G said…
Then you should have no objection if anyone links to the public record tax info for 'Joseph A. Gallien, age 52' in Massachusetts because that can't be you, right?
You have to get his permission first. I will not give you permission to link to anyone's tax records.
At 3:41 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe G said...
T: Then you should have no objection if anyone links to the public record tax info for 'Joseph A. Gallien, age 52' in Massachusetts because that can't be you, right?
You have to get his permission first. I will not give you permission to link to anyone's tax records.
Why should you care Joe? It can't be you since you told us that's not your name. And the files are all open public access.
You never got cold feet when you were posting other people's information, why the conscience now?
Unless you were lying about the name part.
Why did you lie about your name Joe?
At 3:51 PM,
Joe G said…
What information have I posted?
Did I post someone's tax records? No.
Did I post someone's address or phone number? No.
As a matter of fact I posted less than what evotards posted about me.
IOW once again you prove that you are a fucking loser.
Go figure...
At 4:02 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe G said...
What information have I posted?
Did I post someone's tax records? No.
Did I post someone's address or phone number? No.
As a matter of fact I posted less than what evotards posted about me.
LOL! Now that you're on the receiving end of unwanted disclosures for a change you're singing a different tune, eh?
Let's see how many threats you make now when your address and phone no. can be turned over to the police, big brave Internet tough guy.
At 5:18 PM,
Joe G said…
Now that you're on the receiving end of unwanted disclosures for a change you're singing a different tune, eh?
Are you that fucking retarded? Evotards started this shit, not me.
I have been on the receiving end you moron.
Fuck the police- if anyone shows up here I will ruin them. And I am sure if you take your "evidence" that I made threats to the police they will laugh at you.
But I will tell you this- I haven't posted your name and address for a reason (and that ain't because I don't haz it).
At 6:31 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe G said...
Are you that fucking retarded? Evotards started this shit, not me.
I have been on the receiving end you moron.
Really Joe? Which evolution supporter used your picture as his avatar?
But I will tell you this- I haven't posted your name and address for a reason (and that ain't because I don't haz it).
LOL! Sure you do Joe. Just like you were an Iraqi war hero, and can bench press 300 lbs, and can fly multi-engined aircraft, and frisbee_kid wasn't your email address, and your first name isn't Joe.
Lie after lie after lie, and everyone still keeps laughing at you.
At 6:43 PM,
Joe G said…
Are you that fucking retarded? Evotards started this shit, not me.
I have been on the receiving end you moron.
Really Joe?
Really assface. Two even wrote to my employer and two more "threatened" to come to my workplace.
Which evolution supporter used your picture as his avatar?
Is that a trick question?
Just like you were an Iraqi war hero,
I never said I was an Iraqi war hero.
and can bench press 300 lbs,
I can- or at least I could last year. It isn't that difficult.
Now if I told yu that I could do a pull up with 90 lbs strapped to me (equaling 300 lbs) then I would be lying.
and can fly multi-engined aircraft,
I have- a twin-engined Piper Aztec
and frisbee_kid wasn't your email address,
I can't access it.
and your first name isn't Joe.
That wasn't the one I was born with.
Lie after lie after lie,
Sed the known/ proven pathological liar.
and everyone still keeps laughing at you.
No, just the drololing mad evotards, just as expected.
At 7:49 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Joe, if anyone is a pathological liar, it you. I don't mind, it funny watching you lie to cover your lies, Joe / John / Jim.
At 8:04 PM,
Joe G said…
RichTard/ bathroom stall boy/ proven pathological liar:
Joe, if anyone is a pathological liar, it you.
Drooled the proven pathological liar.
Strange how "ID guy" stopped posting once Jim took off to find his manifest destiny.
At 8:51 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Joe G said...
Strange how "ID guy" stopped posting once Jim took off to find his manifest destiny.
Almost as strange as 'IntelligentAnimation' showing up and declaring you the winner of the debate when every other single person who commented is laughing at your droning stupidity.
I bet 'IntelligentAnimation' is in on the John Paul / frisbee_kid "group effort" too, right?
At 10:45 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"Strange how "ID guy" stopped posting once Jim took off to find his manifest destiny."
Oh! Tell us more stories, Joe.
At 6:57 AM,
Joe G said…
Almost as strange as 'IntelligentAnimation' showing up and declaring you the winner of the debate when every other single person who commented is laughing at your droning stupidity.
The only "people" laughing are the drooling moronic evotards.
And I have no idea who IA is. But I bet IA showed up in response to UD posting on this debate.
At 6:58 AM,
Joe G said…
"Strange how "ID guy" stopped posting once Jim took off to find his manifest destiny."
Oh! Tell us more stories, Joe.
Yes I understand that you think facts are stories and stories are facts.
At 2:26 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Yes Joe, we understand you want us to believe your stories are facts.
At 3:26 PM,
Joe G said…
Wrong again, as usual.
I don't care what you believe.
All of you have proven to be a bunch of gossip-hungry losers.
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