Advances in the Name of the Theory of Evolution? Enquiring Minds want to Know
OK I am still hearing that the theory of evolution has brought forth scientific advances in its name.
So please could someone tell me what advances have been made in the name of an accumulation of genetic accidents/ blind, undirected chemical processes?
These could be medical, technological, scientific- what advances have been made?
OK I am still hearing that the theory of evolution has brought forth scientific advances in its name.
So please could someone tell me what advances have been made in the name of an accumulation of genetic accidents/ blind, undirected chemical processes?
These could be medical, technological, scientific- what advances have been made?
At 9:02 AM,
CBD said…
The point is rather what has ID contributed to medical science?
If nothing, then why is ID any better then "my position" from your point of view?
At 9:05 AM,
Joe G said…
Stay on-topic or fuck off asshole.
I know why you want to distract and disrupt but that ain't happening.
I will not allow any more of your off-topic trope.
At 4:03 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
At 7:18 PM,
Joe G said…
Just because Richard Dawkins sez so doesn't make it so.
I love the ignorant "bad design" argument.
Only an evotard would think this video is evidence- it's PROPAGANDA Rich.
Zig Hiel!
At 9:06 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
You don't know if its good or bad design as you don't know the designer or his motives, Joe.
At 9:52 PM,
Joe G said…
Exactly! And that is why the "bad design" argument is ignorant.
Derrrrrr..... dee-de-dee
At 2:33 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
No, when we say "bad design" we talk from a human pespective. Everything could be designed to look undesigned - thus rendering ID impotent and pointless in one easy step.
"Derrrrrr..... dee-de-dee"
At 6:59 AM,
Joe G said…
No, when we say "bad design" we talk from a human pespective.
That contradicts what you posted earlier.
Everything could be designed to look undesigned
But everything doesn't look undesigned and your position doesn't have any way to mae any such determination making it impotent and pointless in one easy step.
At 7:03 AM,
Joe G said…
The sad part about your position Rich is it is all just one negative attack after another waged against any and all alternatives.
What isn't a negative attack is just mindless propaganda.
That makes it impotent, pointless, and devoid of content.
At 10:26 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
When humans critique a design they generally assume a function then look at the optimality for performing that function given their knowledge of engineering and the resources available to teh problem.
There is no reason to assume that assumed objective and the designers are the same.
For eample, pain during childbirth looks like bad design but maybe the designer is punishing proto-woman (who was created from a spare rib) for eating from an apple that gave her the gift of knowledge after being talked into it by a snake.
You just can't know.
At 12:01 PM,
Joe G said…
When humans critique a design they generally assume a function then look at the optimality for performing that function given their knowledge of engineering and the resources available to teh problem.
Most often it comes down to a matter of opinion.
Also a bad design is still designed.
At 12:36 PM,
Joe G said…
OK so we have OM chiming in and trying to change the subject and we have Richie chimimg in with propaganda.
And still nothing about any advances have been made in the name of an accumulation of genetic accidents/ blind, undirected chemical processes.
Go figure...
At 8:14 AM,
Joe G said…
For eample, pain during childbirth looks like bad design...
Ahh the very sciency "looks like".
(who was created from a spare rib)
Spare rib? Where did you get that bullshit from?
for eating from an apple
Geez you really are full of shit.
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