The World Cup- Copa de Mundo
I used to like soccer (futbol)- really, really liked it.
I was an original member of my high school's first soccer team (mid 70s).
I still like soccer but watching the World Cup has put a bitter taste in my mouth.
For one the officiating sucks. For another cheating seems to be OK.
When we played soccer without refs- we policed our own games- players couldn't get away with "taking a dive".
You start pulling that shit and you either got kicked out or beat up.
But anyway with all the screw-ups so far in the World Cup I say it is time to update the game- it needs replays and perhaps even more on-field officiating.
Either that or take them completely out of the game and let the game police itself...
I used to like soccer (futbol)- really, really liked it.
I was an original member of my high school's first soccer team (mid 70s).
I still like soccer but watching the World Cup has put a bitter taste in my mouth.
For one the officiating sucks. For another cheating seems to be OK.
When we played soccer without refs- we policed our own games- players couldn't get away with "taking a dive".
You start pulling that shit and you either got kicked out or beat up.
But anyway with all the screw-ups so far in the World Cup I say it is time to update the game- it needs replays and perhaps even more on-field officiating.
Either that or take them completely out of the game and let the game police itself...
At 12:50 AM,
blipey said…
that's right, no officials, that'll work...
I suppose that is how ID gets done--no work, no experiments, no labs, no papers, but ALL GOOD!
I think we should also implement this idea in other areas of entertainment:
1. let runners call themselves out at first base
2. Let receivers tell us whether or not they had both feet in bounds
3. Let goalies rule on whether or not the puck crossed the line
4. Let diners determine the price of their meal
5. Let's let shoppers determine how much bacon they should get for 3 dollars.
I don't see how anything could possibly go wrong...
Incidentally, if there were no officials who threw out offending players?
At 9:37 AM,
Joe G said…
Nice evotardgasm Erik.
Also nice to see you can still take an idea take it to some absurd absolute extereme.
I see you cannot understand even a simple concept.
I suppose that is how ID gets done--no work, no experiments, no labs, no papers, but ALL GOOD!
Nice projection.
Ya see there isn't any work, experiment, lab nor paper supporting your position.
Incidentally, if there were no officials who threw out offending players?
The other players- just as I said.
At 9:53 AM,
Joe G said…
Let's see-
I have played baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, tennis, table-tennis, lacrosse, volleyball, kickball and other sports without refereees/ umpires and everything went OK.
At 9:57 AM,
Joe G said…
1. let runners call themselves out at first base
Both teams would need to make that descision if it is too close to be obvious.
2. Let receivers tell us whether or not they had both feet in bounds
Again both teams would ahve to make that descision.
3. Let goalies rule on whether or not the puck crossed the line
If it is in the back of the net...
4. Let diners determine the price of their meal
There is a place that let's diners choose if they are going to pay for their meal or not.
5. Let's let shoppers determine how much bacon they should get for 3 dollars.
Let the shoppers kill and take it off of the pig.
Or we could let them have all the bacon they want as long as they eat it all in one sitting.
At 11:02 AM,
blipey said…
Um...if a player is cheating, do you think he's going to go off because someone said he was cheating?
"Excuse me, BP, you're not monitoring your rigs well enough."
"Okay, we'll get on that."
"Okay, good enough."
You seriously think that professional sports should not have officials?
At 12:07 PM,
Joe G said…
if a player is cheating, do you think he's going to go off because someone said he was cheating?
I take you have never played any sports in your life and you think your ignorance is meaningful discourse.
At 12:22 PM,
blipey said…
I was a 9 time varsity letterman in high school and played tennis in tennis and soccer in college, Joe.
That has nothing to do with the argument. The argument is:
1. Player A is cheating.
2. Player A is told he is cheating.
3. Player A may or may not accept the judgment of the other team.
4. If Player A does not accept this judgment, JoeTard says the opposing team should beat him up.
How much stoppage time is added for a beating? Are any bookings given for the melee? Do you see this new "Beat Him Up" approach to officiating being good for the sport?
At 12:55 PM,
Joe G said…
I was a 9 time varsity letterman in high school and played tennis in tennis and soccer in college, Joe.
And there is a 100% "chance" you are one of the assholes who spoils the games by being a flopping pussy.
The argument is:
1. Player A is cheating.
2. Player A is told he is cheating.
3. Player A may or may not accept the judgment of the other team.
4. If Player A does not accept this judgment, Joe says the opposing team should beat him up.
Only an asshole would make that inference.
But you played "tennis in tennis" so you must know what you are talking about.
I do find it interesting that you take what i say and then go to some absurd extreme absolute with it.
Belligerent internet faggots do that quite a bit.
But anyway if you were in the game I would just run you over, apologize and even call the ambulence.
And if your team had a problem with that I would agree to leave the match.
Soccer would be much better off without you and your ilk pussy flopping on the pitch.
I would say that is why Americans came up with our own brand of football- no pussies allowed...
At 1:02 PM,
blipey said…
Right. Football, the sport where it's illegal to touch the quarterback in most instances just in case he might break a nail (even though he's wearing pads). Good example, Joe.
I notice you didn't address the argument (and misspelled "ambulance" since we're going there...); is there a reason for that.
Do you or do you not believe that professional sports should be self-officiated?
That is what you advocated, and then seem to be backing away from but can't get yourself to say it.
Stop being a pussy and tell us that professional sports should not have officials.
At 2:51 PM,
Joe G said…
Football, the sport where it's illegal to touch the quarterback in most instances just in case he might break a nail (even though he's wearing pads).
Again your ignorance is meaningless.
I notice you didn't address the argument (and misspelled "ambulance" since we're going there...); is there a reason for that.
You don't have an argument and you said you played tennis in tennis:
I was a 9 time varsity letterman in high school and played tennis in tennis and soccer in college,
So don't talk about grammer fuckups asswipe.
Do you or do you not believe that professional sports should be self-officiated?
In my opinion I don't think professional sports should exist.
But since that isn't going to happen I think refs/ umps should be held accountable- serious penalties for serious fuck-ups.
Allow technology to over-ride human errors.
Allow technology to be the "officials".
That is what you advocated, and then seem to be backing away from but can't get yourself to say it.
No you ignorant faggot- you really are an asshole.
I said:
But anyway with all the screw-ups so far in the World Cup I say it is time to update the game- it needs replays and perhaps even more on-field officiating.
So stop being a belligerent internet faggot and actually respond to what I post.
At 9:16 PM,
blipey said…
JoeTard: "Either that or take them completely out of the game and let the game police itself..."
At 9:30 PM,
Joe G said…
Context you silly faggot-
But anyway with all the screw-ups so far in the World Cup I say it is time to update the game- it needs replays and perhaps even more on-field officiating.
Either that or take them completely out of the game and let the game police itself...
At 12:26 PM,
blipey said…
Right, the context is that you give equal (or nearly equal) weight to technology or self-officiating. Since Sepp Blatter is on record as not wanting to do anything (except perhaps goal-line cameras), that means self-officiating is the default position. We can read, Joe; you just need to think about what you type.
At 1:11 PM,
Joe G said…
Right, the context is that you give equal (or nearly equal) weight to technology or self-officiating.
Wrong again, as usual.
Since Sepp Blatter is on record as not wanting to do anything (except perhaps goal-line cameras), that means self-officiating is the default position.
Sepp Blatter isn't going to live forever and again your inference is wrong.
We can read, Joe;
You can also twist what is posted.
It appears that is all you can do.
At 5:51 PM,
blipey said…
Joe, you said that there need to be more officials, more technology or self-officiating. Those are your words.
Since FIFA shows no inclination to allow much of the first two, this means that self-officiating is the remaining answer.
I'm sorry this is what you said and are now trying to back away from, but it's true.
If youv'e changed your mind, just tell us: "I don't think self-officiating is a good idea."
At 6:28 PM,
Joe G said…
Since FIFA shows no inclination to allow much of the first two, this means that self-officiating is the remaining answer.
And there isn't any way they are going to allow that.
So the game will just remain the bullshit game it has become- rewarding cheaters and pussy flopping.
At 1:21 PM,
Joe G said…
Another possibility I mentioned-
Hold the officials accountable for their mistakes- hopefully that will make for better officials.
At 12:28 PM,
blipey said…
So you still think that self-officiating is a good idea?
At 1:08 PM,
Joe G said…
As predicted- the clowntard shows up here when I am exposing other evotards' nonsense over on Dr Hunter's blog.
At 5:36 PM,
blipey said…
It's easy, Joe. Here, I'll show you.
Blipey: "Self-officiating in professional sports is a terrible idea."
Your turn.
At 6:55 PM,
Joe G said…
"Self-officiating in professional sports is a terrible idea."
Said the cheating pussy flopping faggot...
Of course you would take that position.
At 4:40 PM,
blipey said…
JoeTard's position: "Self-officiating in professional sports is a good idea."
Thanks for coming clean, Joe. Why do you think that zero professional sports leagues have adopted your idea?
At 7:55 PM,
Joe G said…
But anyway with all the screw-ups so far in the World Cup I say it is time to update the game- it needs replays and perhaps even more on-field officiating.
Either that or take them completely out of the game and let the game police itself...
The other option is to hold the refs/ umps accountable for their mistakes.
At 11:02 AM,
blipey said…
So, you're saying that your official position is "JoeTard believes that self-officiating in professional sports is a bad idea"?
That hasn't been your position up til now, but it is now?
Just trying to be clear.
At 12:33 PM,
Joe G said…
I am saying Erik Pratt- aka blipey- is a belligerent internet faggot who can only muddy the water and does not care about clarity.
At 6:14 PM,
blipey said…
I was very clear about my stance. You have not been. So, what is it (in the interest of clarity)?
At 10:06 PM,
Joe G said…
Odd, I have posted what my stance is.
You are just so fucked up you can't deal with it...
At 12:07 PM,
blipey said…
No. You haven't. As I mentioned earlier, my stance is "Self-officiating in professional sports is a terrible idea."
You have stated that you would not be opposed to self-officiating. You have also posted that anyone who thinks that self-officiating is a good idea is a pussy. You have also tried to pull attention away from the sentences you used when you said that self-officiating should be considered.
You have been the exact opposite of clear. Try filling in the following sentence; I'll even pose it as a multiple choice:
I, JoeTard, believe that self-officiating in professional sports is a __________________ idea.
A. good
B. bad
There. That should clear things up.
At 12:17 PM,
Joe G said…
Yes I have.
It is my posts.
I am not going to say any more on the topic.
At 9:57 PM,
blipey said…
Yes. Your posts have explained how you are either for, against, or have no opinion on self-officiating. I was interested in narrowing that down a bit. You could try filling in the blank; it would help and it isn't that hard to do (well, for people who aren't asshats...).
At 10:12 PM,
Joe G said…
But anyway with all the screw-ups so far in the World Cup I say it is time to update the game- it needs replays and perhaps even more on-field officiating.
Either that or take them completely out of the game and let the game police itself...
However I would start with holding refs/ umps accountable for their mistakes.
And if you really, really want to know the truth- and I have posted it also- I would get rid of professional sports.
But that ain't going to happen.
So hold the bums accountable and utilize technology to its full extent.
Either that or take them completely out of the game and let the game police itself.
But anyway it was interesting watching you take a blog about the World Cup and twist it into all sports.
You are nothing but a fucking twisted freak.
And I am sure you are proud of it...
At 12:26 PM,
blipey said…
So, you still have no idea if you are for or against self-officiating in professional sports (or even just in soccer)?
If someone asked you if grass is green, would you know the answer, or would talk around the issue forever?
Jesus, Joe.
Here it is again:
I, JoeTard, think that self-officiating in professional sports is a _______________ idea.
Fill in the blank with either:
1. good
2. bad
At 12:31 PM,
Joe G said…
But anyway with all the screw-ups so far in the World Cup I say it is time to update the game- it needs replays and perhaps even more on-field officiating.
Either that or take them completely out of the game and let the game police itself...
However I would start with holding refs/ umps accountable for their mistakes.
And if you really, really want to know the truth- and I have posted it also- I would get rid of professional sports.
But that ain't going to happen.
So hold the bums accountable and utilize technology to its full extent.
Either that or take them completely out of the game and let the game police itself.
Another version would be to take the officials out, let the game police itself with the help of technology.
IMHO that would be the best scenario- short of getting rid of professional sports...
At 10:51 AM,
blipey said…
Well, that was difficult wasn't it? We finally have it, kind of, in a way, not really, still can't get a straight answer:
JoeTard believes that self-officiating in professional sports is a bad idea...maybe, sort of, perhaps.
Why can't you just say that?
At 12:36 PM,
Joe G said…
Yaes dealing with a retarded clown, like blipey, is very difficult.
I posted what I wanted to say.
You are just too fucked up to understand it.
Your stupidity is not my fault...
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