Thorton hears a who
Thorton calls me a chicken-shit and a coward because he is unable to understand Intelligent Design and unable to substantiate the claims made by his anti-ID position.
That's evolutionary thinking for ya.
Then there is the fact that thorton is noticeably missing from all of my blogs dealing with biology. As a matter of fact blipey, Richie and rishy are also missing from those blogs. And why is the only thing that Richie and clowny posted in the design hypothesis blog, nothing but ignorance-driven drivel?
I would like to thank all of you for helping me make my case for ID and against the ToE.
That's evolutionary thinking for ya.
Then there is the fact that thorton is noticeably missing from all of my blogs dealing with biology. As a matter of fact blipey, Richie and rishy are also missing from those blogs. And why is the only thing that Richie and clowny posted in the design hypothesis blog, nothing but ignorance-driven drivel?
I would like to thank all of you for helping me make my case for ID and against the ToE.
At 3:04 PM,
Ghostrider said…
Thorton calls me a chicken-shit and a coward because he is unable to understand Intelligent Design and unable to substantiate the claims made by his anti-ID position.
No Joe, I say you're a chickenshit and a coward because you hide in the security of this little shithole blog and snipe at professional scientists while refusing to post others' rebuttals, but won't go to an unmoderated board to actually discuss your asinine ID claims. We both know what would happen if you ever tried, right?
Your lie about being denied registration at RnR was pretty damn funny though. Why did you lock comments on that thread?
At 8:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why don't you freely publish your blog-visitors' posts?
At 8:10 AM,
Joe G said…
Why don't you freely publish your blog-visitors' posts?
I only have rules that must be followed in order to get your post published:
1- Put up or shut up- IOW support your position. Ignorance-driven drivel will not make ID go away. Subtantiating the claims of your position is the only way to refute ID.
2. Stay on topic
And if you cannot follow 2 simple rules then there is no reason to publish your posts.
What part of that don't you understand?
At 8:22 AM,
Joe G said…
IF this blog is a shithole it is because of assholes like you spewing shit everytime you post here.
I post ALL comments that are on-topic and/ or substantiate the claims of the anti-ID position.
Also I have posted on many other forums and without fail all anti-IDists refuse to stay on-topic and refuse to support their position. There is no reason to believe that anything has changed- especially given what is being posted over there.
And now you are saying that if I left here that the data that is missing from peer-reviewed journals will sudedenly appear.
IOW reality demonstrates that YOU are a chickenshit and a coward who needs support from other chickenshits and cowards.
One more thing- why are you worried about my ID claims when you should be concentrating on the claims of YOUR position as that is the ONLY way to make ID go away.
You do realize that if I go to any other forum all of my posts are going to deal with the failure of anyone to substantiate their anti-ID claims.
So how about it thorton- are you ever going to post something, anything which would support the anti-ID position? Or are you a chickenshit coward?
Seeing that your comments are noticeably absent from all of my blogs dealing with biology it is a given that you are an ignorant fuck.
It is also obvious that all of your arguments against ID are derived from your ignorance of the subject.
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