"What do you get when you covert 598066645 (base 10) into binary?"
blipey wanted to know if a certain binary sequence* was designed. blipey told me that is was written on a piece of paper.
Further investigation found that paper was in a math classroom. After interviewing the teachers for that day I found that the last class of the day was doing conversions- decimal, hex and binary. And on this day the question "What do you get when you covert 598066645 (base 10) into binary?", was asked.
The answer, of course, is:
Therefor (and art-though) I scientifically conclude that the binary sequence in question was indeed the result of (active) intelligent design.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Further investigation found that paper was in a math classroom. After interviewing the teachers for that day I found that the last class of the day was doing conversions- decimal, hex and binary. And on this day the question "What do you get when you covert 598066645 (base 10) into binary?", was asked.
The answer, of course, is:
Therefor (and art-though) I scientifically conclude that the binary sequence in question was indeed the result of (active) intelligent design.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
At 4:35 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Let's say I have a random number generator, and it comes up with a random number. Then I convert it into binary. Informationaly, it is the same and therefore still random. There is metadata (the base) but that is subjective, it could have been binary and I convert it into base 10, or hexadecimal or whatever.
ID is supposed to find design through information content, no?
At 5:54 PM,
blipey said…
Stupendous! You've determined design through the use of MAKING STUFF UP. That's powerful shit.
At 6:26 PM,
Joe G said…
You've determined design through the use of MAKING STUFF UP.
I didn't make up anything. That is what took place.
However it is obvious that evolutionitwits just MAKE STUFF UP when it comes to substantiating their position.
At 6:29 PM,
Joe G said…
ID is supposed to find design through information content, no?
No. See pages 145-147 of NFL (3.6 Semantic Information)
At 8:02 PM,
blipey said…
I didn't make up anything. That is what took place.
I suppose you have some evidence for this? Can you tell us the name of the teacher whose classroom this took place in? Can you show us the original assignment question? Can you provide us information to independently corroborate your story?
Thanks for nothing.
At 8:54 PM,
Joe G said…
I didn't make up anything. That is what took place.
I suppose you have some evidence for this? Can you tell us the name of the teacher whose classroom this took place in? Can you show us the original assignment question? Can you provide us information to independently corroborate your story?
Yes, I have it all with that list you said you were going to come by and pick up. Several times you said you were coming and never showed. What's up with that?
You are very welcome my feeble-minded foe. I am always happy to help the handicapped.
At 8:57 PM,
Hermagoras said…
Wow. The way you treat people, you'll be a shoe-in when you run for school board. Vote Joe G!
At 10:22 PM,
blipey said…
So you have the lesson plan from the fictional class you made up? Wow.
At 10:20 AM,
Joe G said…
So you have the lesson plan from the fictional class you made up?
Umm I never said nor implied such a thing.
Why is that almost everytime I post something you post a response that has nothing to do with what I said?
At 10:22 AM,
Joe G said…
The way you treat people, you'll be a shoe-in when you run for school board.
I treat people as they deserve to be treated. And it is a school commitee in my community.
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