Intelligent Design- What's the Point?
People I have talked to wanted to know the point? "What's the point to Intelligent Design?"
My response:
The point is to (be able) conduct scientific research and be allowed to reach a design inference if that is what the data, evidence and observations warrant.
That's it. Then I remind them that:
1) There is only one reality behind our existence and the exitence of what it is we are trying to explain.
2) Science is a tool for determining that reality.
3) You can neither legislate nor adjudicate what "reality" science can deal with.
Also as Justice Lewis Powell wrote in his concurrence to Edwards v. Aguillard:
My response:
The point is to (be able) conduct scientific research and be allowed to reach a design inference if that is what the data, evidence and observations warrant.
That's it. Then I remind them that:
1) There is only one reality behind our existence and the exitence of what it is we are trying to explain.
2) Science is a tool for determining that reality.
3) You can neither legislate nor adjudicate what "reality" science can deal with.
Also as Justice Lewis Powell wrote in his concurrence to Edwards v. Aguillard:
(A) decision respecting the subject matter to be taught in public schools does not violate the Establishment Clause simply because the material to be taught ‘happens to coincide or harmonize with the tenets of some or all religions’.”
At 9:44 AM,
Human Ape said…
"reach a design inference"
You have reached a "design inference" when you are too lazy to figure out how something happened, so you make the claim "The Magic Man Done It".
At 9:46 AM,
Human Ape said…
"Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval."
I get it. The blog owner is likely to only allow comments who agree with his God Did It nonsense.
At 6:47 PM,
Joe G said…
Bob sez:
You have reached a "design inference" when you are too lazy to figure out how something happened,...
By that "logic" archaeologists must just be lazt-Archaeology is a Science of "Giving Up".
BTW ID doesn't say anything about "God".
Also do you realize that the materialistic anti-ID position is nothing more than sheer dumb luck?
IOW yours is a position void of science. It doesn't make any predictions and it cannot be objectively tested.
At 6:55 PM,
Joe G said…
Btw Bob, a simple look at the explanatory filter demonstrates it takes more work to reach a design inference than to reach any other inference.
IOW your ignorance on how things get done is duly noted.
At 7:20 PM,
Human Ape said…
"BTW ID doesn't say anything about God."
OK my friend. You surprised me. I expected to be censored.
I ask just one small favor. Please tell me who the designer is. Please be honest.
Intelligent Design was invented to disguise God Did It creationism to look like science. Why? It was an unsuccessful attempt to sneak a religious belief into public school biology classes.
Everyone knows the Designer is God. Why not admit this obvious fact? Your "ID doesn't say anything about God" tells me you are trying to fool people. This denial that ID is just a religious belief is lying and this dishonesty has been going on long enough.
At 8:05 PM,
Human Ape said…
" takes more work to reach a design inference than to reach any other inference."
Sorry, I got to disagree with you. Determining the natural cause for something, and getting strong evidence for it by either searching for fossils, analyzing DNA, or some other method, takes a lot more work than saying "I just can't figure out the natural cause, even though I have spent 5 minutes thinking about it, therefore I will conclude God, whoops, I meant the Designer, Did It."
By the way, if anyone who wants invoke God (or Mr. Designer, or the Magic Man, or whatever you want to call supernatural nonsense), they really should have to explain how the designer god magician was created. I know that would be inconvenient because it's impossible, but if you're going to invoke magic, you really got to explain how this magic is possible. Wild guesses are not good enough in science.
At 8:18 PM,
Joe G said…
I expected to be censored.
Your sort of nonsense needs to be exposed.
I ask just one small favor. Please tell me who the designer is. Please be honest.
I don't know. Also it doesn't matter- that is if you are interested in reality.
Intelligent Design was invented to disguise God Did It creationism to look like science.
That's how people ignorant of the topic describe it.
Why? It was an unsuccessful attempt to sneak a religious belief into public school biology classes.
As I said in the OP you can neither adjudicate nor legislate science and reality.
Anthony Flew, a once prominent atheist, now accepts ID.
The designer(s) need not have anything to do with eternal salvation. Why is it that Creation organizations such as AiG and ICR distance themselves from ID?
Because ID has NOTHING to do with "God".
To say otherwise is a fool's ploy. Once dressed with agenda-driven willful ignorance.
If "God" is the designer, so what? Are you saying we have to then deny reality, in this country only, a push science fiction in a science curriculum?
Why don't you admit your position is nothing but sheer dumb luck?
You have no place to talk about dishonesty.
Keep posting- I have no reason to censor this type of nonsense. It is because of people like you that Intelligent Design needs to be taught at schools. I wouldn't care what class it started in. Just as long as it is presented honestly- that is based on what IDists say about it.
Pats & Sox are on now, but I'll be back...
At 8:20 PM,
Joe G said…
BTW Bob, there could be (have been) multiple designers on multiple levels- Ever watch "Time Bandits"?
At 8:36 PM,
Human Ape said…
"Because ID has NOTHING to do with 'God'."
You just told me all I need to know about you.
Nothing to do with God? Nothing?
Sorry, but that's just plain dishonest.
At 10:53 PM,
Joe G said…
"Because ID has NOTHING to do with 'God'."
You just told me all I need to know about you.
And you have already told me everything I need to know about you.
Nothing to do with God? Nothing?
Sorry, but that's just plain dishonest.
Well, Bob, WHAT does ID have to do with "God"?
Please be specific or admit you are an ignorant imbecile.
At 11:03 PM,
Joe G said…
" takes more work to reach a design inference than to reach any other inference."
Sorry, I got to disagree with you. Determining the natural cause for something, and getting strong evidence for it by either searching for fossils, analyzing DNA, or some other method, takes a lot more work than saying "I just can't figure out the natural cause, even though I have spent 5 minutes thinking about it, therefore I will conclude God, whoops, I meant the Designer, Did It."
Your ignorance of ID and science in general, is very telling. Ya see Bob, there isn't anything in the fossil record or DNA that points to culled genetic accidents over the design inference.
By the way, if anyone who wants invoke God (or Mr. Designer, or the Magic Man, or whatever you want to call supernatural nonsense), they really should have to explain how the designer god magician was created.
Not only is that thinking very stupid*, is has been refuted:
Who Designed the Designer?
*By your "logic" we have to know who designed the designers of Stonehenge before we can determine it was designed and set about studying it as an artifact.
I know that would be inconvenient because it's impossible, but if you're going to invoke magic, you really got to explain how this magic is possible. Wild guesses are not good enough in science.
Wild guesses are all you have. Thanks for admitting your position isn't based on science.
good night, and good luck...
At 7:37 AM,
Joe G said…
BTW Bob, ID doesn't even require a belief in "God".
"The differences between Biblical creationism and the IDM should become clear. As an unashamedly Christian/creationist organization, ICR is concerned with the reputation of our God and desires to point all men back to Him. We are not in this work merely to do good science, although this is of great importance to us. We care that students and society are brainwashed away from a relationship with their Creator/Savior. While all creationists necessarily believe in intelligent design, not all ID proponents believe in God. ID is strictly a non-Christian movement, and while ICR values and supports their work, we cannot join them."- John Morris, president of the Institute for Creation Research.
If ID were a christian thing I wouldn't be an IDist.
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