"Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" (the movie)
It took some time but finally someone noticed all the nonsensical spewage of anti-ID rhetoric.
Next Feb 12 Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed will premier.
It will take a look at the hostility and censorship aimed at Intelligent Design proponents, as well as those "sympathetic" to ID.
My hope is that it exposes the close-minded anti-IDists for what they are- cowardly bigots.
I also hope that it will make students ask tough questions of their biology professors thereby exposing the theory of evolution for what it really is- wishful speculation which doesn't belong in a science curriculum.
One thing is for sure- the anti-ID mob cannot afford a culture war as they are greatly outnumbered. However they have no one to blame but themselves.
Who are they to stifle scientific inquiry as to the reality behind our existence?
Who are they to stifle academic freedom?
Perhaps this will lead to fights in the classrooms and massive student protests.
I can only hope for such an outcome...
Next Feb 12 Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed will premier.
It will take a look at the hostility and censorship aimed at Intelligent Design proponents, as well as those "sympathetic" to ID.
My hope is that it exposes the close-minded anti-IDists for what they are- cowardly bigots.
I also hope that it will make students ask tough questions of their biology professors thereby exposing the theory of evolution for what it really is- wishful speculation which doesn't belong in a science curriculum.
One thing is for sure- the anti-ID mob cannot afford a culture war as they are greatly outnumbered. However they have no one to blame but themselves.
Who are they to stifle scientific inquiry as to the reality behind our existence?
Who are they to stifle academic freedom?
Perhaps this will lead to fights in the classrooms and massive student protests.
I can only hope for such an outcome...
At 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
They offer to "bribe" schools to bring their kids:
But hurry to register - there's a limited amount of bribe money. Last come - not served.
At 5:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
"My hope is that it exposes the close-minded anti-IDists for what they are-cowardly bigots."
I'm sure that it will - and that why this movie is a lying political propaganda movie - because that's one of the many lies.
At 9:02 AM,
Joe G said…
That's the truth of the matter- all anti-IDists ARE close-minded and cowardly bigots.
That's been my experiance anyway.
At 2:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, after 20+ years of creationist lies, it's getting a little old. Evolution is science and creationism is religion and so far the Federal Courts have saved us from religion in the science classroom.
At 12:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Perhaps this will lead to fights in the classrooms and massive student protests."
Hmmm. If this happened, I did not hear about it. I did like Roger Ebert's trashing of the movie:
At 7:34 AM,
Joe G said…
1- "Evolution" is not being debated.
see Equivocation and Evolution
Equivocation and Evolution continued
Until you understand that you don't really understand anything about the debate.
2- Only parts of "evolution" are scientific. Most of it is purely speculation based on the assumption.
3- Roger Ebert is an ignoramus. He wouldn't understand science if his life depended on it.
And he certainly doesn't understand what is being debated.
But that is because of all the lying propaganda being spewed by the NCSE and all the other lying intellectual cowards who oppose ID.
At 3:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
"But that is because of all the lying propaganda being spewed by the NCSE and all the other lying intellectual cowards who oppose ID."
Your ad hominems seem to be quite irrational.
At 7:28 AM,
Joe G said…
"But that is because of all the lying propaganda being spewed by the NCSE and all the other lying intellectual cowards who oppose ID."
Your ad hominems seem to be quite irrational.
Facts are only ad hominems to the willfully ignorant.
Fact 1- The NCSE is a lying propaganda machine.
Fact 2- Most, if not all, people who oppose ID do so because they do not understand the debate and instead choose to fight a strawman they have erected.
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