15 Years since Kitzmiller and Evos are Still Liars and Bluffing Cowards
Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of Ktzmiller vs the Dover school board. A trial in which the sitting judge was fooled by the lies and bluffs of the plaintiffs witnesses and lawyers. The scientifically illiterate judge overstepped his bounds and rules that ID isn't science! As if what is and isn't science can be determined by a judge!
Dr. Behe has responded to the judge's ignorance.
The literature bluff and other lies are exposed here, too.
15 years later and evos still don't have any evidence that blind and mindless processes can produce irreducible complex structures and systems. As Dr. Behe concluded:
The Court’s reasoning in section E-4 is premised on: a cramped view of science; the conflation of intelligent design with creationism; an incapacity to distinguish the implications of a theory from the theory itself; a failure to differentiate evolution from Darwinism; and strawman arguments against ID. The Court has accepted the most tendentious and shopworn excuses for Darwinism with great charity and impatiently dismissed evidence-based arguments for design.
All of that is regrettable, but in the end does not impact the realities of biology, which are not amenable to adjudication. On the day after the judge’s opinion, December 21, 2005, as before, the cell is run by amazingly complex, functional machinery that in any other context would immediately be recognized as designed. On December 21, 2005, as before, there are no non-design explanations for the molecular machinery of life, only wishful speculations and Just-So stories.
But yet the dumbass evos see this as a cause to celebrate. Can anyone explain that to me? They were caught lying and bluffing. An ignorant judge sided with them. What is there to celebrate?
Intelligent Design is still being discussed in some high schools' science classrooms.
At 4:18 PM,
Unknown said…
But yet the dumbass evos see this as a cause to celebrate. Can anyone explain that to me?
In the USA some things are arbitrated by the court system. Rightly or wrongly. The school district in question chose to pursue the matter via the court system. No one forced them into that position. The court made a call which has not been appealed or contested.
They were caught lying and bluffing.
Not according to the court.
An ignorant judge sided with them.
Why has the case not been appealed then?
What is there to celebrate?
Not much on your side of the argument.
At 9:43 PM,
Joe G said…
What? The school system didn't choose to pursue this via the Court system. Are you daft?
And yes, they were caught lying and bluffing. It is all a matter of record. The case wasn't appealed for the same reasons you have been told many, many times. Are you retarded?
ID and IC still reign supreme. ID is still the only scientific explanation for our existence. And more and more science classrooms are allowing it into discussion.
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