"Peaceful Science" is an Echo Chamber for Liars, Cowards and Hypocrites
If you are a liar, coward and hypocrite you are welcome @ "Peaceful Science" as long as you rail against ID and support the unscientific evolutionism. But if you are going to rail against unguided evolution and present evidentiary support for ID, please stay away. They don't have a place for you there.
The point is there isn't any scientific alternative to Intelligent Design. ID is the only current scenario that makes testable claims. It is the only scenario that relies on our knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships. Meaning it is the only scenario supported by science.
When "Peaceful Science" first started I posted there saying that there wasn't any scientific theory of evolution. Of course I was attacked for saying that but it was very telling that no one stepped up and referenced a scientific theory of evolution! To this day no one has been able to reference a scientific theory of evolution. Yet evos will always insist one exists. Evos are pathological.
The liars of "Peaceful Science" were asked for evidence that vision systems evolved by means of blind and mindless processes. They lied to say it existed but failed to produce any such evidence. They failed to produce any methodology that could be used to test the claim. Then they claimed victory and moved on. How pathetic is that?
But that is all they have. They try to intimidate people. Those who cannot be intimidated get banned. Those who call them on their bullshit, get banned.
However if you are a liar for unguided evolution and a liar arguing against ID, you are welcome @ "Peaceful Science".
And it is very telling that those same liars will NEVER show up on a site like Uncommon Descent to peddle their bullshit and lies. Joshua Swamidass is too clueless to be ashamed. And he is too much of a coward to show up on UD and make his case.
If you are a liar, coward and hypocrite you are welcome @ "Peaceful Science" as long as you rail against ID and support the unscientific evolutionism. But if you are going to rail against unguided evolution and present evidentiary support for ID, please stay away. They don't have a place for you there.
The point is there isn't any scientific alternative to Intelligent Design. ID is the only current scenario that makes testable claims. It is the only scenario that relies on our knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships. Meaning it is the only scenario supported by science.
When "Peaceful Science" first started I posted there saying that there wasn't any scientific theory of evolution. Of course I was attacked for saying that but it was very telling that no one stepped up and referenced a scientific theory of evolution! To this day no one has been able to reference a scientific theory of evolution. Yet evos will always insist one exists. Evos are pathological.
The liars of "Peaceful Science" were asked for evidence that vision systems evolved by means of blind and mindless processes. They lied to say it existed but failed to produce any such evidence. They failed to produce any methodology that could be used to test the claim. Then they claimed victory and moved on. How pathetic is that?
But that is all they have. They try to intimidate people. Those who cannot be intimidated get banned. Those who call them on their bullshit, get banned.
However if you are a liar for unguided evolution and a liar arguing against ID, you are welcome @ "Peaceful Science".
And it is very telling that those same liars will NEVER show up on a site like Uncommon Descent to peddle their bullshit and lies. Joshua Swamidass is too clueless to be ashamed. And he is too much of a coward to show up on UD and make his case.
At 3:53 PM,
JV said…
And it is very telling that those same liars will NEVER show up on a site like Uncommon Descent to peddle their bullshit and lies.
I tried that, I was respectful, sincere and honest. And I got banned. More than once. There's no point in trying anymore. Serious and interested dissenters get canned because they don't agree with intelligent design.
At 3:57 PM,
Joe G said…
You showed up peddling bullshit. That is why you were banned. You are not a serious dissenter. You are a blatant denialist.
At 1:36 AM,
JV said…
You showed up peddling bullshit. That is why you were banned. You are not a serious dissenter. You are a blatant denialist.
That's what is said about anyone who disagrees with the moderators. You're not allowed to disagree reasonably on the site.
And why were you banned? Several times.
At 6:50 AM,
Joe G said…
Fuck you. If you had something you would have presented it. You FAILED.
I have been banned from UD for exposing assholes kike you as the hypocrites that you are.
At 7:18 AM,
JV said…
Fuck you. If you had something you would have presented it. You FAILED.
Then why didn't they keep me around and make fun of me? They continually and actively discourage people who disagree.
I have been banned from UD for exposing assholes kike you as the hypocrites that you are.
You know that's not true since you just told me I was banned for being a hypocrite. So they should have promoted you. But they didn't. How many accounts have you had there now? Three? Four?
At 7:22 AM,
Joe G said…
Then why didn't they keep me around and make fun of me?
We already have that- evos to make fun of.
They continually and actively discourage people who disagree.
They continually and actively discourage people who disagree because they are ignorant trolls.
You know that's not true since you just told me I was banned for being a hypocrite.
That doesn't follow. Clearly you have an inability to think.
The evidence says that each and every time that I was banned was for being rude to ignorant trolls like you.
At 12:11 PM,
JV said…
They continually and actively discourage people who disagree because they are ignorant trolls.
They refuse to accept anyone who disagrees with them. And that's the truth.
The evidence says that each and every time that I was banned was for being rude to ignorant trolls like you.
Then why did you say you were banned for 'exposing assholes'?
Uncommon Descent is an echo chamber for the ID faithful. It's not a forum for an exchange of ideas at all. It's a place for ID supporters to go and feel less isolated and alone. Which is fine but it shouldn't pretend to be anything else than that.
At 1:32 PM,
Joe G said…
They refuse to accept anyone who disagrees with them
Then why did you say you were banned for 'exposing assholes'?
Because I was.
Look, moron loser, just because you and yours don't have any ideas to exchange isn't UD's fault.
At 3:01 PM,
JV said…
What I said is clearly true. It's happened over and over and over again.
Look, moron loser, just because you and yours don't have any ideas to exchange isn't UD's fault.
So we get banned? Explain that to me. What rules of the site did we violate?
At 4:45 PM,
Joe G said…
Liar. There are people there now who disagree with UD. And you get banned for being a liar and insipid troll.
At 12:28 AM,
JV said…
There are people there now who disagree with UD.
They keep a couple around just to try and show they accept dissenting views. But many, many more have been banned.
And you get banned for being a liar and insipid troll.
I was saying the same thing the people who are there now are saying! Try again.
At 8:37 AM,
Joe G said…
The people who have been banned have all been liars. And no, you were not saying the same things they say now.
At 9:56 AM,
JV said…
And again- your side can't answer anything and it is supposed to be all about the how.
I never lied. I gave answers that I considered honest and correct. You disagreeing with them does not mean I lied.
But ID is a totalitarian mindset; if you don't agree with us you're wrong and we don't have to put up with you.
You can't even specify what kind of evidence would change your mind. You're impervious to counter-evidence.
At 10:09 AM,
Joe G said…
You are lying now. You have lied every time you post here. And we have said exactly what would change our minds. You are just a willfully ignorant ass, Jerad.
At 11:06 AM,
JV said…
And we have said exactly what would change our minds.
I asked you and you couldn't be specific. You want proof that natural processes are adequate but you can't say what kind of evidence you'd accept. Everything anyone shows you isn't good enough and you can't say what would be good enough. It sounds like nothing would make you change your mind.
At 11:22 AM,
Joe G said…
We have already told you. It is NOT our fault that you and yours cannot support your claims.
No one has shown anything. You are either a liar or a loser.
At 11:38 AM,
JV said…
So, you still can't say what, specifically, would change your mind.
It's all designed to you so there is no way to investigate unguided processes, according to you. And there can be no evidence of unguided processes 'cause they're all designed.
Again, what kind of evidence would convince you that there was no design? What specific results or observations?
At 11:43 AM,
Joe G said…
Again, we have already told you what would change our minds. It is NOT our fault that you and yours cannot support your claims. It is up to YOU, not us.
And no, we have NEVER said it is all designed. You are just a liar and an asshole.
The paper "Waiting for TWO Mutations" killed your scenario. It's not my fault that you cannot grasp that fact.
At 11:56 AM,
JV said…
Again, we have already told you what would change our minds.
Doesn't look like there is anything. You KNOW all positive mutations are guided so you will not accept anything which suggests otherwise.
Your beliefs are unfalsifiable. How can anyone show that a positive mutation is unguided according to you?
The paper "Waiting for TWO Mutations" killed your scenario.
Gee, I don't think so. How old is that paper anyway? I haven't noticed any evolutionary journals closing down or biology departments turning into ID departments. Maybe I missed something . . .
At 12:01 PM,
Joe G said…
Then it's strange that we have said what will change our minds. Your ignorance is not an argument, Jerad.
And we have said exactly what would falsify ID. Again your ignorance is meaningless.
Gee, I don't think so
That is because you are an ignorant ass. And seeing that ID is not anti-evolution, your cowardly equivocation is duly noted.
At 12:02 PM,
Joe G said…
Consistent with recent experimental observations for Drosophila, we find that a few million years is sufficient, but for humans with a much smaller effective population size, this type of change would take >100 million years.
The evolution of color vision requires more than two mutations. This is supposed to have happened in primates. And that means it would have taken more time for that than there is for the evolution of humans from non-humans.
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