Intelligent Reasoning

Promoting, advancing and defending Intelligent Design via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning and exposing the alleged theory of evolution as the nonsense it is. I also educate evotards about ID and the alleged theory of evolution one tard at a time and sometimes in groups

Friday, March 08, 2019

Nathan Lents and Joshua Swamidass are also Proud to be Willfully Ignorant

EvoTARDs crawl from under their rocks in record numbers when an IDist has a book published. Nathan Lents of the moronic "Human Errors" is just one of them.
In perhaps the most dramatic example, a multisubunit complex called T-urf13 was cobbled together from various pieces of noncoding DNA in the maize mitochondrial genome.
Yes, maize is a product of ARTIFICIAL selection which means natural selection had NOTHING to do with it. Also it is only ONE part. And then there is the fact that recombination played a role. Recombination was discussed in "Not By Chance" as a designed mechanism to bring about variability- meaning organisms are designed to evolve.
This is a key example because the T-urf13 complex is a gated ion channel, a molecular structure that Behe specifically held up as an example of irreducible complexity in his first book, Darwin’s Black Box .
AGAIN, it is only ONE part. The membrane already existed.
That this structure was formed through several random DNA rearrangement events is nothing short of incredible, but there it is.
The word recombination appears only once in this book (outside of the notes) and neither exaptation nor horizontal gene transfer are mentioned at all. As these are key forces in generating diversity and innovation, I’d say they merit discussion, especially by someone intending to challenge their importance.
This is a major what the fuck!? The author has absolutely no clue at all. Exaptation? Really? Where did you get the body parts that were altered? How did you determine that HGT is a blind and mindless process? How did you determine that recombination is a blind and mindless process?

Why are ALL evos such cowardly equivocators? Why do they think that their willful ignorance means something?


  • At 4:42 PM, Blogger JV said…

    How did you determine that HGT is a blind and mindless process? How did you determine that recombination is a blind and mindless process?

    Present the mechanism that mutations are affected or guided based on environmental pressures. Don't just insist it must be true, show or demonstrate the physical evidence.

    If you can't produce a guiding mechanism then it's all unguided. Can you produce the guiding mechanism? Yes or no?

  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger Joe G said…

    You cannot show they are unguided. You can't show anything beyond your scientific ignorance.

  • At 1:59 AM, Blogger JV said…

    You cannot show they are unguided. You can't show anything beyond your scientific ignorance.

    There is no mechanism or chemical influence. You can't demonstrate where one is, how it works, how it's encoded, how it's passed on from generation to generation.

    No guiding mechanism, no guidance.

  • At 9:09 AM, Blogger Joe G said…

    You cannot demonstrate anything, asshole. So shut the fuck up

  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger JV said…

    You cannot demonstrate anything, asshole. So shut the fuck up

    Still waiting for a demonstration that mutations are guided . . . .

  • At 2:56 PM, Blogger Joe G said…

    Start reading. It's all written down

  • At 4:54 PM, Blogger JV said…

    Start reading. It's all written down

    Where? Where is the mechanism shown?

  • At 6:10 PM, Blogger Joe G said…

    The mechanism is shown by the evidence


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