Elizabeth Liddle- Spewer Extraordinaire
Yes Lizzie is at it again- misrepresenting and overselling. Recently she spewed:
She then has more evidence-free spewage:
And finally:
Yes Lizzie is at it again- misrepresenting and overselling. Recently she spewed:
Evolution can only produce things that self-replicate;No, dumbass, evolution starts with things that self-replicate.
Human Intelligence, in contrast finds it hard to produce self-replicating things,Computer viruses self-replicate and they are not too difficult to produce.
Evolution cannot produce an iPhone. Human designers cannot produce a giraffe.There isn't any evidence that evolution cannot produce a giraffe.
She then has more evidence-free spewage:
Evolution can produce the brain and dexterity that allows designers to design and build things for their own purposes.That is pure propaganda, Lizzie. You oversell evolution at every turn. You also misrepresent ID at every turn. You are a scientifically illiterate old hag.
And finally:
Please TRY to assume I am posting in good faith.If you are posting in good faith then you are ignorant as only an ignoramus can post the shit you do.
At 1:00 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Wow, so bitter, chubs. Just like that fat tard Virgil Cain.
At 1:42 PM,
Joe G said…
LoL! Just because Lizzie is an equivocating and confused old hag and you are an ignorant cowardly cupcake, that I have exposed that on many occasions, doesn't make me bitter.
You morons prove that you don't care that you just spew shit and act as if your spewage is support for itself. I just come along and tell it like it is.
I am entertained, not bitter.
At 11:49 AM,
William Spearshake said…
Yup, that Joe sure knows how to construct an argument.
At 12:56 PM,
Joe G said…
And another devastating refutation- not.
At 1:43 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
Virgil Cain
June 19, 2015 at 11:00 am
Bill O’Reilly is more honest and has more integrity than any evolutionist."
What a tard.
At 2:14 PM,
Joe G said…
In this case tard = truth as reality deems.
Nice job, cupcake.
At 2:22 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
*Any* evolutionist. Have you met them all?
At 2:38 PM,
Joe G said…
Just being an evolutionist is all it takes, cupcake. O'Reilly would have to lie everyday to be in the category of an evolutionist.
At 2:46 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
That Virgil Cain really isn't very bright.
check out "Carpathian:
While an alien designer may be possible, it’s existence is at least as improbable as ours.
What next- the square root of Tuesday is blue?"
Talk about not understanding ID basics, eh?
At 5:07 PM,
Joe G said…
True, neither you nor Carpathian understand the ID basics.
At 6:00 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
FALSE. look at the UPB. Understand it, where it comes from and the entailments of that.
At 6:46 PM,
Joe G said…
Umm, moron, what Carpathian said was a non-sequitur as it didn't respond to what it was responding to. Virgil Cain said one thing and Carpathian's response didn't follow from that.
Also, yours doesn't even deserve a place at the probability table. It isn't that life is improbable without ID, it is impossible. Dembski gave you the benefit of doubt and Donald Johnson came around and took it away.
At 8:03 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
You've failed to understand, Joe. You're as dense as Virgil. Think.
At 9:14 PM,
Joe G said…
No, Richie, you fail to understand. You fail to make a case. You just fail.
While an alien designer may be possible, it’s existence is at least as improbable as ours.
Irrelevant to what it was responding to. You are so dense you are a walking black hole.
At 12:02 PM,
Unknown said…
I wasn't aware that IDists believed in black holes.
At 3:15 PM,
Joe G said…
You don't seem to be aware of anything.
At 4:25 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
"Carpathian- Concerning life on earth it is very possible to have an ET designer. And SOP requires that we take it one step at a time- proximate as opposed to ultimate."
"While an alien designer may be possible, it’s existence is at least as improbable as ours."
Completely relevant. "Non sequitur" - something else Joe, er I mean Virgil doesn't understand.
At 4:37 PM,
Joe G said…
How it is relevant, cupcake? Just saying it is doesn't make it so. Talk about not understanding.
At 4:41 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
You are so dense.
The UPB posits a finite set of probabilistic resources, bound by volume, speed of interaction and time. Any ET that engineered life on earth would have had less probabilistic resources to evolve than are currently available as it would have happened even further back in time.
You're such a tard. you're writing is so childish your sock puppets declare themselves.
At 5:28 PM,
Joe G said…
Again, that has nothing to do with: Concerning life on earth it is very possible to have an ET designer. And SOP requires that we take it one step at a time- proximate as opposed to ultimate.
Also there will never be enough probabilistic resources such that a living organism can arise without the help of an intelligent agency. The UPB is irrelevant, just as I have been saying.
And you are such a dolt. I declare myself when I register.
At 5:30 PM,
Joe G said…
Concerning life on earth it is very possible to have an ET designer. And SOP requires that we take it one step at a time- proximate as opposed to ultimate.
That means only an imbecile would give a rat's ass about the origin of our designer(s). Enter Carpathian and Richie the Cupcake.
At 1:20 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
ID Leader Joe "Chubs" Gallien: " only an imbecile would give a rat's ass about the origin of our designer(s)."
Some guy called Dembski, 2001: "Appendix: Design-Theoretic Research Problems
15. Identity Problem -- Who is the designer?"
Who to take seriously. Hmmmmm.
ET or UPB fatso? You can't have both.
At 9:07 AM,
Joe G said…
What a fucking moron you are. You are so fucking retarded that you can't even follow along.
Who is the designer is not the same as the origin of the designer you ignorant little shit eating fuckface. Dembski didn't say anything about the origin of the designer. You must be one desperate asshole.
Nice job, cupcake.
At 1:45 AM,
Shazzbot said…
@Rich Hughes
Intelligent Design only has to prove that biological life forms are the result of design and could not have come into existence otherwise(whether by spontaneous generation, abiogenesis or biological evolution).
It does not have to supply the identity of the Designer(s) or his/their possible origins. That's the realm of philosophy.
At 1:51 AM,
Shazzbot said…
"Human Intelligence, in contrast finds it hard to produce self-replicating things"
That's true. It finds it hard. But it CAN,eventually. I mean, the creationist biochemist Fazale Rana had created a living cell in his lab, but it took a lot of work. A lot of it.
This is not an argument against intelligent design. In fact,if ID is true, this argument will simply let us invoke that the Designer(s) must have intelligence far exceeding that of human beings.
"Human designers cannot produce a giraffe"
Yes , they can, but in the future. They just need more time and knowledge, much more, to do so. The design of life is absolutely magnificent , extremely complex and interdependent. It would take a master Designer (or a team of master Designers) to create that.
Or, if they have intelligence levels similar to ours, they'd just take a lot of time and resources, but I'm betting more on the former.
At 6:13 AM,
Joe G said…
Thanks again JR.
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