Intelligent Reasoning

Promoting, advancing and defending Intelligent Design via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning and exposing the alleged theory of evolution as the nonsense it is. I also educate evotards about ID and the alleged theory of evolution one tard at a time and sometimes in groups

Friday, March 28, 2014

Allan Miller and Richie Hughes Liars or Ignorant? Notes from TSZ

Allan Miller spews:

 Yet you insist, at the same time, that there was massive speciation after the ark, to expand the ‘kinds’. This is common descent.
If we find your DNA at a crime scene, you will be incriminated by Common Descent evidence.
Bullshit. He goes on to spew more bullshit:

 Yet you insist, at the same time, that there was massive speciation after the ark, to expand the ‘kinds’. This is common descent.

Not in the way you mean "common descent". It is common descent in the same way humans giving rise to humans is common descent.

But I know you don’t care about the ludicrous inconsistencies in your position.
Your ignorance does not = inconsistencies in Robert's position.

Common Design can only explain the patterns if it involves deceit  
Wrong again. Common design is an observed phenomena. OTOH Common Descent has NEVER been observed and can't even be tested.

So here is Allan Miller overselling his position and ignorantly flailing away at Common Design.

Now for Richie:

By remaining skeptical, we enable better explanatory models to come forward and allow sufficiently good models to re-affirm themselves. Science itself is skeptical, holding findings provisionally – and also surviving experimental disconfirmation is also a form of skepticism, requiring the hypothesis to actually deliver.
What a total crock of bullshit. Richie's position can't even muster a model. It can't muster testable hypotheses and it can't deliver anything.

Proponents of materialism and evolutionism are not and cannot be skeptics as they accept total bullshit as reality.


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