keiths, STILL a Lying Piece-of-Shit Asshole
keiths is a fucking liar and coward. He is too afraid to come here even though my blog is open to him. Now he spews more lies and flase accusations:
You are making the same mistakes again and again.
Fuck you. YOU are a liar and a moron.
And as I said one set will ALWAYS be greater than the other- always and forever, for infinity even.
“Always” means “at every point in time”. Every point in time is finite. Infinity is not a point.Every point in time FOREVER. Infinity is a journey you ignorant ass.
At every finite point in time, the Joe Train will have picked up roughly twice as many natural numbers as positive even integers. So what? You can’t generalize that result to infinity, because infinity is not a point. The train will never reach it.AGAIN, one set will ALWAYS be greater than the other- for INFINITY you dickless wonder.
You also have some very odd ideas about time and sets.Coming from you that is meaningless drivel.
You seem to think that finite sets, if they are growing and will never stop growing, are already infinite.
Nope. That thought never crossed my mind. YOU are just a strawman creating coward.
You also seem unable to think about infinite sets in non-temporal terms.
LoL! YOU seem to think that your lies and false accusations actually mean something.
The set of natural numbers is static, Joe. All of the numbers are already there. The set is not growing, and there is no “current largest element” in it.olegt said that infinity is a journey. Obvioulsy you disagree with him and every other knowledgeable mathematician. Perhaps you should learn what infinity is. It ain't a destination, it's a journey.
And for FSM’s sake, set theory is a branch of mathematics, not physics.LoL! That is your "argument"?
Cantor’s ignorance of relativity does not invalidate his work in the slightest, except in your fevered imagination.Cantor's "work" wrt infinite and countable sets is total useless nonsense.