Evolutionary Math Meets Magic
Fitness equations? Dice? Meet reality:
Estimate of the Mutation Rate per Nucleotide in Humans-
40 offspring just for 2 to survive and maintain the population at constant size.
But that doesn't fit narrative so add some magical synergistic epistasis
But that ain't the point- the point is fitness. Evotards have their equations and their dice and they tell us how fitness can constantly increase. How "selection" can drive this increase. But when we look at reality we find papers like the one linked to above. Papers that say we should be extinct, but obviously we ain't so we will make something up , ie synergistic epistasis, and hope we find evidence for it some day.
Well evotards, keep playing with your dice, your meaningless equations and yourselves. It is all you have and to you it means something.
Fitness equations? Dice? Meet reality:
Estimate of the Mutation Rate per Nucleotide in Humans-
40 offspring just for 2 to survive and maintain the population at constant size.
But that doesn't fit narrative so add some magical synergistic epistasis
But that ain't the point- the point is fitness. Evotards have their equations and their dice and they tell us how fitness can constantly increase. How "selection" can drive this increase. But when we look at reality we find papers like the one linked to above. Papers that say we should be extinct, but obviously we ain't so we will make something up , ie synergistic epistasis, and hope we find evidence for it some day.
Well evotards, keep playing with your dice, your meaningless equations and yourselves. It is all you have and to you it means something.
At 11:06 AM,
Rich Hughes said…
"...175 mutations per diploid genome per generation."
Clearly dice are not modeling Humans, Joe. Have fun with playing with your strawman.
At 3:38 PM,
Joe G said…
Clearly dice are not modeling anything pertaining to evolution- hence they are a strawman.
And clearly your position is total bullshit.
At 3:49 PM,
Rich Hughes said…
heritable differential selection.
What modeling have you done? - oh right, "Mr fridge fixit Calendar, 1974"!
At 8:40 AM,
Joe G said…
Nice just make up a new phrase- "heritable differential selection"- and hope no one notices.
Geez RichTard are you really that stupid/ ignorant?
Thanks for proving my point-> that your position is total bullshit.
What modeling have evotards done? Artificial selection of dice. Right mr evotard head up your ass...
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