Another EvoTard and Another Ignorant Attack on Intelligent Design
Ogre MKV has a blog from which he attacks Intelligent Design- well a straw man/ cartoon version of Intelligent Design- this person(?) is as ignorant as OM and RichTard. These assholes really think their ignorance is meaningful discourse.
In one post Ogre sez:
Wrong- ID is not anti-evolution.
In another post he spews:
Wrong again asshole. IDists freely admit mere complexity can arise without intelligence.
And here is the moron's challenge to IDists:
Total bullshit. EvoTards can't even demonstrate blind watchmaker-type processes can string together tha many nucleotides! But anyway that challenge doesn't have nything to do with ID- Ogre is just an ignorant troll.
The interweb is a wonderful place- it gives anonymous ignorant morons like Ogre MKV a place to spew its ignorance. It is amazing that he has the capability to use the intertubes though...
Dtay tuned for more of Ogre's ignorant spewage- it should be very entertaining...
Ogre MKV has a blog from which he attacks Intelligent Design- well a straw man/ cartoon version of Intelligent Design- this person(?) is as ignorant as OM and RichTard. These assholes really think their ignorance is meaningful discourse.
In one post Ogre sez:
Intelligent Design, that nebulous concept that supporters think will remove evolution from the classroom, is useless.
Wrong- ID is not anti-evolution.
In another post he spews:
Intelligent Design proponents suggest that complexity cannot exist without intelligence.
Wrong again asshole. IDists freely admit mere complexity can arise without intelligence.
And here is the moron's challenge to IDists:
The challenge is thus: I have provided a sequence of about 975 nucleotides that are known to be designed (because a human designed them). In addition, I have provided a sequence of random nucleotides of approximately the same length. It would be child’s play to modify this to proteins or RNA or even just strings of numbers. The two sequences are presented side-by-side (depending on the forum). Can ID proponents distinguish between the two?
Total bullshit. EvoTards can't even demonstrate blind watchmaker-type processes can string together tha many nucleotides! But anyway that challenge doesn't have nything to do with ID- Ogre is just an ignorant troll.
The interweb is a wonderful place- it gives anonymous ignorant morons like Ogre MKV a place to spew its ignorance. It is amazing that he has the capability to use the intertubes though...
Dtay tuned for more of Ogre's ignorant spewage- it should be very entertaining...
At 1:45 PM,
Human Ape said…
Everyone knows "intelligent design" are fancy code words that dishonest Christians use when they really mean "The Magic Man did it."
You invoke magic to solve scientific problems and you call biologists "EvoTards". Why are you afraid of biology?
At 1:54 PM,
Joe G said…
Human Ape:
Everyone knows "intelligent design" are fancy code words that dishonest Christians use when they really mean "The Magic Man did it."
You mean all evotards "know" that.
Unfortunately for you ID has nothing to do with Christianity and your position relies on magical mystery mutations
BTW I love biology- the more we know the better ID looks!
But anyway thanks for the projection and ognorant spewage.
At 2:00 PM,
Human Ape said…
Elsewhere on your blog you wrote "I happen to know that ID does not require a belief in 'God'."
OK. Then can you please answer this simple question:
Who is the designer?
I will not be impressed if you say "It doesn't matter" or "I don't know" or "Maybe it was an alien".
Can you answer my question honestly? I doubt it.
One more thing. Biologists never invoke a god or a designer or any other magician. That's the difference between science and your pseudo-science.
At 7:17 PM,
Joe G said…
Honestly I don't know who the designer is and honestly I don't give a shit if you are unimpressed.
Human Ape:
One more thing. Biologists never invoke a god or a designer or any other magician.
Right and they cannot account for biological organisms nor their diversity. Evolutionary biologists rely heavily on magical mystery mutations, just as I said.
So I have a thread about an evotard being ignorantly attacking ID and another evotard shows up to give it some company.
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