Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity
As medical doctors we are skeptical of the claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the origination and complexity of life and we therefore dissent from Darwinian macroevolution as a viable theory. This does not imply the endorsement of any alternative theory.
Sadly, academic freedom is no longer assured in America and other countries. This is especially true when it involves espousing views contrary to the theory of Darwinian macroevolution. Numerous instances have been documented where scientists and teachers have been censored and even removed from their positions for facilitating open discussion of the empirical problems of the dominant theory. In fact, one scientist who simply followed procedures in allowing a controversial article to be peer-reviewed and then published in the journal he edited, was publicly vilified and relentlessly persecuted.[1]
As academia has suppressed freedom of speech in this area, another avenue needs to be available to promote accurate knowledge and the free exchange of ideas concerning the debate over Darwinism and alternative theories on origins. To accomplish that goal, Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity (PSSI) has been established. PSSI is a means for physicians and surgeons to be counted among those skeptical of nature-driven Darwinian macroevolution. PSSI members agree to a “Physicians and Surgeons’ Statement of Dissent” which states "We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the origination and complexity of life and we therefore dissent from Darwinian macroevolution as a viable theory. This does not imply the endorsement of any alternative theory.” This statement is similar to that signed by over 500 scientists worldwide and posted by Discovery Institute at the web site
Allowing physicians and surgeons to speak on this subject with a united voice in significant numbers is one of the best ways to let the scientific facts be known, and to dispel falsehoods, innuendoes, fantasies, and distortions that recently have been flooding the media.
Any person with an M.D., D. O., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M. or equivalent may become a member of PSSI. There is no cost to become a member, and agnostics or members of any religious faith are welcome. Information provided to PSSI by its members beyond their name, medical specialty and city of residence will be kept strictly confidential. To join PSSI, click here and complete the simple application. You will be notified via e-mail of your inclusion on the members’ list.
Each new member will be provided, at no cost, a copy of the superb video, Unlocking the Mystery of Life [2] (UMOL). UMOL has been shown nationally in the United States by the Public Broadcasting System and is being translated into numerous languages, many of which are completed, including Bulgarian, Burmese, Cantonese, Catalan, Czech, Japanese, Khmer, Mandarin, Spanish and Russian.
PSSI will be involved in activities and events to educate the public on this critical subject. These include the distribution of the UMOL DVD to high school and college students, teachers and professors, and sponsoring educational conferences, seminars and debates in the United States and internationally.
As medical doctors we are skeptical of the claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the origination and complexity of life and we therefore dissent from Darwinian macroevolution as a viable theory. This does not imply the endorsement of any alternative theory.
Sadly, academic freedom is no longer assured in America and other countries. This is especially true when it involves espousing views contrary to the theory of Darwinian macroevolution. Numerous instances have been documented where scientists and teachers have been censored and even removed from their positions for facilitating open discussion of the empirical problems of the dominant theory. In fact, one scientist who simply followed procedures in allowing a controversial article to be peer-reviewed and then published in the journal he edited, was publicly vilified and relentlessly persecuted.[1]
As academia has suppressed freedom of speech in this area, another avenue needs to be available to promote accurate knowledge and the free exchange of ideas concerning the debate over Darwinism and alternative theories on origins. To accomplish that goal, Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity (PSSI) has been established. PSSI is a means for physicians and surgeons to be counted among those skeptical of nature-driven Darwinian macroevolution. PSSI members agree to a “Physicians and Surgeons’ Statement of Dissent” which states "We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the origination and complexity of life and we therefore dissent from Darwinian macroevolution as a viable theory. This does not imply the endorsement of any alternative theory.” This statement is similar to that signed by over 500 scientists worldwide and posted by Discovery Institute at the web site
Allowing physicians and surgeons to speak on this subject with a united voice in significant numbers is one of the best ways to let the scientific facts be known, and to dispel falsehoods, innuendoes, fantasies, and distortions that recently have been flooding the media.
Any person with an M.D., D. O., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M. or equivalent may become a member of PSSI. There is no cost to become a member, and agnostics or members of any religious faith are welcome. Information provided to PSSI by its members beyond their name, medical specialty and city of residence will be kept strictly confidential. To join PSSI, click here and complete the simple application. You will be notified via e-mail of your inclusion on the members’ list.
Each new member will be provided, at no cost, a copy of the superb video, Unlocking the Mystery of Life [2] (UMOL). UMOL has been shown nationally in the United States by the Public Broadcasting System and is being translated into numerous languages, many of which are completed, including Bulgarian, Burmese, Cantonese, Catalan, Czech, Japanese, Khmer, Mandarin, Spanish and Russian.
PSSI will be involved in activities and events to educate the public on this critical subject. These include the distribution of the UMOL DVD to high school and college students, teachers and professors, and sponsoring educational conferences, seminars and debates in the United States and internationally.
At 9:33 AM,
Zachriel said…
A few points:
* Doctors are not scientists.
* PSSI lists only twenty members.
* Not one is named Steve.
At 9:32 AM,
Joe G said…
Medical doctors can be scientists. They have to know biology and chemistry (at a minimum)
Not one "Steve" can provide any data that demonstrtaes that bacteria can "evolve" into something other than bacteria.
At 10:48 AM,
Zachriel said…
joe g: "Medical doctors can be scientists."
Sure can plumbers, but they usually aren't. Medical doctors are practitioners.
joe g: "Not one 'Steve' can provide any data that demonstrtaes that bacteria can 'evolve' into something other than bacteria."
Not one 'Steve' asserts that bacterial strawmen should evolve into something else in front of your eyes. If they did, it would be evidence against the current Theory of Evolution.
At 8:06 AM,
Joe G said…
Let's see:
Fact- medical doctors can (scientists) be and usually do scientific research
Fact- medical doctors have to understand biology and chemistry (at a minimum) in order to do their job correctly.
Fact- evolution involves biology & chemistry
therefor medical doctors' opinions on biology & chemistry is very relevant.
joe g: "Not one 'Steve' can provide any data that demonstrtaes that bacteria can 'evolve' into something other than bacteria."
Not one 'Steve' asserts that bacterial strawmen should evolve into something else in front of your eyes.
I never implied such a thing. Why is it that you have to twist reality in order to attempt a rebuttal?
If they did, it would be evidence against the current Theory of Evolution.
That is nothing but an assertion. Evo-devo is nothing more than "hopeful monsters" revistited. Yet that is what is being pushed be you and your ilk.
At 1:48 PM,
Zachriel said…
joe g: "Fact- medical doctors can (scientists) be and usually do scientific research"
Not correct. Most medical doctors do not do scientific research.
joe g: "Fact- medical doctors have to understand biology and chemistry (at a minimum) in order to do their job correctly."
Medical doctors do have an applied knowledge of biology and chemistry per their vocation.
joe g: "therefor medical doctors' opinions on biology & chemistry is very relevant."
When speaking outside their specialty, medical doctors can be considered informed laypersons.
Still no Steve's on the list. The Steve-o-Meter is up to 781! And they are all working scientists.
At 3:35 PM,
Joe G said…
Most, if not all, medical doctors have done scientific research. They all know what scientific research entails.
BTW applied biology & chemistry is really all that matters. It IS what can be empirically and experimentally verified. It IS what the scientific method is all about.
Still no Steve's with any data that would demonstrate bacteria can "evolve" into anything but bacteria NOR any data that demonstrates bacteria without a flagellum can "evolve" into bacteria with a flagellum.
Perhaps they should stop signing petitions and actually find a way to objectively test their drivel.
At 5:01 PM,
Zachriel said…
joe g: "Most, if not all, medical doctors have done scientific research. They all know what scientific research entails."
No, joe g. Most medical doctors are not scientists. They do not generally apply the scientific method. There are notable exceptions, but when it comes to science, most medical doctors are just interested laypersons.
joe g: "BTW applied biology & chemistry is really all that matters. It IS what can be empirically and experimentally verified. It IS what the scientific method is all about."
Sorry, but science is more than the consistent replication of what is already known. It includes a process of developing hypotheses in order to extend human knowledge.
At 10:09 AM,
Joe G said…
joe g: "Most, if not all, medical doctors have done scientific research. They all know what scientific research entails."
No, joe g. Most medical doctors are not scientists.
Zach demonstrates he can't even read- or can read but can't comprehend what he just read.
Most, if not all, medical doctors, have conducted scientific research and have conducted scientific experiments. That is a fact.
They do not generally apply the scientific method.
They do just about every day. That is how they figure out what is wrong and how to treat it.
Hypotheses that cannot be objectively tested nor verified to not add to our knowledge.
At 1:39 PM,
Zachriel said…
joe g: "That is how they figure out what is wrong and how to treat it."
Not to oversimplify the good work of medical doctors, they generally do not experiment on patients. They match symptoms with known causes and apply known remedies.
When experimentation on patients occurs, it is under specially controlled circumstances.
At 10:28 AM,
Joe G said…
Not to oversimplify the good work of medical doctors, they generally do not experiment on patients.
LoL! THAT is all evolutionists do- oversimplify! Doctors have to run tests on patients to figure out what is wrong.
1) Patient comes in
2) Doc has a looksie
3) Doc forms an opinion (hypothesis)
4) Doc runs tests that will confirm or refute his intial opinion
5) Test results provide the data for a response
They match symptoms with known causes and apply known remedies.
Spoken like someone with zero knowledge of what medical doctors really do. Thanks for sharing your ignorance.
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