Proof that Joshua Swamidass is Clueless
Moar Proof that Joshua Swamidass is helplessly clueless::
Secondly, the thing about CSI is to determine is an intelligent agency produced it or did nature do it? That said, if someone saw those sequences carved into a cave wall they would rightly infer an intelligent agency did it. No one would ever think nature could carve any of those sequences via erosion or what have you.
With DNA we OBSERVE functionality via the formation of functioning proteins. That functionality has a sequence specificity. Meaning not just any sequence will produce that functioning protein. So we have an observation of functionality. Next we want to know how it came to be that way. That is where ID comes in.
And it still remains that to refute any given design inference all one has to do is step up and demonstrate that blind and mindless processes can account for what ID says was intelligently designed.
This challenge has nothing to do with calculating CSI.
This challenge is about guessing which sequence has an encrypted message.
Moar Proof that Joshua Swamidass is helplessly clueless::
DUMBASS! First off science is not a parlor game. You must be an infant, Joshua.
Good luck, and share this widely in your networks.
Secondly, the thing about CSI is to determine is an intelligent agency produced it or did nature do it? That said, if someone saw those sequences carved into a cave wall they would rightly infer an intelligent agency did it. No one would ever think nature could carve any of those sequences via erosion or what have you.
With DNA we OBSERVE functionality via the formation of functioning proteins. That functionality has a sequence specificity. Meaning not just any sequence will produce that functioning protein. So we have an observation of functionality. Next we want to know how it came to be that way. That is where ID comes in.
And it still remains that to refute any given design inference all one has to do is step up and demonstrate that blind and mindless processes can account for what ID says was intelligently designed.
This challenge has nothing to do with calculating CSI.
This challenge is about guessing which sequence has an encrypted message.
At 4:44 AM,
JV said…
But the question is: can you figure out how much CSI each sequence has? Dr Dembski's metric claimed it theoretically could be determined so . . . can you do it?
At 9:13 AM,
Joe G said…
Again, only a jackass thinks that science is a parlor game. Thanks for proving that you are a jackass.
CSI is not the only tool that is used to determine if design exists. And I don't need CSI in this scenario, as I have already explained.
And I doubt Dembski said his metric pertained to parlor games. You are lying.
At 11:02 AM,
JV said…
If you can't compute the amount of CSI then you can't. Just thought I'd ask.
At 12:15 PM,
Joe G said…
This challenge has nothing to do with computing CSI. The only reason you ask is because you, too, are ignorant of the concept.
At 5:20 AM,
JV said…
The challenge is exactly that. He's trying to show you up by implying you cannot figure out how much CSI is in the sequences he provided.
If you don't do it he'll claim victory. It's that simple.
Personally I wonder how he determined the amount of CSI in each sequence.
At 9:11 AM,
Joe G said…
You must be willfully ignorant or just plain stupid. There isn't any CSI in any of his sequences.
He did not determine the amount of CSI in each sequence because not one of his sequences contains CSI.
The challenge has NOTHING to do with computing CSI.
The challenge pertains to who can guess which sequence has an encrypted message.
Again, your willful ignorance and stupidity, while amusing, mean nothing here.
At 9:17 AM,
JV said…
The challenge pertains to who can guess which sequence has an encrypted message.
Well, that's not what he says in what you reproduced.
I think he's trying to make you look stupid by making it look like you can't determine the amount of CSI in some swquences.
And, as I said, I'm not sure how he would have determined the amount of CSI. What is his definition of CSI?
At 9:23 AM,
Joe G said…
Wow. You inability to think, while amusing, is a bit annoying.
I don't care what he says. I only care what it really is.
The point is Joshua Swamidass is ignorant of ID and its claims. He made himself look stupid by posting his stupidity.
At 9:53 AM,
JV said…
The point is Joshua Swamidass is ignorant of ID and its claims. He made himself look stupid by posting his stupidity.
I'll leave you to fight it out with him; I was just saying what I think he's trying to do.
At 10:24 AM,
Joe G said…
LoL! I know what he is trying to do. He FAILed, miserably.
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