Intelligent Reasoning

Promoting, advancing and defending Intelligent Design via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning and exposing the alleged theory of evolution as the nonsense it is. I also educate evotards about ID and the alleged theory of evolution one tard at a time and sometimes in groups

Monday, October 20, 2014

Is keiths Ignorant of Baseball Too?

keiths is an ignorant ass who loves to spew nonsense as if it is meaningful. When it was pointed out that fitness wrt biology is a tautology- fitness is based on reproductive success*- keiths brings up baseball and chokes:

The best hitters are the best hitters. That’s a tautology. Does that mean that batting averages are meaningless? Of course not.
Batting averages are not meaningless but they are only part of the equation. The best hitters are the ones with the highest on base percentage (OBP). That means the best hitters are patient.

Teams would rather have a guy with a batting average of .275 and an OBP of  .450, than to have a guy with a batting average of .325 and an OBP of .350.

* The fittest leave the most offspring and fitness is based on reproductive success.


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