Intelligent Reasoning

Promoting, advancing and defending Intelligent Design via data, logic and Intelligent Reasoning and exposing the alleged theory of evolution as the nonsense it is. I also educate evotards about ID and the alleged theory of evolution one tard at a time and sometimes in groups

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Universal Descent with Variation?

UK Jerad, the evo troll, said the following:
The major processes are universal descent with variation, natural selection, sexual selection, genetic drift and quite a few others all of which are easily found described in any good evolution textbook.
Let's look at these, one at a time:
  1. Universal Descent with Variation- a) too vague; b) nothing to do with blind and mindless processes; c) Variation to what, exactly? No one can say.
  2. Natural selection- a) a mere process of elimination and not of actual selection; b) nothing more than contingent serendipity; c) impotent with respect to universal common descent
  3. Sexual selection- a) Is a universal common descent stopper; b) is unaccountable for via blind an mindless processes
  4. Genetic drift- a) Is not said to be a constructive mechanism; b) Also impotent with respect to universal common descent
Not one mechanism mentioned in any evolution textbook has been shown to be capable of producing new body parts and new body plans. Not one mechanism mentioned in any evolutionary textbook can produce eukaryotes from populations of bacteria. And not one mechanism mentioned in any evolutionary textbook has been shown to be capable of producing the genetic toolkits required for developmental biology.

"Theory of evolution"? It doesn't exist because of the above. Evos don't have the faintest idea what evolutionary processes can do. Theirs is nothing but faith and wishful thinking.


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